Publications des membres du Ceped


  • Rault-Chodankar Yves-Marie (2022) « Domestiquer la norme mondiale. Brevet pharmaceutique, bonnes pratiques de fabrication et contrôle du prix des médicaments en Inde », L’Espace Politique. Revue en ligne de géographie politique et de géopolitique, 45 (novembre 23). DOI : 10.4000/espacepolitique.10628.
    Résumé : La construction et la circulation de normes internationales destinées à réguler les pratiques de fabrication et de commercialisation des médicaments est souvent analysée au prisme des oppositions Nord/Sud, breveté/générique, public/privé, mondial/national/local. Cet article s’appuie sur des entretiens avec des acteurs clés du secteur pharmaceutique en Inde pour démontrer que ces oppositions binaires masquent la diversité des rapports entretenus localement avec les normes mondiales. Prenant le cas d’une molécule sous brevet, le Sofobusvir, nous identifions les manières dont les entreprises génériques indiennes s’accommodent du droit international sur la propriété intellectuelle, et comment les plus petites justifient de transgresser la norme tout en profitant de son application. Analysant le rôle de l’agence du contrôle des médicaments de l’État du Gujarat, nous montrons également que l’application des bonnes pratiques de fabrication sont négociées avec les différents échelons de l’administration indienne, entre impératifs de santé et attractivité industrielle. Nous identifions aussi les différentes attitudes des entreprises et de l’État central vis-à-vis des normes de fixation du prix des médicaments pour souligner leurs fortes capacités de d’adaptation, de subversion, et de contournement des normes. Globalement, cet article met en exergue différentes relations aux normes pour expliquer leur continue diversité à l’échelle mondiale.
    Mots-clés : Inde, médicaments, mondialisation, normes, régulation, santé.

  • Rault-Chodankar Yves-Marie (2022) « ‘We care… because care is growth’. The low-tech imaginaries of India's small-scale pharmaceutical enterprises », SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 2 (décembre), p. 100144. DOI : 10.1016/j.ssmqr.2022.100144.
    Résumé : Since the early 2000s, the development of India's generic industry has generated a lot of hope and interest amongst researchers and practitioners of Global Health. This article documents the ambiguous dreams, aspirations, and hopes of the managers of micro, small, and medium companies involved in manufacturing, marketing, and distributing low-cost generic medicine. The analysis draws on semi-structured interviews with managers (n ​= ​66) and shows that they contrast sharply with the universalist, tech-intensive, and salvationary imaginaries often associated with the global pharmaceutical industry. On the one hand, India's small-scale entrepreneurs see themselves as instrumental to their family's financial welfare and the economic development of their local social groups. On the other hand, they like to imagine themselves as part of India's emergence on the international stage and better global access to affordable medicine. Such imaginaries form a low-tech approach to Global Health where generic pharmaceuticals are not taken as transformative technologies but are meant to play specific socioeconomic roles at different scales.

  • Rault-Chodankar Yves-Marie (2022) « Taming the global standard. Pharmaceutical patenting, good manufacturing practices and drug price controls in India », L'Espace Politique, 45 (novembre 23). DOI : 10.4000/espacepolitique.10628.
    Résumé : The construction and circulation of international norms aimed at controlling drug manufacturing and marketing practices is often analyzed through the prism of North/South, patented/generic, public/private, global/national/local oppositions. This article draws on interviews with key players in the pharmaceutical sector in India to demonstrate that these binary oppositions mask the diversity of relationships maintained locally with global standards. Taking the case of a patented molecule, Sofobusvir, we discuss how Indian generic companies adjust to the international law on intellectual property and how the smallest firms justify transgressing norms while taking advantage of their existence. Analyzing the role of the drug control agency of the state of Gujarat, we also show that the application of Indian good manufacturing practices is negotiated with the different levels of the local administration, between health needs and industrial attractiveness. We also identify the different attitudes of the companies and the central state towards drug pricing standards to highlight their strong capacities for adaptation, subversion, and diversion of norms. Overall, this article highlights the various relationships to norms to explain their continued diversity on a global scale.
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  • Rault-Chodankar Yves-Marie et Kale Dinar (2022) « ‘Manufacturers without factories’ and economic development in the Global South: India’s pharmaceutical firms », Journal of Economic Geography (mai 23), p. lbac013. DOI : 10.1093/jeg/lbac013.
    Résumé : Abstract Global value chain/global production network studies have extensively documented the role of lead firms from the Global North in economic development in the Global South, including as ‘manufacturers without factories’ (MWFs). However, the role of local firms in sourcing from suppliers has been overlooked. In this article, we report the findings of a qualitative study and demonstrate that the local MWFs helped establish India as the leading supplier of pharmaceuticals worldwide and in the Global South. We show how the different types of local MWFs (‘propagandists’, ‘pioneers’, ‘connectors’ and ‘adaptors’) impact the strategic coupling, industrial upgrading and governance in South–South value chains and contribute to regional economic development.
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