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Parution de la Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales, vol. 35 n° 1&2 (2019)

Asia Pacific Migration :

This special issue of the European Review of International Migration (REMI) is about migration in Asia and the Pacific. Indeed, it is not feasible, within the limits of a dossier, to provide information on the whole of Asia or to systematically compare the major sub-regions of the Asian continent. The major fact that makes it impossible to identify characteristics common to the whole of Asia is the extraordinary heterogeneity of this immense continent and the complexities of its migratory movements. The contributions to this issue have one element in common, however, and that is to discuss migration from an intra-regional perspective, i.e. flows within Asia and the Pacific, and thus highlight the existence of intra-regional migration corridors and their respective specificities. What is true in regard to complex interrelationships in the economic, social, political, cultural, religious and ethnic fields is also true in the field of migration.

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Nicola Piper and Yves Charbit, Editorial : Migration in Asia and the Pacific

Maruja M. B. Asis, Nicola Piper and Parvati Raghuram, From Asia to the World : “Regional” Contributions to Global Migration Research

Johan Lindquist and Biao Xiang, Space of Mediation. Labour Migration, Intermediaries and the State in Indonesia and China since the Nineteenth Century

Alice M. Nah, The Ambiguous Authority of a “Surrogate State” : UNHCR’s Negotiation of Asylum in the Complexities of Migration in Southeast Asia

Peter McDonald, Migration to Australia : From Asian Exclusion to Asian Predominance

John Connell, Contracting Margins ? Liquid International Migration in the Pacific

Olivier Leservoisier, L’association Pulaar Speaking à la croisée des chemins. Dynamiques migratoires et débats autour du sens à donner à l’action communautaire au sein du collectif migrant haalpulaaren (Mauritanie, Sénégal) aux États-Unis

Cécile Navarro, « Le soldat n’a pas fui, il est parti chercher de la force » : explorer les imaginaires migratoires à l’aune des carrières artistiques dans le rap au Sénégal

Dominique Vidal, Financiarisation du social et formes d’appartenance. Les émigrants portugais en France et la crise de 2008

Elsa Vigneau, Securitization Theory and the Relationship between Discourse and Context : A Study of Securitized Migration in the Canadian Press, 1998-2015

Ildikó Zakariás, Othering and Recognition : National Ideologies in Donor-Recipient Encounters in Hungarian Co-Ethnic Philanthropy
Chronique juridique

Mary Crock, Refugee Protection in Australia : Policies and Practice

Visitez le site Internet de la REMI


Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales (REMI)
Université de Poitiers
MSHS – Bâtiment A5 – 5, rue Théodore Lefebvre – TSA 21103
86073 Poitiers cedex 9 – France
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