Publications des membres du Ceped


  • Drabo Seydou, Ouattara Fatoumata, Baxerres Carine et Guillaume Agnès (2022) « Reproductive Health Governance: Availability and Professional Use of Misoprostol in Benin and Burkina Faso », Nordic Journal of African Studies, 31 (3), p. 224-244. DOI : 10.53228/njas.v31i3.926.
    Résumé : Misoprostol is effective not only for gastroenterology indications but also for reproductive health-related conditions and for the reduction of maternal mortality. The use of misoprostol is well documented in Latin America, where it is widely used for abortions. However, scant knowledge exists regarding its use in African contexts. In this study, we describe and analyse the conditions of the professional use of misoprostol in Benin and Burkina Faso. We ask the following questions: How accepted is misoprostol in Benin and Burkina Faso? What was the process leading to the official recognition of misoprostol in both countries? Which actors were involved in this process? How do health care workers perceive and use misoprostol in the context of care? Theoretically, we use the concepts ‘social life of medicine’ and ‘reproductive governance’ to analyse the position of misoprostol within the broader system of health policy, as well as its professional usage within the health care system. The fieldwork conducted in Benin and Burkina Faso highlights the conditions of the institutional acceptability of the drug and the logics underlying the use and non-use of misoprostol by health workers in both countries. The article highlights the social life of misoprostol by showing how the governance surrounding its use contributes to the development and cultivation of suspicions towards the drug among health care providers and institutional actors – suspicions that consequently restrict the availability of misoprostol as a medical therapeutic option.
    Mots-clés : ⚠️ Invalid DOI.


  • Thivent V., Guérin Isabelle, Roubaud François, Guilmoto Christophe Z., Razafindrakoto Mireille, Pilon Marc, Léglise Isabelle, Le Meur Pierre-Yves, Ouattara Fatoumata, Seignobos Christian, Chauveau Jean-Pierre, Léonard Eric, Guillaud Dominique, Froment Alain, Robin Nelly, Agier Michel, Bava Sophie, Desgrées du Loû Annabel, Gubert Flore, Delaporte Eric, Jourdain Gonzague, Dumont Alexandre, Trèche Serge, Berger Jacques, Traissac Pierre, Delaunay Valérie, Robert Vincent, Darriet Frédéric, Sokhna Cheikh, Cot Michel, Peeters Martine, Leroy Eric, Desclaux Alice, Hougard Jean-Marc, Paugy Didier, Boussinesq Michel, Solano Philippe, Missé Dorothée, Gouagna Louis-Clément, Lemesre Jean-Loup, Banuls Anne-Laure, Menkes Christophe, Mangeas Morgan, Sultan Benjamin, Condom Thomas, Gosset Marielle, Janicot Serge, Nocquet Jean-Mathieu, Le Pennec Jean-Luc, Hardy Sébastien, Charvis Philippe, Hello Yann, Bonnet Emmanuel, Strady Emilie, Point David, Ollivier Bernard, Biegala Isabelle, Feller Christian, Valentin Christian, Giraud Eric, Blanchart Eric, Montoroi Jean-Pierre, Cecchi Philippe, Albergel Jean, Vouillamoz Jean-Michel, Simonneaux Vincent, Boulet Gilles, Ruf Thierry, Michon Geneviève, Boutrais Jean-Baptiste, Emperaire Laure, Duponnois Robin, Boulanger Jean-Philippe, Hébrard Eugénie, Verdier Valérie, Szurek Boris, Le Rü Bruno, Calatayud Paul-André, Dangles Olivier, Aberlenc Frédérique, Roussos Sevastianos, Dobigny Gauthier, Legendre Marc, Gaertner Daniel, Chavance Pierre, Bach Pascal, Bertrand Arnaud, Vialard Jérôme, Merle Jacques, Voituriez Bruno, Bourles Bernard, Penven Pierrick, Lebel Thierry, Mahé Gil, Descroix Luc, Chevallier Pierre, Calmant Stéphane, Turcq Bruno, Favreau Adrien, Rajot Jean-Louis, Pélissier Rapha\¨el, Cury Philippe, Rodolfo-Metalpa Riccardo, Tricornot Hervé de, Simard Frédéric, Etard Jean-François, Taverne Bernard, Fournet Florence, Drogoul Alexis, Souris Marc, Simier Monique, Bonnin Marie, Ghesquière Alain, Hamon Serge, Vigouroux Yves, Gonzalez Sophie, Molino Jean-François, Bourdy Geneviève, Moretti Christian, Ottino Garanger Pierre, Valdez Francisco, Antheaume Benoît et Gratiot Nicolas (2019) Science et développement durable : 75 ans de recherche au Sud, éd. par Marie-Lise Sabrié, Thomas Mourier, et Corinne Lavagne, IRD, 224 p. ISBN : 978-2-7099-2737-6.
    Résumé : Comment, depuis plusieurs décennies, la recherche scientifique contribue-t-elle au développement des pays du Sud ? À travers plus de 100 succès emblématiques de la recherche en partenariat, cet ouvrage nous plonge au coeur des grandes questions de développement : oeuvrer pour des sociétés plus justes, lutter contre les maladies, faire face aux risques naturels, mettre en place une agriculture durable garantissant la sécurité alimentaire, préserver la biodiversité, partager les savoirs... Il montre ainsi comment la recherche contribue à l'amélioration des conditions de vie et à la préservation de l'environnement dans les pays en développement, en soulignant le rôle de la science pour répondre aux défis du monde actuel et à venir. Composé de textes courts, didactiques et richement illustrés, il s'adresse à tous les publics.


  • Baxerres Carine, Boko Ines, Konkobo Adjara, Ouattara Fatoumata et Guillaume Agnès (2018) « Abortion in two francophone African countries: a study of whether women have begun to use misoprostol in Benin and Burkina Faso », Contraception, 97 (2) (février), p. 130-136. DOI : 10.1016/j.contraception.2017.10.011.
    Résumé : Objectives This study aimed to document the means women use to obtain abortions in the capital cities of Benin and Burkina Faso, and to learn whether or not use of misoprostol has become an alternative to other methods of abortion, and the implications for future practice. Study design We conducted in-depth, qualitative interviews between 2014 and 2015 with 34 women – 21 women in Cotonou (Benin) and 13 women in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) – about their pathways to abortion. To obtain a diverse sample in terms of socio-demographic characteristics, we recruited the women through our own knowledge networks, in health facilities where women are treated for unsafe abortion complications, and in schools in Benin. Results The 34 women had had 69 abortions between them. Twenty-five of the women had had 37 abortions in the previous 5 years; the other abortions were 5–20 years before. Pathways to abortion were very different in the two cities. Lengthy and difficult pathways with unsafe methods often led to complications in Ougadougou, whereas most Cotonou women went to small, private health centers. Six of the 37 abortions in the previous 5 years involved misoprostol use, and were all among educated women with significant social and economic capital and personal contact with clinicians. Conclusions Use of misoprostol for abortion has appeared in both Cotonou and Ougadougou in the past 5 years. Evidence that the use of misoprostol for abortion occurred among women with the most access to information and resources in this study suggests that increased awareness of and use of misoprostol in both countries is likely in the coming years. Implications Although no pharmaceutical company that produces misoprostol has as yet tried to obtain marketing authorization in either Burkina Faso or Benin for gynecological-obstetric indications, making its use more potential than actual for the time being, international advocacy for access to medical abortion is growing rapidly and is likely to lead to many changes in this picture in the coming years.
    Mots-clés : Abortion care-seeking pathways, Africa, Francophone African countries, Medical abortion, Misoprostol, Unsafe abortion.

  • Baxerres Carine, Boko Ines, Konkobo Adjara, Ouattara Fatoumata et Guillaume Agnès (2018) « Gestion des grossesses non désirées au Bénin et au Burkina Faso: Situations affectives et pratiques populaires d’avortement », Anthropologie et Santé, 16 (mai 18). DOI : 10.4000/anthropologiesante.2872.



  • Baxerres Carine, Boko Inés, Kokonbo, Ouattara Fatoumata et Guillaume Agnès (2016) « A decisive turning point in the practice of medical abortions in West Africa? The popular uses of misoprostol in Benin and in Burkina Faso » (Communication orale), présenté à The Africa Regional Conference on Abortion: from Research to Policy, Addis-Abeba, Ethiopie.
    Mots-clés : AVORTEMENT, MADAGASCAR, Misoprostol.

  • Boko Inés, Baxerres Carine, Ouattara Fatoumata et Guillaume Agnès (2016) « Interroger au Bénin les usages populaires d’un médicament abortif, le misoprostol », Revue de médecine périnatale (décembre 19), p. 1-5. DOI : 10.1007/s12611-016-0388-2.
  • Ouattara Fatoumata, Seydou Drabo, Baxerres Carine et Guillaume Agnès (2016) « Institutional and professional priorities regarding Misoprostol in Benin and Burkina Faso » (communication orale), présenté à International Seminar on Medication Abortion: Availability and use, and impact on abortion safety and women’s health - IUSSP, Dakar, Sénégal.
    Résumé : The efficacy of Misoprostol has been proved for the reduction of maternal mortality. Several questions related to the dynamic, the role of actors for the use of this medication remain. This communication describes and analyses the institutional priorities and the professional practices related to Misoprostol in Benin and Burkina Faso. Our socio-anthropological field work was conducted at Cotonou and Ouagadougou. To understand the institutional priorities, we have carried out semi--‐guided interviews with various actors and determine the health care providers practices. These data show that the official recognition of Misoprostol is a process involving various actors and relations that reflects the sensitivity of publicly raising abortion issues. The institutional priorities are governed by the pressure of the international NGOs on the policy makers, hesitating between the need of providing care for women and the social risks from the sensitivity on abortion. The perceptions of health care professionals regarding Misoprostol reflect a fear of social risks when it is used for abortion and a fear of health risks when it is used to induce labour. Misoprostol raise questions between policy makers and health care providers regarding abortion and maternal mortality.
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