45 rue des Saints Pères 75006 Paris
David Paltiel, Professeur à la Yale School of Public Health et en accueil à SciencesPo (LIEPP) fera une présentation intitulée
« Coût-efficacité des soins VIH : Comment comprendre la notion de valeur dans un monde aux ressources limitées ? »
Background :
Resource-limited nations must consider their response to potential contractions in international support for HIV programs.
Objective :
To evaluate the clinical, epidemiologic, and budgetary consequences of alternative HIV program scale-back strategies in 2 recipient nations, the Republic of South Africa (RSA) and Côte d’Ivoire (CI).
Design :
Model-based comparison between current standard (CD4 count at presentation of 0.260 × 109 cells/L, universal antiretroviral therapy [ART] eligibility, and 5-year retention rate of 84%) and scale-back alternatives, including reduced HIV detection, no ART or delayed initiation (when CD4 count is <0.350>
; for similar economic savings, certain programmatic scale-back choices result in less harm than others.