2016 • 21-22 Janvier

The Transformation of Research in the South : policies and outcomes

How countries support public scientific research has a direct bearing on the capability of researchers to generate scientific knowledge, and of organizations to adapt or apply such knowledge. While many countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America are characterized by weak scientific capacity, there are signs of change in how governments support research and promote science.
In this dynamic context, some evident signs of change include the emergence of new or restructured organizations to steer public research or promote innovation ; new programmatic directions within such organizations ; increased funding dedicated to research in academic settings ; and, new domestic and international partnerships seeking to expand participation in and application of research. A multiplicity of organizations and funding sources have appeared, creating a complex web where resources circulate with knowledge in ways that are reshaping research systems in the South.
This Conference seeks to better understand the institutional, political and economic conditions driving these changes ; their consequences in terms of building scientific capacity and the broader application of results from scientific research ; and, the lessons for public policy. Panels and speakers will address specific case studies and comparative analysis of on-going changes, in specific research performing organizations and in the wider research system.

International Conference : The Transformation of Research in the South : policies and outcomes

Acts published by Editions des Archives contemporaines :
The Transformation of Research in the South : policies and outcomes

21 and 22 January, 2016 (OECD Headquarters)


Developing research policy frameworks
national or supranational experiences in developing scientific research policy frameworks, designing new or reforming existing institutions, and evaluations of those policies or institutions.

Strengthening academic research
the research capacity of the university sector, and tensions arising from prioritizing specific domains, topics and disciplines. Research in response to shifts in national policy or university governance.

Expanding public and private participation in research
emerging forms of participation, evaluation of such modalities, and their broader impact on shaping research.

Assessing research performance and impact
metrics, frameworks and approaches for tracking, measuring and evaluating research performance and diverse types of impact.

Transnational cooperation in research
actual dynamics and effects of international collaborations, as well as new developments in South-South, or triangular research cooperation.


Keynote Speech : Yanuar Nugroho, Deputy Chief of Staff for Development Monitoring and Oversight of Priority Programmes, Executive Office of the President, Republic Indonesia

10:30-11:00 Coffee break
Thursday 21 January – Morning (Continued)
11:00-12:30 Plenary ROOM C

Chair Jean-Marc Chataîgner

Research policy in Arab countries : international cooperation, competitive calls, and career incentives
Rigas Arvanitis (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, France)
Sari Hanafi (American University of Beirut, Lebanon)
Bruce Currie-Alder (International Development Research Centre, Canada)

Science-granting councils in Sub-Saharan Africa : A typology of diverse science funding configurations
Johann Mouton (Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology at Stellenbosch University, South Africa)

Contexts of production, circulation and use of social research in South American low and middle income countries : a comparative study of Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru
María Balarin (Group for the Analysis of Development, Perú)
Ignacio González, Fernando Masi (Centro de Análisis y Difusión de la Economía Paraguaya, Paraguay)
Natalia Peres (ARU Foundation, Bolivia)
Belén Servín (Centro de Análisis y Difusión de la Economía Paraguaya, Paraguay)
Miguel Vera (ARU Foundation, Bolivia)

Developing and implementing a research and innovation policy framework in a country in transition –Vietnam’s experience
Nguyen Thi Thu Oanh (Vietnam Science & Technology Evaluation Center, Vietnam)
Michael Braun (Vietnamese- German University, Vietnam)

12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30 ROOM D (Plenary)

Panel 1 : (continued) Research policy frameworks
Evolution of science policy research in South Africa – “plus ça change …”

Michael Kahn (Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology, South Africa)

Évolution récentes des politiques pour les sciences au Mexique : entre inerties institutionnelles et nouvelles pratiques en biotechnologie
Daniel Villavicencio (Posgrado en Economia y Gestión de la Innovación, UAM- Xochimilco, Mexico)
Alberto Morales (Facultad de Economia, UNAM, Mexico)
Marcela Amaro (UAM-Xochimilco, Mexico)

Instruments shaping the policy design : the case of the focalised policies of the Plan Argentina Innovadora 2020
Ana Pereyra (Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, Argentina)
Solange Romina Martinez Demarco (Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, Argentina)

14:30-15:00 Coffee break
Thursday, 21 January afternoon (continued)
15:00-16:15 Parallel Panels (Rooms D and E)
15:00-16:15 ROOM E

Panel 2 : Strengthening academic research
Strengthening innovation and development research in African universities : the case of AfricaLics
Anna Kingiri, Rebecca Hanlin (AfricaLics Secretariat, African Centre for Technology Studies, Kenya)
Margrethe Holm Andersen (Globelics Secretariat, Aalborg University, Denmark)
Aschalew Tigabu (AfricaLics Secretariat, African Centre for Technology Studies, Kenya)

Institutional restructuring in South Africa : A case study on the centralization of research to influence policy and practice
Harsha Dayal (Department of Planning Monitoring and Evaluation, the Presidency, South Africa)

Have People’s Movements influenced Research Priorities in India ? Illustrative case studies
Padma Prakash (IRIS Knowledge Foundation, India)
Padma Deosthali-Bhate (Centre for Health and Allied Themes, India)
Sangeeta Rege (Centre for Health and Allied Themes, India)
15:00-16:15 ROOM D

Panel 3 : assessing research performance and impact (Room D)

Priority issues for evaluation research in Science Granting Councils – Sub Saharan Africa
Johann Mouton (Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology at Stellenbosch University, South Africa)

Research Evaluation in a Country in Transition - Experiences and Lessons from Vietnam
Michael Braun (Vietnamese- German University, Vietnam)

A Systemic Method for Assessing the Impacts of Agricultural Research for Development
Temple Ludovic, Barret Danièle, Dabat MH., Devaux-Sparatakis A., Faure G., Hainzelin Etienne, Mathé S., Toillier A., Triomphe B. (Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD), France)

Multidimensional evaluation framework for science, technology and innovation instruments : GEOPI Impact Evaluation Methodology
Paula Drummond de Castro, Sergio Salles-Filho (University of Campinas, Brazil)
Adriana Bin, Applied Science Faculty, University of Campinas (Brazil)
Nicholas Vonortas (George Washington University, USA)

16:15-16:30 Coffee Break
 Thursday, 21 January (Continued)
16:30-17:30 Parallel Panels (Rooms D and E)
16:30-17:30 ROOM E

Panel 2 continued : Strengthening academic research

Taking a leap of faith : How young scholars in four ASEAN countries forge ahead for successful research careers
Catherine Beaudry (École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada)

Promotion of transnational research in the South : scientific and political lessons from research on AIDS and hepatitis in Africa (Cameroun, Sénégal)
Fred Eboko (Institut de recherche pour le développement, France)
16:30-17:30 ROOM D

Panel 3 continued : assessing research performance and impact

Under-reporting research relevant to local needs in the global south. Database biases in the representation of knowledge on rice

Ismael Rafols (Ingenio CSIC-UPV, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain)
Tommaso Ciarli (Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex, UK)
Diego Chavarro (Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex, UK)

Managing research for Impact : Lessons from a decade of systems- informed evaluation
Zenda Ofir (University of Stellenbosch, South Africa)