Thèse de Sante Publique, préparée par ALEMU Hanamariam Seyoum sous la direction de DESGRÉES du LOÛ Annabel et la co direction de GUIDI Pierre à l’Université Paris Cité
Résumé du projet de thèse
Cervical and breast cancer are the main cancers of the female reproductive system identified as the most prevalent and deadly cancers affecting women worldwide. These cancers further affect women in middle and low-income countries disproportionately where the burden of cancer among poor countries is exacerbated with fragile health systems and low policy implementation capacity.
Ethiopia, a Sub-Saharan African country with limited health infrastructure is challenged by increasing incidence of breast and cervical cancer cases as the first and second most common cancers among women where 90% of the cases result in death.
The high burden of breast and cervical cancers in Ethiopia is attributed to multiple factors including limited resources and facilities catering to cancer care needs ; limitations related to a gender sensitive implementation of the health policy ; limited awareness of the illnesses ; limited access to preventive and early detection measures ; as well as lack of a timely and accessible treatment services.
The above limitations are further exacerbated by socio-cultural factors, where the roles and value given to women in Ethiopia in general and to health of women in particular hampers their access to equitable care and services.
This research aims to explore the juncture between women’s access to health, gender relations and the influence of policy towards attaining a gender sensitive, equitable and socially just health system by taking an in-depth look into the experiences and perspectives of women living with cervical cancer in Ethiopia, and their access to the required health care and services.
Ethiopia, breast cancer, cervical cancer, gender sensitive, health care, access to health service, social justice
Zone géographique
- Début de la thèse : 2024
- Date prévue de soutenance : 2027
- Axe 1 Santé mondiale : crises, politiques, interventions
- Éthiopie
- Circulation des savoirs
- Conflit
- Culture
- Dépistage
- Développement durable
- Développement local
- Discrimination
- Droit
- Dynamiques familiales
- Économie du développement
- Fécondité
- Genre
- Hépatites virales
- Inégalités scolaires
- Inégalités
- Médicament / Traitement
- Ménage
- Méthodologie
- Mobilité
- Monde rural
- Mondialisation / Internationalisation
- Mortalité
- Normes
- Nuptialité
- Parenté
- Patrimoine
- Pauvreté
- Peuplement
- Planification familiale / Contraception
- Prévention
- Protection sociale
- Rapports Nord-Sud
- Religion
- Représentations
- Réseaux
- Ressources
- Santé de la reproduction
- Santé publique
- Savoirs
- Sécurité et développement
- Transmission des savoirs
- Urbanisation
- VIH/Sida
- Vulnérabilité
- Afrique sub-saharienne