Jacques Gaillard est coéditeur avec Anne-Marie Gaillard and V.V. Krishna
du numéro spécial de la revue Science Technology & Society (STS), intitulé « Return from Migration and Circulation of Highly Educated People : The Never Ending Brain Drain » ,
Special Issue :Volume 20 Issue 3, pp. 269-449, November 2015"
Table des matières
Introduction : Return from Migration and Circulation of Highly Educated People : The Never-ending Brain Drain J. Gaillard, A.-M. Gaillard and V.V. Krishna
The Reversed Brain Drain : A Mixed-method Study of the Reversed Migration of Chinese Overseas Scientists Xiao Lu and Wenxia Zhang
Trends in Brain Drain, Gain and Circulation : Indian Experience of Knowledge Workers Jaspertap Singh and V.V. Krishna
International Stays Abroad, Collaborations and the Return of Spanish Researchers Inés Andújar, Carolina Cañibano and Ana Fernandez-Zubieta
Why Do South Korea’s Scientists and Engineers Delay Returning Home ? Renewed Brain Drain in the New Millennium Hah Zoong Song and Emily Song
Mobility of the Highly Skilled—Towards a Non-racial South Africa Michael Kahn
Building Science Community by Attracting Global Talents : The Case of Singapore Biopolis V.V. Krishna and Sohan Prasad Sha
Return Migration of Highly Skilled Scientists and Engineers to Morocco : Return or Circulation ? Anne-Marie Gaillard and Jacques Gaillard
Country Report
Mapping the Return of Argentine Researchers Paola Bayle