Publications des membres du Ceped


  • Chady Shimeen-Khan (2018) « La présence de marqueurs discursifs français chez de jeunes Mauriciens » (communication orale), présenté à Colloque annuel de l'Association for French Language Studies (AFLS2018) - Langue française : mise au point sur ses usages et ses utilisateurs, Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès.
    Mots-clés : Contact de langues, créole, Créole français, Créole mauricien, Jeunes, Marqueurs discursifs.

  • Boulay Sébastien (2018) « Sismique de la dissidence et diffamation poétique au Sahara Occidental. Quand les artistes sahraouis condamnent ou défendent les puissants », in Transgresser au Maghreb: la normalité et ses dépassements, éd. par Philippe Chaudat et Monia Lachheb, Paris : KARTHALA Editions, p. 147-171. (IRMC-Karthala). ISBN : 978-2-8111-1960-7.

  • Chaudat Philippe et Lachheb Monia, ss la dir. de (2018) Transgresser au Maghreb: la normalité et ses dépassements, Tunis Paris : IRMC Karthala. (Hommes et Sociétés). ISBN : 978-2-8111-1960-7.
    Résumé : Boire de l'alcool, avoir des relations sexuelles extra-conjugales, fumer du Kif, mettre en scène son corps dansant, se prostituer, écrire ou chanter des textes contraires aux pratiques, avoir des relations homosexuelles…la question de la transgression est très présente dans les sociétés musulmanes d'Afrique du Nord, et interroge leurs rapports aux pouvoirs religieux et politique. Cet ouvrage s'intéresse non pas à la façon dont ces derniers façonnent les sociétés, mais à la manière dont une partie du corps social s'arrange avec le Coran et le système politique. Il décrit comment certains groupes se constituent contre les autorités religieuses et/ou politiques, sans néanmoins les affronter directement, sans les remettre en question, ni rendre publique leurs comportements et leurs actions. Il permet ainsi de mettre en lumière l'indicible et de présenter ces sociétés sous un jour nouveau, en décrivant les mécanismes de prises de distance par rapport aux normes et de construction d'univers sociaux originaux, grâce à la mise en place de stratégies et de modes d'actions partagés, telles que la non monstration des actes transgressifs ou l'utilisation d'espaces spécifiques. Cet ouvrage vise donc à aborder la dynamique des sociétés musulmanes d'Afrique du Nord en privilégiant leurs dysfonctionnements pour mieux comprendre leur fonctionnement. Il permet de remettre en cause l'image de sociétés « soumises », véhiculée par le sens commun et par certains médias occidentaux. Philippe Chaudat est anthropologue et maître de conférences à l'Université Paris-Descartes Sorbonne. Monia Lachheb est sociologue et enseignante - chercheure à l'institut supérieur du sport et de l'éducation physique de Tunis. Ont contribué à cet ouvrage : Francis Affergan, Sébastien Boulay, Philippe Chaudat, Meriam Cheikh, Erwan Dianteill, Farid El Asri, Mariem Guellouz, Monia Lachheb, Khalid Mouna, Bernard Valade, Nessim Znaien

  • Chaveneau Clio (2018) Les internationaux en Palestine. Portrait d’une migration singulière, L’Harmattan, Paris, 234 p. (Logiques Sociales). ISBN : 978-2-343-14345-3.
    Résumé : Plusieurs centaines de jeunes Européens et Nord-Américains travaillent et résident seul ou en famille dans les Territoires Palestiniens Occupés. Âgés de 25 ou 35 ans, ils travaillent comme humanitaires, enseignants, chefs de projets ou spécialistes du droit international au sein d’organisations gouvernementales et non gouvernementales étrangères ou palestiniennes. Alors que cette présence est facilement remarquable lorsque l’on arpente les rues de Jérusalem-Est ou les cafés de Ramallah ou Bethléem, elle reste surprenante : comment et pourquoi de jeunes diplômés venant de pays stables et sûrs font-ils le choix de résider plusieurs années dans un pays sous occupation militaire et marqué par le conflit ? C’est à cette interrogation que cet ouvrage s’attache à répondre. Après avoir contextualisé cette migration originale, l’auteure analyse les enjeux politiques et économiques de la présence étrangère dans les Territoires palestiniens Occupés et dresse ici le portrait sociologique de ces individus ayant fait le choix de passer plusieurs années auprès des Palestiniens pour des motivations professionnelles, personnelles ou militantes.

  • Chavez Henry et Gaybor Jacqueline (2018) « Science and technology internationalization and the emergence of peripheral techno-dreams: the Yachay project case », Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society, 1 (1) (novembre 2), p. 1-18. DOI : 10.1080/25729861.2018.1523522.
    Résumé : On the basis of interviews, observations and archival analysis, this article explores the controversies surrounding the Yachay project case in Ecuador and unveils three ideological processes behind its conception and implementation. First, we show how the new elite in the government used this project to produce and reproduce a new power structure using a symbolic strategy based on propaganda and on an imaginary of techno-scientific modernization. Second, we unveil the material and symbolic reproduction of a cosmopolitan elite of international experts that profited from the Ecuadorian public funds in exchange for their name and prestige, thanks to a discourse based on cosmopolitanism, urgency, and voluntarism. Finally, we explain how the Yachay project has triggered the reconfiguration of the local symbolic sphere according to the new conditions of reproduction of the world system by reshaping the local imaginaries around technology and innovation. We conclude that Yachay, like other similar projects that have emerged at the same time in other parts of the world, is part of a global process of reconfiguration of the ideological and institutional conditions that accompany the deployment of the latest wave of technoeconomic transformations in the global system.

  • Cicchelli Vincenzo (2018) Plural and shared: the sociology of a cosmopolitan world, Vol., 131, Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 228 p. (International studies in sociology and social anthropology). ISBN : 978-90-04-35925-3 978-90-04-37625-0.
    Résumé : We live in a globalized world in which a person in Burkina Faso can identify with Star Wars heroes, and in which a New York trader drinks the same Starbucks coffee as his Taiwanese counterpart. How are individuals socialized in Rome, Bombay, and Tokyo? To answer this question, a unique investigation has been carried out using two scales of analysis usually tackled separately by global studies: the scale of the cosmopolitan world and its global narratives, imaginaries, iconographies; as well as the scale of everyday life and socialization to otherness. This two-fold perspective constitutes the innovative approach of this volume that endeavors to address an operationalization of the cosmopolitan perspective and reacts to current debates and new research findings.
    Mots-clés : Cosmopolitanism, Globalization, Social aspects.

  • Cicchelli Vincenzo (2018) « Se rattacher au monde. Considérations propédeutiques à l’analyse de l’engagement cosmopolite des jeunes adultes », Revue Jeunes et Sociétés, 3 (2), p. 76-94. DOI : 10.7202/1075737ar.
    Résumé : Cet article entend avancer quelques considérations propédeutiques à l’analyse d’un type d’engagement pour le monde, que j’appelle engagement cosmopolite, s’inscrivant dans un sentiment de rattachement à une commune humanité. Dans cet article, je pars de l’hypothèse que même dans un cadre qui dépasse les liens sociaux de proximité, et qui finit par embrasser le cercle ultime de l’humanité tout entière, l’individu peut éprouver un sentiment tel que la responsabilité en vienne à être considérée comme une réponse irrécusable, incessible et non résiliable à l’égard d’autrui. Je m’interroge sur la façon dont s’exprime ce sentiment lorsque des peuples, pouvant être éloignés sur le plan géographique, voire culturel, sont frappés par des événements tels des catastrophes nucléaires et environnementales, des attentats terroristes, des génocides. En exploitant une partie des entretiens menés en 2011 auprès d’une trentaine de jeunes adultes français, j’insiste sur cette forme de souci d’autrui qui peut être intelligible par la notion d’engagement cosmopolite. J’inscris l’analyse de cet engagement à l’intérieur d’un cadre général de socialisation cosmopolite de type éthique. Émerge l’idéal de l’individu cosmopolite : compétent sur le plan géopolitique, faisant preuve d’une certaine sollicitude, manifestant une forme de souci d’un autrui éloigné culturellement et géographiquement. Le repoussoir serait un individu cynique n’affichant aucune forme de sensibilité pour le sort des êtres humains. Mots-clés : engagement cosmopolite, humanité, responsabilité, compassion, empathie

  • Cicchelli Vincenzo (2018) Plurale e comune: sociologia di un mondo cosmopolita, Perugia : Morlacchi editore U. P. ISBN : 978-88-9392-047-6.
    Résumé : Il cosmopolitismo - questo antico e mai fugato sogno di abbattere le barriere e costruire una comune umanità - ha vissuto stagioni di trionfi e di sconfitte. In un mondo globalizzato quale il nostro, lo spirito cosmopolita non è più un'utopia politica a lungo vagheggiata dai filosofi. Divenuto ormai un orientamento valoriale nonché uno stile di vita, aleggia su gran parte delle sfere della vita contemporanea. Le nostre società sono scosse da rigurgiti nazionalisti, segnate dal ritorno di forze anti-illuministiche e dal sorgere di vecchie e nuove tentazioni xenofobe. Eppure esse offrono come non mai iconografie e narrazioni condivise, svariate occasioni di contatto, reali o virtuali, con l'alterità tramite i consumi culturali e gli immaginari globali, i media e le mobilità internazionali. Rifacendosi a una corposa letteratura internazionale tanto teorica quanto empirica, il volume intende tratteggiare i lineamenti di una sociologia cosmopolita volta a capire le dinamiche culturali che plasmano un mondo al contempo e paradossalmente plurale e comune, in cui l'apertura e la benevolenza nei confronti dell'altro vanno vieppiù di pari passo con la chiusura e il rigetto di quest'ultimo.

  • Cicchelli Vincenzo (2018) Plural e Comum. sociologia de um mundo cosmopolita, Sao Paulo : Edições Sesc. ISBN : 978-85-949315-2-8.
    Résumé : Considerando que os conceitos da sociologia clássica não conseguem mais apreender os paradoxos do mundo contemporâneo, este livro traz a perspectiva da criação de uma sociologia dita cosmopolita, marcada por imaginários e produtos culturais “globalizados”. Vincenzo Cicchelli aborda as atitudes e as relações estabelecidas em um mundo cosmopolita, no qual o plural e o comum são configurações essenciais diante da multiplicação e da coexistência de referentes identitários e culturais provindos de uma realidade e interdependente.

  • Cicchelli Vincenzo et Octobre Sylvie (2018) « Fictionnalisation des attentats et théorie du complot chez les adolescents », Quaderni, 95, p. 53-64. DOI : 10.4000/quaderni.1140.
    Résumé : S’il est admis que la production culturelle a accoutumé les adolescents à endosser une posture interprétative, peu d’enquêtes s’attachent à en montrer les contours et à explorer le lien entre cette dernière et une propension à adhérer aux théories du complot. Nous considérons ici les adolescents comme des narratologues ordinaires et tentons de décrire les mécanismes de fictionnalisa¬tion par lesquels ces derniers retrouvent dans le réel et dans les médias-cultures des schèmes interprétatifs communs.

  • Cicchelli Vincenzo et Octobre Sylvie (2018) « Debating Cosmopolitanism: A New Appraisal of Globalization », in Globalization, Supranational Dynamics and Local Experiences· Europe in a Global Context. In: Caselli M., Gilardoni G. (eds), Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, p. 43-63. ISBN : 978-3-319-64074-7 978-3-319-64075-4.
    Résumé : The cosmopolitan approach is both analytical and normative; it is a statement and an aspiration, a fact and a moral concern (Holton 2009). Authors use “cosmopolitanism” as both a descriptive and a prescriptive term (Roudometof 2005). Instead of arguing for or against cosmopolitanism, we propose the use of cosmopolitanism as a specific perspective from which to understand the transnational processes shaping a global society which requires a new sociological perspective: a cosmopolitan sociology. Consequently, the question addressed in this chapter is both general and specific. It is general because it inevitably covers a number of commonalities that are shared by authors who are actively engaged in promoting cosmopolitanism as a sociological tool. It is specific because we attempt to show that there is some credibility to the view that cosmopolitan sociology is a heuristic way to understand how human individuals, communities and institutions relate to globality and its outcomes (Cotesta et al. 2013). There is certainly a revived interest in cosmopolitanism today. However, powerful and compelling as it is, the notion of cosmopolitanism should be approached with care lest it turn into an autopoietic narrative, separated from empirical evidence. Cosmopolitanism invites more controversy than consensus (Skrbis and Woodward 2013) and, even for sympathetic souls, it “poses a congeries of paradoxes” (Appiah 2006: 214).

  • Cicchelli Vincenzo et Octobre Sylvie (2018) Aesthetico-Cultural Cosmopolitanism and French Youth, Londres : Palgrave Macmillan, 361 p. (Consumption and Public Life). ISBN : 978-3-319-66310-4 978-3-319-66311-1.
    Résumé : By examining cultural consumption, tastes and imaginaries as a means of relating to the world, this book describes the effects of globalization on young people from an aesthetic and cultural perspective. It employs the concept of aesthetico-cultural cosmopolitanism to analyse the emergence of an aesthetic openness to alterity as a new generational "good taste". Aesthetico-Cultural Cosmopolitanism and French Youth critically examines the consumption of cultural products and imaginaries that provide genuine insight into social change, particularly in regards to young people, who play the largest role in cultural circulation. This book will be of interest to students and academics across a wide range of readers, including cultural theorists, and students engaged in debates on cultural consumption, the globalization of culture and transnational aesthetic codes.

  • Cicchelli Vincenzo et Octobre Sylvie (2018) « Aesthetico-cultural Cosmopolitanism: A New Kind of ‘Good Taste’ Among French Youth », in Cosmopolitanism, Markets, and Consumption A Critical Global Perspective (Eds Julie Emontspool, Ian Woodward), Cham : Springer International Publishing, p. 69-95. ISBN : 978-3-319-64178-2 978-3-319-64179-9.
    Résumé : This chapter seeks to examine how young people engage with the globalization of culture from a cosmopolitan perspective, that is, the relation to and inclusion of Otherness through cultural consumption. To address this question, we shall draw on a French survey (N = 1605) that was designed to describe how young French (aged 18 to 29 years old) consume international cultural products and subsequently structure transnational artistic and cultural imaginaries for themselves. This analysis presents aesthetico-cultural cosmopolitanism along a spectrum of configurations (five in total) that account for the majority of young individuals; it thus distances itself from the view of cosmopolitanism as a phenomenon associated only with elites. Nevertheless, social variations linked to living conditions, capital, resources, and aspirations are not absent from this spectrum.

  • Cicchelli Vincenzo et Octobre Sylvie (2018) « From Shahrukh Khan to Shakira: Reflections on Aesthetico-cultural Cosmopolitanism Among Young French People », in In: Giri A. (eds) Beyond Cosmopolitanism, Singapore : Springer Singapore, p. 377-388. ISBN : 978-981-10-5375-7 978-981-10-5376-4.

  • Cicchelli Vincenzo et Octobre Sylvie (2018) « Pour une approche cosmopolite de la globalisation », Presses de l'Inalco, 2, p. 1-21. (Sociétés Plurielles).

  • Cicchelli Vincenzo et Octobre Sylvie (2018) « Cosmopolitisme esthético-culturel », Publictionnaire. Dictionnaire encyclopédique et critique des publics, Metz.

  • Cicchelli Vincenzo, Octobre Sylvie, Riegel Viviane, Katz-Gerro Tally et Handy Femida (2018) « A tale of three cities: Aesthetico-cultural cosmopolitanism as a new capital among youth in Paris, São Paulo, and Seoul », Journal of Consumer Culture (décembre 27), p. 146954051881862. DOI : 10.1177/1469540518818629.
    Résumé : This article adds to the literature on the consequences of cultural capital at the age of cultural globalization by analyzing the ways youth engage in globalized cultural consumption in three cities – Paris, São Paulo, and Seoul. Drawing on cosmopolitanism as an aesthetic and cultural stance of openness and on global cultural consumption as providing youth with cosmopolitan skills, we compare the uses of aesthetico-cultural cosmopolitanism in three contexts. We offer an original account of different uses of cosmopolitan cultural skills, which, to varying degrees in the three contexts, signal generational belonging, social distinction, educational and professional success, and personal eruditeness and fulfillment. Analysis of recent interviews with 80 youth in each city reveals distinct uses of aesthetico-cultural cosmopolitanism: as a vehicle for self-development (either empowerment or Bildung) in Paris, as a means for the cultivation of social capital for personal status in São Paulo, and as human capital serving for labor market entry and attainment in Seoul. Our findings accentuate that even with the prevalence of cultural globalization in global cities, the functions of cosmopolitan skills remain highly dependent on educational, institutional, cultural, and political contexts at the national level, which create different incentives and opportunities or barriers to experiencing otherness and developing new types of cultural capital. Keywords Aesthetico-cultural cosmopolitanism, youth, cross-national comparison, globalization of culture, cultural consumption

  • Cloos Patrick et Ridde Valéry (2018) « Research on climate change, health inequities, and migration in the Caribbean », The Lancet Planetary Health, 2 (1) (janvier), p. e4-e5. DOI : 10.1016/S2542-5196(17)30176-6.

  • Cole Claire B., Pacca Julio, Mehl Alicia, Tomasulo Anna, van der Veken Luc, Viola Adalgisa et Ridde Valéry (2018) « Toward communities as systems: a sequential mixed methods study to understand factors enabling implementation of a skilled birth attendance intervention in Nampula Province, Mozambique », Reproductive Health, 15 (1) (décembre), p. 132. DOI : 10.1186/s12978-018-0574-8.
    Résumé : Skilled birth attendance, institutional deliveries, and provision of quality, respectful care are key practices to improve maternal and neonatal health outcomes. In Mozambique, the government has prioritized improved service delivery and demand for these practices, alongside “humanization of the birth process.” An intervention implemented in Nampula province beginning in 2009 saw marked improvement in institutional delivery rates. This study uses a sequential explanatory mixed methods case study design to explore the contextual factors that may have contributed to the observed increase in institutional deliveries.

  • Coulibaly A., Zitti T., Ridde Valéry et Dagenais C. (2018) « Les défis de l'accès aux connaissances et à l'information lors du démarrage d'un projet FBR au Mali », p. 4 p. multigr.

  • Coulibaly Abdourahmane, Zitti Tony, Ridde Valéry et Dagenais Christian (2018) « Les défis de l’accès aux connaissances et à l’information lors du démarrage d’un projet FBR au Mali ».

  • Coulibaly Abdourahmane, Zitti Tony, Ridde Valéry et Dagenais Christian (2018) « La mise en œuvre du FBR dans les CSCom au Mali: quelles leçons retenir ? ».

  • Coulibaly Abdourahmane, Zitti Tony, Ridde Valéry et Dagenais Christian (2018) « Les problèmes liés au choix des indicateurs dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du FBR au Mali », Miseli, l'Anthropologie dans le développement.

  • Craig Peter, Di Ruggiero Erica, Frohlich Katherine L, Mykhalovskiy Eric, White Martin, on behalf of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)–National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Context Guidance Authors Group (listed alphabetically), Campbell Rona, Cummins Steven, Edwards Nancy, Hunt Kate, Kee Frank, Loppie Charlotte, Moore Laurence, Ogilvie David, Petticrew Mark, Poland Blake, Ridde Valéry, Shoveller Jeannie, Viehbeck Sarah et Wight Daniel (2018) Taking account of context in population health intervention research: guidance for producers, users and funders of research, Southampton : NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, 50 p.

  • Currie-Alder Bruce, Arvanitis Rigas et Hanafi Sari (2018) « Research in Arabic-speaking countries: Funding competitions, international collaboration, and career incentives », Science and Public Policy, 45 (1) (février 1), p. 74-82. DOI : 10.1093/scipol/scx048.
    Résumé : Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Qatar expanded research funds over the past two decades. The use of competitive calls required researchers to prepare and submit proposals for team-based projects or time-limited research units. Identification of national priorities and societal challenges sought to rally research toward real-world problems, while larger grants encouraged a wider range of research activities and greater levels of ambition. Yet, the incentives within hiring organizations still determine how researchers allocate their time and effort, including whether they even seek external funding or collaboration. Selection and evaluation criteria privileged collabor- ation with distant, scientifically proficient partners abroad, in order to connect with global networks and rise in international rankings of academic quality. Moving forward, countries need to consider how funding opportunities shape the size and organization of distinct research efforts, and which arrangements are best suited to making meaningful progress on different problems of societal and scientific interest.

  • Dagenais Christian, Degroote Stéphanie, Otmani Del Barrio Mariam, Bermudez-Tamayo Clara et Ridde Valéry (2018) « Establishing research priorities in prevention and control of vector-borne diseases in urban areas: a collaborative process », Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 7 (85) (décembre), p. 1-10. DOI : 10.1186/s40249-018-0463-y.
    Résumé : Background: In 2015, following a call for proposals from the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), six scoping reviews on the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases in urban areas were conducted. Those reviews provided a clear picture of the available knowledge and highlighted knowledge gaps, as well as needs and opportunities for future research. Based on the research findings of the scoping reviews, a concept mapping exercise was undertaken to produce a list of priority research needs to be addressed. Methods: Members of the six research teams responsible for the "VEctor boRne DiseAses Scoping reviews" (VERDAS) consortium's scoping reviews met for 2 days with decision-makers from Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Pan-American Health Organization, and World Health Organization. A total of 11 researchers and seven decision-makers (from ministries of health, city and regional vector control departments, and vector control programs) completed the concept mapping, answering the question: "In view of the knowledge synthesis and your own expertise, what do we still need to know about vector-borne diseases and other infectious diseases of poverty in urban areas?" Participants rated each statement on two scales from 1 to 5, one relative to 'priority' and the other to 'policy relevance', and grouped statements into clusters based on their own individual criteria and expertise. Results: The final map consisted of 12 clusters. Participants considered those entitled "Equity", "Technology", and "Surveillance" to have the highest priority. The cluster considered the most important concerns equity issues, confirming that these issues are rarely addressed in research on vector-borne diseases. On the other hand, the "Population mobility" and "Collaboration" clusters were considered to be the lowest priority but remained identified by participants as research priorities. The average policy relevance scores for each of the 12 clusters were roughly the same as the priority scores for all clusters. Some issues were not addressed during the brain-storming. This is the case for governance and for access and quality of care. Conclusions: Based on this work, and adopting a participatory approach, the concept mapping exercise conducted collaboratively with researchers from these teams and high-level decision-makers identified research themes for which studies should be carried out as a priority.

  • Dagenais Christian et Ridde Valéry (2018) « Policy brief as a knowledge transfer tool: to “make a splash”, your policy brief must first be read », Gaceta Sanitaria (mars). DOI : 10.1016/j.gaceta.2018.02.003.
    Résumé : Since 2010, the research teams that we work with have produced dozens of policy briefs (PB) with the purpose of informing the various stakeholders of the results of our studies and their usefulness regarding public health practices, decision-making and policy change. Because they are only aids to decision-making, “A policy brief is just a piece of paper, it doesn’t DO anything on its own”, preparing these PBs should always form part of a broader knowledge transfer process. Therefore, they often serve as discussion tools during deliberative workshops1 focusing on the manner in which the results could be incorporated into practices and public policies. Based on these experiences, we have developed a guide for preparing policy briefs, which we have used with researchers over and over again in our training workshops2. This training was offered in different formats lasting from three hours to two days. In this editorial, we use our different experiences to put forward a PB format intended for a non-scientific audience, to act as an influence on practices and policy-making.

  • Dagenais F., Lagrange S., Fillol A., Fête M., Ridde Valéry et Couillard K. (2018) Accès aux soins de santé pour les femmes enceintes et les tout-petits de familles migrantes, Observatoire des Tout-Petits.
  • De Allegri Manuela, Degroote Stéphanie et Ridde Valéry (2018) « Evaluation of health financing reforms in sub-Saharan Africa » (communication orale), présenté à Final Review Workshop : AERC Collaborative Research Project on “Healthcare Financing in Africa, Port Louis, Mauritius.

  • De Allegri Manuela, Sieleunou I, Abiiro G A et Ridde Valery (2018) « How far is mixed methods research in the field of health policy and systems in Africa? A scoping review », Health Policy and Planning (janvier 19). DOI : 10.1093/heapol/czx182.
    Résumé : Both the academic and the policy community are calling for wider application of mixed methods research, suggesting that combined use of quantitative and qualitative methods is most suitable to assess and understand the complexities of health interventions. In spite of recent growth in mixed methods studies, limited efforts have been directed towards appraising and synthetizing to what extent and how mixed methods have been applied specifically to Health Policy and Systems Research (HPSR) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). We aimed at filling this gap in knowledge, by exploring the scope and quality of mixed methods research in the African context. We conducted a scoping review applying the framework developed by Arksey and O’Malley and modified by Levac et al. to identify and extract data from relevant studies published between 1950 and 2013. We limited our search to peer-reviewed HPSR publications in English, which combined at least one qualitative and one quantitative method and focused on Africa. Among the 105 studies that were retained for data extraction, over 60% were published after 2010. Nearly 50% of all studies addressed topics relevant to Health Systems, while Health Policy and Health Outcomes studies accounted respectively for 40% and 10% of all publications. The quality of the application of mixed methods varied greatly across studies, with a relatively small proportion of studies stating clearly defined research questions and differentiating quantitative and qualitative elements, including sample sizes and analytical approaches. The methodological weaknesses observed could be linked to the paucity of specific training opportunities available to people interested in applying mixed methods to HPSR in LMICs as well as to the limitations on word limit, scope and peer-review processes at the journals levels. Increasing training opportunities and enhancing journal flexibility may result in more and better quality mixed methods publications.

  • de Loenzien Myriam (2018) « The price of success: Renewed challenges regarding HIV/AIDS in Viet Nam/ La rançon d’un succès : Les défis renouvelés du VIH/sida au Viêt Nam », GIS Asie monthly article, p. 1-2.
  • de Loenzien Myriam et Luu Bich-Ngoc (2018) « Risks and benefits of caesarean section versus vaginal delivery : women’s attitudes and experience in Hanoi » présenté à International workshop Quality Decision-Making for Birth to Reduce Unnecessary Caesarean Delivery in Viet Nam (Quali-Dec), Conférence franco-vietnamienne de gynécologie et d’obstétrique, Hanoi, Vietnam.

  • Debeaudrap Pierre, Bodeau-Livinec Florence, Pasquier Estelle, Germanaud David, Ndiang Suzie Tetang, Nlend Anne Njom, Ndongo Francis Ateba, Guemkam Georgette, Penda Ida Callixte, Warszawski Josiane, Koecher Diavolana, Faye Albert et Tejiokem Mathurin (2018) « Neurodevelopmental outcomes in HIV-infected and uninfected African children aged 4 to 9 years from the pediacam cohort: », AIDS (octobre), p. 1. DOI : 10.1097/QAD.0000000000002023.
    Résumé : Objective: HIV infection is associated with cognitive impairments, but outcomes are poorly explored in children starting antiretroviral therapy (ART) early or in those exposed but uninfected. Design: Nested cross-sectional evaluation of the neurocognitive and behavioural outcomes of HIV-infected, HIV-exposed uninfected (HEU) and HIV-unexposed (HUU) Cameroonian children at age 4-9 years prospectively followed. Methods: Cognitive development was assessed in 127 HIV-infected, 101 HEU, 110 HUU children using the KABC-II, neurologic dysfunction using the Touwen examination and behavioural difficulties using the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Analyses were adjusted for children age, sex and primary language. Contextual factors were included in a second step to assess their effects on outcomes. Results: All HIV-infected children were treated before 12 months. There was a negative linear gradient in KABC-II scores from HUU children to HEU and HIV-infected children [gradient: -6.0 (-7.7; -4.3) for nonverbal index, NVI, and -8.8 (-10.7; -6.8) for mental processing index, MPI1. After adjusting for contextual factors, scores of HEU children were not significantly different from those of HUU children (all P > 0.1) and differences between HIV-uninfected and HUU children reduced [NVI: from -11.9 (-15.3; -8.5) to -3.4 (-6.8; -0.01), MPI: from -17.6 (-21.3; -13.8) to -5.5 (-9.3; -1.7)]. Compared with uninfected children, HIV-infected children had more neurological dysfunctions and higher SDQ scores (P=0.002). Conclusion: Despite early ART, perinatal-HIV infection is associated with poorer neurocognitive scores and increased behavioural difficulties during childhood. Contextual factors play an important role in this association, which emphasizes the need for early nutritional and developmental interventions targeting both HIV-affected infants and their relatives.

  • Degroote Stéphanie, Bermudez-Tamayo Clara et Ridde Valéry (2018) « Approach to identifying research gaps on vector-borne and other infectious diseases of poverty in urban settings: scoping review protocol from the VERDAS consortium and reflections on the project’s implementation », Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 7 (1) (décembre). DOI : 10.1186/s40249-018-0479-3.
    Résumé : Background: This paper presents the overall approach undertaken by the "VEctor boRne DiseAses Scoping reviews" (VERDAS) consortium in response to a call issued by the Vectors, Environment and Society unit of the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases hosted by the World Health Organization. The aim of the project was to undertake a broad knowledge synthesis and identify knowledge gaps regarding the control and prevention of vector-borne diseases in urban settings. Methods: The consortium consists of 14 researchers, 13 research assistants, and one research coordinator from seven different institutions in Canada, Colombia, Brazil, France, Spain, and Burkina Faso. A six-step protocol was developed for the scoping reviews undertaken by the consortium, based on the framework developed by Arksey and O'Malley and improved by Levac et al. In the first step, six topics were identified through an international eDelphi consultation. In the next four steps, the scoping reviews were conducted. The sixth step was the VERDAS workshop held in Colombia in March 2017. Discussion: In this article, we discuss several methodological issues encountered and share our reflections on this work. We believe this protocol provides a strong example of an exhaustive and rigorous process for performing broad knowledge synthesis for any given topic and should be considered for future research initiatives and donor agendas in multiple fields to highlight research needs scientifically.

  • Degroote Stéphanie, Zinszer Kate et Ridde Valéry (2018) « Interventions for vector-borne diseases focused on housing and hygiene in urban areas: a scoping review », Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 7 (1) (décembre). DOI : 10.1186/s40249-018-0477-5.
    Résumé : Background: Over half the world's human populations are currently at risk from vector-borne diseases (VBDs), and the heaviest burden is borne by the world's poorest people, communities, and countries. The aim of this study was to conduct a review on VBD interventions relevant to housing and hygiene (including sanitation and waste management) in urban areas. Main body: We conducted a scoping review, which involved systematically searching peer-reviewed and grey literature published between 2000 and 2016 using five scientific databases and one database for grey literature. Different data extraction tools were used for data coding and extraction. We assessed the quality of each study using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool and extracted descriptive characteristics and data about implementation process and transferability from all studies using the Template for Intervention Description and Replication and ASTAIRE (a tool for analyzing the transferability of health promotion interventions) tools. We reviewed 44 studies. Overall, the studies were judged to be of high risk for bias. Our results suggest multifaceted interventions, particularly community-based interventions, have the potential to achieve wider and more sustained effects than do standard vertical single-component programs. The evaluations of multifaceted interventions tend to include integrated evaluations, using not only entomological indicators but also acceptability and sustainability indicators. Conclusions: This review highlighted the important need for higher quality research in VBDs and improved and standardized reporting of interventions. Significant research gaps were found regarding qualitative research and implementation research, and results highlighted the need for more interventions focus on sanitation and hygiene practices.

  • Delafield Rebecca, Pirkle Catherine M. et Dumont Alexandre (2018) « Predictors of uterine rupture in a large sample of women in Senegal and Mali: cross-sectional analysis of QUARITE trial data », BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 18 (1) (janvier). DOI : 10.1186/s12884-018-2064-y.
    Résumé : BackgroundThe purpose of this study was to investigate predictors of uterine rupture in a large sample of sub-Saharan African women. Uterine rupture is rare in high-income countries, but it is more common in low-income settings where health systems are often under-resourced. However, understanding of risk factors contributing to uterine rupture in such settings is limited due to small sample sizes and research rarely considers system and individual-level factors concomitantly.MethodsCross-sectional data analysis from the pre-intervention period (Oct. 1, 2007- Oct. 1, 2008) of the QUARITE trial, a large-scale maternal mortality study. This research examines uterine rupture among 84,924 women who delivered in one of 46 referral hospitals in Mali and Senegal. A mixed-effects logistic regression model identified individual and geographical risk factors associated with uterine rupture, accounting for clustering by hospital.ResultsFive hundred sixty-nine incidences of uterine rupture (0.67% of sample) were recorded. Predictors of uterine rupture: grand multiparity defined as >5 live births (aOR=7.57, 95%CI; 5.19-11.03), prior cesarean (aOR=2.02, 95%CI; 1.61-2.54), resides outside hospital region (aOR=1.90, 95%CI: 1.28-2.81), no prenatal care visits (aOR=1.80, 95%CI; 1.44-2.25), and birth weight of >3600g (aOR=1.61, 95%CI; 1.30-1.98). Women who were referred and who had an obstructed labor had much higher odds of uterine rupture compared to those who experienced neither (aOR: 46.25, 95%CI; 32.90-65.02).ConclusionsThe results of this large study confirm that the referral system, particularly for women with obstructed labor and increasing parity, is a main determinant of uterine rupture in this context. Improving labor and delivery management at each level of the health system and communication between health care facilities should be a priority to reduce uterine rupture.
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  • Desjeux Dominique (2018) The Anthropological perspective of the world. The inductive method illustrted, Peter Lang, 374 p. ISBN : 978-2-8076-0931-0.
    Résumé : This book present an inductive method in action based on thirty selected global qualitative field studies from 1969 to 2018
    Mots-clés : Civilization, Modern, Ethnology, Methodology, Philosophy.

  • Desjeux Dominique (2018) L’empreinte anthropologique du monde, Peter Lang, 383 p. ISBN : 978-2-8076-0596-1 978-2-8076-0597-8 978-2-8076-0598-5 978-2-8076-0595-4.

  • Desjeux Dominique (2018) Innovating by observing (China), Vidéo.
    Résumé : How observation of changes in daily life of the Chinese society explains the process by which people are adopting new usages of water. It is also an example of business anthropology. This video was first presented for the launching of Ipsos "Ethnography Centre of Excellence" in France. The qualitative field study about water in China was financed by Danone Nutricia Research (Charlotte Sarrat). The field work was carried out by MA Jingjing, PhD, and Dominique Desjeux

  • Desjeux Dominique (2018) « Bronislaw Malinoski, Or The Elementary Material And Symboic Forms Of Production , Exchange And Consumptionj », in Canonical Authors In Consumption Theory, éd. par Soren Askegaard et Benoit Heilbrunn, Routledge, p. 79-85. ISBN : 978-1-138-64897-5.
    Résumé : A chapter to understand the modernity of Malinowski who shows how production, exchange and consumption are three elements of the same world

  • Desjeux Dominique, Galateau Estelle Fleur et Barbier Carine (2018) « (Dé)penser la consommation et économiser l'énergie : une tension entre confort et ascèse. Le cas de la consommation de viande et des usages des TIC comme analyseur de la consommation d'énergie », in (Dé)penser la consommation. Peut-il y avoir une " bonne consommation " ?, EMS, p. 21-40. (Management et société). ISBN : 978-2-37687-126-2.

  • Desjeux Dominique et Jingjing Ma (2018) « The Enigma of Innovation », in Cultural Change from a Business Anthropology Perspective, éd. par Maryann McCabe et Elisabeth K. Briody, Lexington books, p. 165-185. ISBN : 978-1-4985-4451-1.

  • Desjeux Dominique et Ma Jing Jing (2018) « The Enigma of Innovation. Changing Practices of Nonalcoholic Beverage Consumption in China », in Cuutural Change From a Business Anthropology Perspective, Lexington Books, p. 165-185. ISBN : 978-1-4985-4451-1.

  • Deville Céline, Escot Fabrice, Ridde Valéry et Touré Laurence (2018) « Les processus d’identification des plus pauvres à l’épreuve du terrain : une comparaison Bénin-Mali-Sénégal » (communication orale), présenté à Colloque APAD : Production et diffusion de mécanismes miracles dans l’industrie du développement, Roskilde University, Denmark.’identification%20des%20plus%20pauvres%20à%20l’épreuve%20du%20terrain.pdf.

  • Deville Céline, Hane Fatoumata, Ridde Valéry et Touré Laurence (2018) La Couverture universelle en santé au Sahel : la situation au Mali et au Sénégal en 2018, Working Papers du CEPED (40), Paris : CEPED, 38 p.
    Résumé : Dans le contexte international des Objectifs pour le développement durable, de plus en plus de pays se lancent dans des politiques visant à les aider à se diriger vers la couverture universelle en santé (CUS). Les chemins pour y parvenir sont évidemment très nombreux et de plus en plus de bailleurs de fonds soutiennent les pays dans leurs choix politiques spécifiques. De même, de plus en plus de recherches tentent de comprendre ces processus. C’est ainsi que profitant de deux programmes de recherches démarrant dans quelques pays du Sahel, nous avons décidé de réaliser un état des lieux de la CSU au Mali et au Sénégal. Ce document présente donc le contexte spécifique de ces deux pays, les politiques de santé mises en place depuis les années 1980 ainsi que la situation contemporaine concernant la CSU et les stratégies qu’ils entendent mettre en œuvre.

  • de Tayrac Renaud et Schantz Clémence (2018) « Lésions pelvipérinéales obstétricales : anatomie, physiologie, physiopathologie et situations particulières. RPC prévention et protection périnéale en obstétrique CNGOF », Gynécologie Obstétrique Fertilité & Sénologie, 46 (12) (décembre), p. 900-912. DOI : 10.1016/j.gofs.2018.10.031.
    Résumé : Objectives. - To assess whether pelvic size and shape, spinal curvature, perinea] body length and genital hiatus size are associated with the incidence of childbirth pelvic floor trauma. Special situations, such as obesity, ethnicity and hyperlaxity, will also be studied. Methods. - A bibliographic research using Pubmed and Cochrane Library databases was conducted until May 2018. Publications in English and French were selected by initial reading of the abstracts. Randomized trials, meta-analyzes, case-control studies and large cohorts were studied in a privileged way. Results. - A pubic arch angle < 90 degrees (measured clinically) does not appear to increase the risk of OASIS (Level 3), but appears to be a risk factor for postnatal anal incontinence at short-term, but not at long-term (Level 3). Measurement of pelvic dimensions and the subpubic angle is not recommended to predict OASIS or to choose the mode of delivery for the purpose of protecting the perineum (Grade C). Prenatal measurement of both perineal body (Level 3) and genital hiatus (Level 2) does not predict the incidence of 2nd or 3rd degree OASIS. Therefore, the routine prenatal measurement of the length of the perineal body or the genital hiatus is not recommended for any objective related to perineal protection (Grade C). Levator avulsion, resulting in a widening of the genital hiatus, is potentially a source of long-term pelvic floor dysfunction. Biomechanical models suggest that performing a mediolateral episiotomy and applying the fingers to the posterior perineum at the time of expulsive phase may reduce pelvic floor trauma. Obese women have a longer perineal body (Level 3), and obesity does not seem to increase the risk of OASIS (Level 2). There is no difference between Asian and non-Asian women perineal body (Level 3). No studies have validated that the liberal practice of episiotomy in Asian women reduced the risk of OASIS. It is therefore not recommended to practice an episiotomy for simple ethnic reasons in Asian women (Grade C). Compared to white women, black women do not appear to have an increased risk of OASIS and even appear to have a decreased risk of perineal tears of all stages (Level 2). Ligament hyperlaxity seems to be associated with an increased risk of OASIS (Level 2). Conclusions. - Prenatal assessment of pelvis bone, spine curvature, perineal body and genital hiatus do not allow to predict the incidence of childbirth pelvic floor trauma. Obesity and ethnicity are not risk factors for OASIS. (C) 2018 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  • Dia Hamidou (2018) « Soutenir le privé, c’est encourager une éducation à deux vitesses ».

  • Dia Hamidou (2018) « Dynamiques de construction de l’école dans un contexte libéral. Esquisse d’un art sénégalais des compromis provisoires », in L'État réhabilité en Afrique. Réinventer les politiques publiques à l’ère néo-libérale, Paris : Karthala, p. 47-63. ISBN : 978-2-8111-2504-2.
  • Dia Hamidou (2018) « Enseignement supérieur et emploi au Sénégal » (communication orale), présenté à Euroscience Open Forum 2018, Toulouse.
  • Dia Hamidou (2018) « Scolarisation des filles et inégalités au Sénégal », in Scolarisation des filles et inégalités au Sénégal, OIF, Paris : OIF, p. 103-106.
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