Publications des membres du Ceped


  • Larzillière Pénélope (2016) Activism in Jordan, Londres : Zed Books Ltd, 248 p. ISBN : 1-78360-574-X.
    Résumé : In Jordan, between censorship, repression and election rigging, political activism is limited –despite the democratic opening glimpsed in 1989. Pénélope Larzillière charts the path of longstanding activists in Jordan and shows how opposition movements there have shifted from the underground to a heavily controlled public sphere. Activists discuss their motivation and commitment and the consequences their activism has had throughout their lives. Not only do these accounts highlight the general conditions for political activism in a repressive regime, they also unpack the meaning individuals attach to their political journey and chosen ideology, whether communist, nationalist, Islamist or otherwise.
  • Larzillière Pénélope (2016) « Compte-rendu de lecture : « Riva Kastoryano, Que faire du corps des jihadistes. Territoire et identités, Paris, Fayard, 2015 » », Revue française de science politique, n° 66/1, p. pp. 176-177.
  • Le Guen Mireille (2016) « Formes de sexualités et conditions de vie chez migrant.e.s d'Afrique subsaharienne vivant en France » (Cridup), présenté à La démographie en tout genre, Paris.
  • Lecestre-Rollier Béatrice (2016) « Du bled à la ville, de la famille à la société, de la solidarité aux conflits : au-delà des oppositions, permanences et cohérence d’une vision anthropologique des réalités marocaines », Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Paris : Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), 256 p.

  • Lerner Susana, Guillaume Agnès et Melgar Lucía (2016) Realidades y falacias en torno al aborto: salud y derechos humanos, Centro de Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos, El Colegio de México, Institut de recherche pour le Developpement, México : El Colegio de México, Institut de recherche pour le Developpement, 422 p. ISBN : 978-607-462-938-5.

  • Lerner Susana, Melgar Lucía et Guillaume Agnès (2016) « Mexico’s Reversal of Abortion Rights », Global Dialogue. Newsletter for The International Socialogical Association, 6 (4), décembre.

  • Lesclingand Marie, Pilon Marc, Jacquemin Mélanie et Hertrich Véronique (2016) « Genre et migrations dans l'enfance et l'adolescence au Mali », in Etre fille ou garçon : regards croisés sur l'enfance et le genre, éd. par Mélanie Jacquemin, Doris Bonnet, Christine Deprez, Marc Pilon, et Gilles Pison, Paris : INED, p. 203-224. (Questions de Populations). ISBN : 978-2733-21-0.
  • Leservoisier Olivier (2016) « Appréhender les inégalités dans le cas de formes extrêmes de dépendance », Seminaire du Ceped appréhender les inégalités Ferme de Courcimont, Nouan Le Fuzelier.
  • Leservoisier Olivier (2016) « Mobilités et pouvoirs chez les migrants d’origine servile de la société haalpulaar (Mauritanie-Sénégal)" » (Communication orale), présenté à Rencontres des Etudes Africaines en France (REAF), Paris.
  • Leservoisier Olivier (2016) « Enjeux mémoriels et identitaires chez les groupes d’origine servile de la société haalpulaar dans le contexte actuel des réformes de démocratisation en Mauritanie » (communication orale), présenté à Colloque International Mémoire et histoire de l’esclavage dans le monde atlantique : approches comparatives, Université Toulouse Le Mirail.

  • Leservoisier Olivier (2016) « Kante Seydou, La géopolitique de l’émigration sénégalaise en France et aux États-Unis », Revue européenne des migrations internationales [En ligne], 32 (3 et 4).

  • Leservoisier Olivier, Géraud Marie-Odile, Pottier Richard et Gaillard Gérald (2016) Les notions clés de l'ethnologie: analyses et textes, Paris : Armand Colin, 365 p. (Cursus). ISBN : 978-2-200-61555-0.
    Résumé : "Devenu référence incontournable de l’entrée dans la discipline, ce manuel d’initiation à l’ethnologie présente ses méthodes et concepts fondamentaux ainsi que ses principaux paradigmes – de l’évolutionnisme au structuralisme – et ses grands domaines de recherche – parenté, économie, politique, religion... Chacune de ces contributions est présentée de manière synthétique et illustrée d’extraits de l’oeuvre des auteurs les plus marquants de l’anthropologie française, britannique, américaine ou allemande, depuis les pères fondateurs (Morgan, Tylor, Boas ou Mauss) jusqu’aux contemporains (Lévi-Strauss, Balandier, Sahlins ou Geertz). Véritable instrument pédagogique, cet ouvrage, réactualisé dans cette quatrième édition, prépare l’étudiant à une lecture critique des œuvres, tout en laissant entrevoir la complexité des débats et des controverses qui ont alimenté l’histoire de cette discipline."--Site web de l'éditeur.

  • Lobet-Maris Claire, Grandjean Nathalie, Vanmeerbeek Perrine et Desjeux Dominique (2016) « Comment l'anthropologie aide à comprendre les espaces privés et publics dans la société numérique », in Petits entretiens de la vie privée: Expérience quotidienne sur le web, Presses universitaires de Namur, 4: p. 49-52. ISBN : 2-87037-923-4.
    Mots-clés : ANTHROPOLOGIE, numérique.
  • Mattern Chiarella et Pourette Dolorès (2016) « Défiance et défaillance : des stratégies en marge de l’offre de soins public à Madagascar, recours aux matrones et recours au marché informel du médicament » (poster), présenté à Vulnérabiliés et territoires. 27ème journées scientifiques de la Société d'Ecologie Humaine (Colloque international), Dijon.

  • Mattern Chiarella, Pourette Dolorès, Raboanary Emma, Kesteman Thomas, Piola Patrice, Randrianarivelojosia Milijaona et Rogier Christophe (2016) « “Tazomoka Is Not a Problem”. Local Perspectives on Malaria, Fever Case Management and Bed Net Use in Madagascar », éd. par Vicki Marsh, PLOS ONE, 11 (3) (mars 4), p. e0151068. DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0151068.
    Résumé : Background Although its incidence has been decreasing during the last decade, malaria is still a major public health issue in Madagascar. The use of Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLIN) remains a key malaria control intervention strategy in Madagascar, however, it encounters some obstacles. The present study aimed to explore the local terminology related to malaria, information channels about malaria, attitude towards bed nets, and health care seeking practices in case of fever. This article presents novel qualitative findings about malaria. Until now, no such data has been published for Madagascar. Methods A comparative qualitative study was carried out at four sites in Madagascar, each differing by malaria epidemiology and socio-cultural background of the populations. Seventy-one semi-structured interviews were conducted with biomedical and traditional caregivers, and members of the local population. In addition, observations of the living conditions and the uses of bed net were conducted. Results Due to the differences between local and biomedical perspectives on malaria, official messages did not have the expected impact on population in terms of prevention and care seeking behaviors. Rather, most information retained about malaria was spread through informal information circulation channels. Most interviewees perceived malaria as a disease that is simple to treat. Tazomoka (“mosquito fever”), the Malagasy biomedical word for malaria, was not used by populations. Tazo (“fever”) and tazomahery (“strong fever”) were the terms more commonly used by members of the local population to refer to malaria related symptoms. According to local perceptions in all areas, tazo and tazomahery were not caused by mosquitos. Each of these symptoms required specific health recourse. The usual fever management strategies consisted of self-medication or recourse to traditional and biomedical caregivers. Usage of bed nets was intermittent and was not directly linked to protection against malaria in the eyes of most Malagasy people. Conclusions This article highlights the conflicting understanding of malaria between local perceptions and the biomedical establishment in Madagascar. Local perceptions of malaria present a holistic vision of the disease that includes various social and cultural dimensions, rather than reflecting one universal understanding, as in the biomedical image. The consideration of this “holistic vision” and other socio-cultural aspects surrounding the understanding of malaria is essential in implementing successful control intervention strategies.
    Mots-clés : Bed net, Fever, Local perceptions, MADAGASCAR, Malaria, Qualitative study.
  • Melgar Lucía, Lerner Susana et Guillaume Agnès (2016) « Aborto legal y derecho a la salud » (Communication orale), présenté à Interrupcion del Embarazo desde la experiencia de las mujeres: aportaciones interdisciplinarias, UNAM, Mexico.

  • Meyer Jean-Baptiste (2016) « Le lien entre migration et terrorisme: un tabou à déconstruire », Hommes & Migrations, 1315 (Juil-Sept), p. 49-57. DOI : 10.4000/hommesmigrations.3715.

  • Mick Carola (2016) « ‘Yo sé hablar, dije.’ The conditions for Peruvian domestic workers to speak out for their rights », Amérique Latine Histoire et Mémoire. Les Cahiers ALHIM [online], 31.
    Résumé : Based on the analysis of autobiographic stories told by Peruvian domestic workers in Lima, the present article discusses the conditions for these women to stand up and speak out for their rights. Studying the speakers' use of the two verba dicendi (“verbs of speaking”) decir and hablar, it reconstructs the communicative competence these marginalised actors themselves define as necessary for their active participation in society. The analysis allows for discussing the conditions for women in Latin America to participate in the struggle against social inequalities, as well as the role and responsibility of the ethnographic research process with regard to this competence.
    Mots-clés : communicative competence, domestic workers, participation, Peru, verba dicendi, ⛔ No DOI found.
  • Mick Carola (2016) « Mediaciones socioculturales y desarrollo sostenible en el Perú », Exposé présenté à Séminaire "HIstoire et Contact", juillet 4, PUCP, Lima, Pérou.
  • Mick Carola (2016) « Re-articulación entre ‘centro‘ y ‘periferia‘: El español en contacto con ‘lenguas indígenas‘ en el marco de la ley de consulta previa en Perú » (Communication orale), présenté à Congreso Internacional Español de América, Historia y Contactos, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Písac, Cusco, Perú.
  • Mick Carola (2016) « Consulta previa y la construcción de interculturalidad en Perú », présenté à Taller Etnológico de Cultura Política Perspectiva antropológicas sobre la consulta previa: Análisis de casos, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Perú.
  • Mick Carola (2016) « Consulta previa e interculturalidad en Perú » (communication orale), présenté à V Congreso Argentino Latinoamericano de Derechos Humanos, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentine.
  • Mick Carola (2016) « Lengua, Estado y actores en una sociedad diversa: El ejemplo del Perú », Conférence présenté à Séminaire "L'espagnol du Pérou", mai 26, PUCP, Lima Pérou.
  • Mick Carola (2016) « Políticas educativas en tiempos de reconocimiento. La Consulta Previa del Plan Nacional de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe », Conférence présenté à Conférence du groupe EVE-CISEPA-PUCP, novembre 23, PUCP, Lima, Pérou.

  • Mick Carola (2016) « Políticas Educativas en Tiempos de Reconocimiento. La Consulta Previa del Plan Nacional de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe (PNEIB) en el Perú », in La Implementación del Derecho a la Consulta Previa en Perú. Aportes para el Análisis y la Garantía de los Derechos Colectivos de los Pueblos Indígenas, Vargas, Karina, Lima : GIZ, p. 205-227.
    Résumé : Al firmar el convenio 169 de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo, al adoptar la Ley e implementar el reglamento de Consulta Previa, el Estado peruano otorga derechos colectivos especiales a pueblos indígenas u originarios. Este reconocimiento de la diversidad cultural dentro de la sociedad no solamente lleva consigo nuevos desafíos para la política y las instituciones, en busca de encontrar caminos para incluir voces históricamente marginadas e interactuar más cercanamente con la ciudadanía; sino que también genera nuevas oportunidades para el desarrollo nacional, la cultura institucional y las culturas diversas presentes en la sociedad peruana. La presente comunicación estudia estos desafíos y oportunidades en cuanto al ámbito educativo, preguntándose específicamente cómo repercuten en las políticas de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe. Basado en el análisis de documentos oficiales, extractos de prensa así como entrevistas con actores implicados directamente o indirectamente en el proceso de consulta previa del Plan Nacional de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe, estudiamos los cambios que emergen de este diálogo entre el Estado y la ciudadanía. Demostramos así la importancia de la consulta previa como espacio político, de construcción y aprendizaje institucional y social, en el que se discuten la necesidad y las posibilidades para adaptar el modelo educativo republicano a la realidad socio-política y cultural de la sociedad peruana.
  • Mick Carola, Palacios Azucena et Deprez Christine (2016) « Creatividad lingüística y función del autor en narraciones autobiográficas de empleadas domésticas en Lima: el uso del pasado compuesto » (Communication orale), présenté à Simposio Internacional Lenguas en contacto: Desafíos en la diversidad, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, Equateur.
  • Montaz Léo (2016) « Gestion foncière et dynamiques aînés/cadets en pays Bété, Côte d’Ivoire », Communication orale présenté à Journées Doctorales Foncier, octobre, Montpellier.
  • Montaz Léo (2016) « L’autochtonie entre politique de l’aînesse sociale et dérives politiques », Communication orale présenté à Figures de l’autochtonie (JE du Canthel), juin, Paris.

  • Moshabela Mosa, Zuma Thembelihle, Orne-Gliemann Joanna, Iwuji Collins, Larmarange Joseph, McGrath Nuala et Group on behalf of the ANRS 12249 TasP Study (2016) « “It is better to die”: experiences of traditional health practitioners within the HIV treatment as prevention trial communities in rural South Africa (ANRS 12249 TasP trial) », AIDS Care, 28 (sup3), p. 24-32. DOI : 10.1080/09540121.2016.1181296.
    Résumé : The ANRS 12249 Treatment-as-Prevention (TasP) cluster-randomized trial in rural South Africa uses a “test and treat” approach. Home-based testing services and antiretroviral treatment initiation satellite clinics were implemented in every cluster as part of the trial. A social science research agenda was nested within TasP with the aim of understanding the social, economic and contextual factors that affect individuals, households, communities and health systems with respect to TasP. Considering the rural nature of the trial setting, we sought to understand community perceptions and experiences of the TasP Trial interventions as seen through the eyes of traditional health practitioners (THPs). A qualitative study design was adopted using four repeat focus group discussions conducted with nine THPs, combined with community walks and photo-voice techniques, over a period of 18 months. A descriptive, interpretive and explanatory approach to analysis was adopted. Findings indicate that THPs engaged with the home-based testing services and HIV clinics established for TasP. Specifically, home-based testing services were perceived as relatively successful in increasing access to HIV testing. A major gap observed by THPs was linkage to HIV clinics. Most of their clients, and some of the THPs themselves, found it difficult to use HIV clinics due to fear of labelling, stigma and discrimination, and the ensuing personal implications of unsolicited disclosure. On the one hand, a growing number of patients diagnosed with HIV have found sanctuary with THPs as alternatives to clinics. On the other hand, THPs in turn have been struggling to channel patients suspected of HIV into clinics through referrals. Therefore, acceptability of the TasP test and treat approach by THPs is a major boost to the intervention, but further success can be achieved through strengthened ties with communities to combat stigma and effectively link patients into HIV care, including partnerships with THPs themselves.

  • Munir Arshad et Olojo Akinola (2016) « A study of violence-related deaths in Gudu, Gwadabawa and Illela local government areas of Sokoto state, and Sakaba local government area of Kebbi state (2006 – 2014) », in Violence in Nigeria: a qualitative and quantitative analysis, Leiden : African Studies Centre, p. 195-216. ISBN : 978-90-5448-149-2.
    Résumé : This paper highlights the outcome of a study on fatal incidents in four local government areas (LGAs) of northwestern Nigeria: Gwadabawa, Gudu, and Ilella LGAs in Sokoto State, and Sakaba LGA in Kebbi State. Data obtained from 1,083 questionnaires (out of 1,200) reveals that, since 2006, the year 2011 had the highest number of fatalities. Between 2006 and 2014, Gudu LGA recorded the highest number of fatalities and violent incidents, while Sakaba LGA had the lowest. For the period under review, the most frequent cause of fatal incidents was cattle grazing, followed by political clashes. Religion, which is often perceived as a major factor of conflict, contributed quite insignificantly to the overall level of violence in the four LGAs, with a few incidents involving the Yan Shi’a, the Tijaniyya Sufi brotherhood, and the Yan Izala movement. Finally, the study demonstrates that, just as in the urban centres of Sokoto and Kebbi, there are many fatal incidents in rural areas yet these are unreported. Some explanations for this omission are discussed in relation to poor road infrastructure.
  • Musso Sandrine et Pourette Dolorès (2016) « Migration et VIH : regard des sciences sociales sur la construction politique d'une "population clé" » (Communication orale), présenté à Colloque international Sciences sociales et VIH en Afrique subsaharienne, Abidjan.

  • Nansumba Margaret, Kumbakumba Elias, Orikiriza Patrick, Muller Yolanda, Nackers Fabienne, Debeaudrap Pierre, Boum Yap et Bonnet Maryline (2016) « Detection Yield and Tolerability of String Test for Diagnosis of Childhood Intrathoracic Tuberculosis », The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 35 (2) (février), p. 146-151. DOI : 10.1097/INF.0000000000000956.
    Résumé : BACKGROUND: Difficulty to obtain sputum in children complicates diagnosis of intrathoracic tuberculosis (TB). The intragastric string test (ST) used for retrieval of enteric pathogens might be an alternative specimen collection method but requires further evaluation of its utility in TB diagnosis. We conducted a cross-sectional study comparing the TB detection yield and the tolerability of ST and sputum induction (SI) in children. METHODS: Two ST and SI procedures were performed in children (3-14 years of age) who were clinically suspected of having TB. The string was removed after a 2-hour gastric downtime, and SI was done after a maximum of 20 minutes nebulization with 5% saline solution. LED-fluorescence microscopy and mycobacterial cultures were performed on all specimens, and XpertMTB/RIF assay was performed on stored specimen sediments. Tolerability questionnaires were administered to parents of children. RESULTS: Of 137 included children (median age: 8.1 years; 33.3% with HIV infection), 14 (10.2%) were diagnosed with TB, 10 (71.4%) by ST and 12 (85.7%) by SI. Among 105 children with both ST and SI performed, 5 (4.8%) versus 4 (3.8%) were smear positive using ST and SI, respectively (McNemar P = 1.00). Nine (8.6%) in each group had positive cultures (P = 1.00). Of 64 children tested with XpertMTB/RIF, 3 (4.7%) of the ST group versus 4 (6.3%) of the SI group were TB positive (P = 1.00). No adverse serious events were reported. ST could not be performed in 22 of 137 (16.1%) children because they were unable to swallow the capsule. CONCLUSIONS: TB detection yield was comparable between ST and SI. The tolerability of ST in young children might be improved by the reduction of the size of the capsule.

  • Niangoran Serge, Fassassi Raïmi, Danel Christine, Badjé Anani, N'Takpe Jean-Baptiste, Kouame Gérard Menan, Jean Kévin, Eholié Serge, Anglaret Xavier et Desgrées du Loû Annabel (2016) Disclosure of HIV positive status: gender differences within the TEMPRANO trial participants, Côte d’Ivoire - ANRS 12239, Working Papers du CEPED (34), Paris : CEPED, 15 p.
    Résumé : For people living with HIV, disclosure of HIV status is an important challenge: informed friends or family members can be supportive, or on the contrary can stigmatise the HIV-positive person. We aimed to compare HIV status disclosure among men and women, since gender relationships create different opportunities and difficulties for both sexes. The study was conducted among HIV-positive adults enrolled in the TEMPRANO randomized trial in Côte d’Ivoire, which aims to compare very early antiretroviral treatment versus treatment initiation as per WHO current guidelines. All participants in this trial were asked questions on HIV status disclosure after 24 months of follow-up. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to compare disclosure patterns among men and women, disclosure to people living inside and/or outside the household, and in particular to the spouse or regular partner, and to identify the factors associated with disclosure. HIV status disclosure was frequent (more than 80%) among HIV patients, with no difference between men and women (p=0.45). For both, the regular partner was the most frequent confidant. But patterns of disclosure were different: men more frequently disclosed to a regular partner than women (74.1% vs 64.9%, p=0.004), because they were more likely to live with a regular partner (58.6% of men vs 35.8% of women). Men and women living with a regular partner reported similar levels of disclosure to the spouse (82.1% for men and 82.4% for women). Women disclosed more often than men to their children, siblings and mother. For both, the confidants were more often women (sisters, mother) than men (brothers, father). Our study shows that differences in the living conditions of men and women living with HIV and differences in gender roles induce gendered differences in HIV disclosure that should be considered in the care of the patient.
    Pièce jointe wp34.pdf 745.6 kio
  • Olojo Akinola (2016) « The Boko Haram crisis and the narratives of resistance in northern Nigeria: the case of Sokoto state », Thèse de doctorat de sociologie, Paris : Université Paris Descartes, 369 p.
    Résumé : L’un des défis sécuritaires majeurs auxquels le Nigéria a dû faire face au cours de la dernière décennie a été l'insurrection de Boko Haram dans le nord du pays. Dans le cas particulier de l’État de Sokoto au nord-ouest, la capacité à endiguer la montée des violences perpétrées par Boko Haram s’organise autour du récit d’une synergie sociétale entre différentes communautés. Bien qu’existant en milieu contemporain, cette synergie tire son inspiration de l’héritage historique unique du Sokoto et de son djihad au XIXe siècle. Cette recherche vise à rendre possible une meilleure compréhension des liens entre les récits djihadistes, l’insurrection, les acteurs sociaux locaux, la puissance de l’histoire et l’expérience de la résilience et de la résistance contre l’une des plus célèbres insurrections africaines des dernières décennies.
    Mots-clés : Boko Haram, Borno, jihad, northern Nigeria, resilience, resistance, Sokoto, terrorism.

  • Olojo Akinola (2016) « Muslims, Christians and religious violence in Nigeria: patterns and mapping (2006–2014) », in Violence in Nigeria: a qualitative and quantitative analysis, Leiden : African Studies Centre, p. 91-111. ISBN : 978-90-5448-149-2.
    Résumé : The notion that religious violence in Nigeria is always characterised by conflicts between religions (Muslims versus Christians) is too simplistic. This study shows that between June 2006 and May 2014 the frequency of violent death incidents involving Islamic groups against Islamic groups is 60; a figure higher than 57, which is the frequency of violent death incidents involving Islamic groups against Christian groups or Churches within the same period. A second major point in this paper is that violence involving religious groups is not always caused by religious issues. This explains why the frequency of violent death incidents involving Islamic groups against Christian groups or Churches due to non-religious issues is as high as 42 between June 2006 and May 2014. Thirdly, it remains inconclusive whether or not more Muslims than Christians (or vice versa) are killed because of violence in general in Nigeria. Finally, the western media frames violence in Nigeria as being mainly inter-religious while lethal incidents involving Islamic groups against Islamic groups are largely under-reported.

  • Orne-Gliemann Joanna, Zuma Thembelhile, Larmarange Joseph et ANRS 12249 TasP Study Group (2016) « Home-based HIV testing and linkage to care : lessons learned from the ANRS 12249 TasP trial » (communication orale (MOSA4402), présenté à 21st International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016), Durban.

  • Orne-Gliemann Joanna, Zuma Thembelihle, Chikovore Jeremiah, Gillespie Natasha, Grant Merridy, Iwuji Collins, Larmarange Joseph, McGrath Nuala, Lert France, Imrie John et Group On Behalf of the TasP Study (2016) « Community perceptions of repeat HIV-testing: experiences of the ANRS 12249 Treatment as Prevention trial in rural South Africa », AIDS Care, 28 (sup3), p. 14-23. DOI : 10.1080/09540121.2016.1164805.
    Résumé : In the context of the ANRS 12249 Treatment as Prevention (TasP) trial, we investigated perceptions of regular and repeat HIV-testing in rural KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa), an area of very high HIV prevalence and incidence. We conducted two qualitative studies, before (2010) and during the early implementation stages of the trial (2013–2014), to appreciate the evolution in community perceptions of repeat HIV-testing over this period of rapid changes in HIV-testing and treatment approaches. Repeated focus group discussions were organized with young adults, older adults and mixed groups. Repeat and regular HIV-testing was overall well perceived before, and well received during, trial implementation. Yet community members were not able to articulate reasons why people might want to test regularly or repeatedly, apart from individual sexual risk-taking. Repeat home-based HIV-testing was considered as feasible and convenient, and described as more acceptable than clinic-based HIV-testing, mostly because of privacy and confidentiality. However, socially regulated discourses around appropriate sexual behaviour and perceptions of stigma and prejudice regarding HIV and sexual risk-taking were consistently reported. This study suggests several avenues to improve HIV-testing acceptability, including implementing diverse and personalised approaches to HIV-testing and care, and providing opportunities for antiretroviral therapy initiation and care at home.
  • Ouattara Fatoumata, Seydou Drabo, Baxerres Carine et Guillaume Agnès (2016) « Institutional and professional priorities regarding Misoprostol in Benin and Burkina Faso » (communication orale), présenté à International Seminar on Medication Abortion: Availability and use, and impact on abortion safety and women’s health - IUSSP, Dakar, Sénégal.
    Résumé : The efficacy of Misoprostol has been proved for the reduction of maternal mortality. Several questions related to the dynamic, the role of actors for the use of this medication remain. This communication describes and analyses the institutional priorities and the professional practices related to Misoprostol in Benin and Burkina Faso. Our socio-anthropological field work was conducted at Cotonou and Ouagadougou. To understand the institutional priorities, we have carried out semi--‐guided interviews with various actors and determine the health care providers practices. These data show that the official recognition of Misoprostol is a process involving various actors and relations that reflects the sensitivity of publicly raising abortion issues. The institutional priorities are governed by the pressure of the international NGOs on the policy makers, hesitating between the need of providing care for women and the social risks from the sensitivity on abortion. The perceptions of health care professionals regarding Misoprostol reflect a fear of social risks when it is used for abortion and a fear of health risks when it is used to induce labour. Misoprostol raise questions between policy makers and health care providers regarding abortion and maternal mortality.

  • Pallikadavath Saseendran, Rajan S Irudaya et Wilson Chris (2016) « Impact of low fertility and early age at sterilisation on women’s formal education and skill development in South India », Journal of Population Research, 33 (3), p. 199-220. DOI : 10.1007/s12546-016-9167-y.

  • Palm Wierkome (2016) « Nuptialité et Compensation matrimoniale chez les Dagara du Burkina Faso (Une analyse de démographie compréhensive) », Thèse de Doctorat en démographie, Paris : Université Sorbonne Paris Cité.
  • Pannetier Julie, Jauffret Roustide Marie, Lert France et Desgrées du Loû Annabel (2016) « Anxiety and depressive disorders among sub-Saharan African immigrants in France: Results from the ANRS PARCOURS study » (Communication orale), présenté à EUPHA’s 6th European Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health, Oslo, Norvège.

  • Pannetier Julie, Lert France, Bajos Nathalie, Lydié Nathalie, Dray-Spira Rosemary et Desgrées du Loû Annabel (2016) « Stigmatisation et troubles mentaux communs chez les personnes nées en Afrique sub-Saharienne vivant avec le VIH et l’Hépatite B en France : résultats de l’étude ANRS-PARCOURS » (Communication orale ( AFRAVIH2016 - 1384 - S2.03), présenté à 8e Conférence Internationale Francophone VIH/Hépatites - AFRAVIH 2016, Bruxelles, Belgique.
    Résumé : Plusieurs études font état de fortes incidences de dépression chez les personnes immigrantes et chez les personnes vivant avec le VIH. L’objectif de cette communication est de présenter l'influence respective des conditions de la migration, des conditions vie ainsi que des pathologies VIH et hépatite B sur l'anxiété et la dépression chez les personnes nées en Afrique sub-Saharienne vivant en France
    Mots-clés : ⛔ No DOI found.

  • Pannetier Julie, Ravalihasy Andrainolo, Le Guen Mireille, Gosselin Anne, Bajos Nathalie, Lydié Nathalie, Lert France, Dray-Spira Rosemary et Desgrées Du Loû Annabel (2016) « Forced sex, migration and HIV infection among women from sub-Saharan Africa living in France: Results from the ANRS PARCOURS study » (communication orale), présenté à 21st International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016), Durban, South Africa.

  • Pérouse de Montclos Marc-Antoine (2016) Violence in Nigeria : a qualitative and quantitative analysis, Leiden : African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), 216 p. (West African Politics and Society (WAPOSO) Series). ISBN : 978-90-5448-149-2.

  • Pérouse de Montclos Marc-Antoine (2016) « États et compagnies pétrolières nationales : des acteurs du futur ou du passé ? », Politique étrangère, Été (2), p. 171-181. DOI : 10.3917/pe.162.0171.

  • Pérouse de Montclos Marc-Antoine (2016) Jihad in Sub–Saharan Africa. Challenging the Narratives of the War on Terror, New York : World Policy Institute, 30 p. Modifier ce ticket.

  • Pérouse de Montclos Marc-Antoine (2016) « A Sectarian Jihad in Nigeria: The Case of Boko Haram », Small Wars & Insurgencies, 27 (5) (septembre 2), p. 878-895. DOI : 10.1080/09592318.2016.1208286.

  • Pérouse de Montclos Marc-Antoine (2016) « Face à Boko Haram, l'impossible coalition », in Qui gouverne le monde ? : l'état du monde 2017, éd. par Bertrand Badie et Dominique Vidal, Paris : La Découverte, p. 243-248. (Etat du monde). ISBN : 9782707190.

  • Pérouse de Montclos Marc-Antoine (2016) « Les guerres d'aujourd'hui sont plus nombreuses, plus meurtrières, plus prédatrices et plus barbares ! », in L'Afrique des idées reçues, éd. par Georges Courade, Paris : Belin, p. 143-149. (Mappemonde). ISBN : 9782701197.

  • Pérouse de Montclos Marc-Antoine, Minor Elizabeth et Sinha Samrat, ss la dir. de (2016) Violence, Statistics, and the Politics of Accounting for the Dead, Cham : Springer International Publishing, 140 p. ISBN : 978-3-319-12035-5 978-3-319-12036-2.
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