Thèse de sociologie préparée par Mohammad Javed ALAM sous la direction de Mathieu QUET à l’université l’Université de Paris.
PhD Abstract
The project encompasses programs and initiatives in India that target citizens who are not yet part of the formal financial and banking system, in order to improve their access to financial services. These programs come under Financial Inclusion and considered as a pillar of development and growth. The policies changes by the government, participation of giant corporations and role played by the technology and new challenges upon actors, technology and knowledge are the concernes of the study.
Financial Inclusion, Digital Technologies, Développent.
Geographical Area
- Début : 2019
- Fin : 2025
- Axe 3 Savoirs et Marchés au Sud : éducation, technosciences et culture
- Inde
- Économie du développement
- Gouvernance
- Monde rural
- TIC (technologie de l’information et de la communication)
- Asie