Publications des membres du Ceped


Article de revue

  • Lange Marie-France (2023) « Scolarisation et genre : perspectives Nord et Sud », Éducation et sociétés, n° 49 (1) (mars 8), p. 5-27. DOI : 10.3917/es.049.0005.

  • Larmarange Joseph, Bachanas Pamela, Skalland Timothy, Balzer Laura B., Iwuji Collins, Floyd Sian, Mills Lisa A., Pillay Deenan, Havlir Diane, Kamya Moses R., Ayles Helen, Wirth Kathleen, Dabis François, Hayes Richard, Petersen Maya et UT³C consortium (2023) « Population-level viremia predicts HIV incidence at the community level across the Universal Testing and Treatment Trials in eastern and southern Africa », PLOS global public health, 3 (7), p. e0002157. DOI : 10.1371/journal.pgph.0002157.
    Résumé : Universal HIV testing and treatment (UTT) strategies aim to optimize population-level benefits of antiretroviral treatment. Between 2012 and 2018, four large community randomized trials were conducted in eastern and southern Africa. While their results were broadly consistent showing decreased population-level viremia reduces HIV incidence, it remains unclear how much HIV incidence can be reduced by increasing suppression among people living with HIV (PLHIV). We conducted a pooled analysis across the four UTT trials. Leveraging data from 105 communities in five countries, we evaluated the linear relationship between i) population-level viremia (prevalence of non-suppression-defined as plasma HIV RNA >500 or >400 copies/mL-among all adults, irrespective of HIV status) and HIV incidence; and ii) prevalence of non-suppression among PLHIV and HIV incidence, using parametric g-computation. HIV prevalence, measured in 257 929 persons, varied from 2 to 41% across the communities; prevalence of non-suppression among PLHIV, measured in 31 377 persons, from 3 to 70%; population-level viremia, derived from HIV prevalence and non-suppression, from < 1% to 25%; and HIV incidence, measured over 345 844 person-years (PY), from 0.03/100PY to 3.46/100PY. Decreases in population-level viremia were strongly associated with decreased HIV incidence in all trials (between 0.45/100PY and 1.88/100PY decline in HIV incidence per 10 percentage points decline in viremia). Decreases in non-suppression among PLHIV were also associated with decreased HIV incidence in all trials (between 0.06/100PY and 0.17/100PY decline in HIV incidence per 10 percentage points decline in non-suppression). Our results support both the utility of population-level viremia as a predictor of incidence, and thus a tool for targeting prevention interventions, and the ability of UTT approaches to reduce HIV incidence by increasing viral suppression. Implementation of universal HIV testing approaches, coupled with interventions to leverage linkage to treatment, adapted to local contexts, can reduce HIV acquisition at population level.

  • Larmarange Joseph et Broqua Christophe (2023) « Les hommes bisexuels sont moins exposés au virus de l’immunodéficience humaine que les homosexuels exclusifs en Afrique subsaharienne », Santé Publique, 34 (HS2) (mai 7), p. 123. DOI : 10.3917/spub.hs2.0123.
    Résumé : Introduction : En Afrique subsaharienne, comme dans le reste du monde, les hommes ayant des rapports sexuels avec des hommes (HSH) sont plus exposés à l’infection par le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine (VIH) que la population générale. Les bisexuels sont souvent perçus comme plus à risque que les homosexuels exclusifs. But de l’étude : Nous proposons une synthèse des connaissances sur l’exposition au VIH des homo-bisexuels à partir d’une revue des enquêtes épidémiologiques réalisées en Afrique subsaharienne depuis 2005. Résultats : Nous avons étudié 355 publications et avons identifié 62 mesures de l’association entre bisexualité et prévalence du VIH et 8 mesures de l’association entre bisexualité et incidence. À l’exception de 4 mesures sur 62, la prévalence du VIH observée parmi les bisexuels était inférieure ou égale à celle des homosexuels exclusifs. En matière d’incidence, toutes les études identifiées sauf une observent une incidence du VIH plus faible ou égale parmi les bisexuels. Du point de vue comportemental, la majorité des études n’ont pas relevé de différence d’utilisation du préservatif. Les bisexuels ont parfois une fréquence de rapports sexuels moindre et systématiquement moins de rapports anaux réceptifs. Ils ont commencé leur vie homosexuelle plus tardivement, ont eu moins de partenaires et sont moins nombreux à connaître leur statut VIH. Conclusions : Les bisexuels sont moins exposés au VIH que les homosexuels exclusifs, notamment en raison de différences comportementales. Il importe que les programmes de prévention et de traitement à destination des HSH prennent en compte les spécificités des bisexuels et conçoivent des offres différenciées.

  • Larmarange Joseph, Broqua Christophe et Leslie Wendy (2023) « Bisexual men are at less risk of HIV infection than exclusive gay men in sub-Saharan Africa », Sante Publique, 34 (HS2) (septembre 25), p. 123-132. DOI : 10.3917/spub.hs2.0123.
    Résumé : Introduction&#160;: En Afrique subsaharienne, comme dans le reste du monde, les hommes ayant des rapports sexuels avec des hommes (HSH) sont plus expos&#233;s &#224; l&#8217;infection par le virus de l&#8217;immunod&#233;ficience humaine (VIH) que la population g&#233;n&#233;rale. Les bisexuels sont souvent per&#231;us comme plus &#224; risque que les homosexuels exclusifs. But de l&#8217;&#233;tude&#160;: Nous proposons une synth&#232;se des connaissances sur l&#8217;exposition au VIH des homo-bisexuels &#224; partir d&#8217;une revue des enqu&#234;tes &#233;pid&#233;miologiques r&#233;alis&#233;es en Afrique subsaharienne depuis 2005. R&#233;sultats&#160;: Nous avons &#233;tudi&#233; 355 publications et avons identifi&#233; 62 mesures de l&#8217;association entre bisexualit&#233; et pr&#233;valence du VIH et 8 mesures de l&#8217;association entre bisexualit&#233; et incidence. &#192; l&#8217;exception de 4 mesures sur 62, la pr&#233;valence du VIH observ&#233;e parmi les bisexuels &#233;tait inf&#233;rieure ou &#233;gale &#224; celle des homosexuels exclusifs. En mati&#232;re d&#8217;incidence, toutes les &#233;tudes identifi&#233;es sauf une observent une incidence du VIH plus faible ou &#233;gale parmi les bisexuels. Du point de vue comportemental, la majorit&#233; des &#233;tudes n&#8217;ont pas relev&#233; de diff&#233;rence d&#8217;utilisation du pr&#233;servatif. Les bisexuels ont parfois une fr&#233;quence de rapports sexuels moindre et syst&#233;matiquement moins de rapports anaux r&#233;ceptifs. Ils ont commenc&#233; leur vie homosexuelle plus tardivement, ont eu moins de partenaires et sont moins nombreux &#224; conna&#238;tre leur statut VIH. Conclusions&#160;: Les bisexuels sont moins expos&#233;s au VIH que les homosexuels exclusifs, notamment en raison de diff&#233;rences comportementales. Il importe que les programmes de pr&#233;vention et de traitement &#224; destination des HSH prennent en compte les sp&#233;cificit&#233;s des bisexuels et con&#231;oivent des offres diff&#233;renci&#233;es.

  • Lefort-Rieu Claire et Ngodji Fulbert (2023) « Aide internationale et gouvernances éducatives en situation de pandémie : la Covid-19 au Cameroun », Cahiers d’études africaines, 250 (juin 1), p. 343-362. DOI : 10.4000/etudesafricaines.41816.
    Résumé : La crise sanitaire de la Covid-19 a eu de fortes incidences sur les formes d’action publique. Au Cameroun, les politiques éducatives liées à la pandémie montrent comment des modes de gouvernance hybrides, combinant dispositifs étatiques et issus de l’aide internationale, peuvent se trouver reconfigurés à la faveur d’une crise sanitaire. À rebours des discours sur la dépendance des États africains vis-à-vis de l’international, cet article montre comment des programmes portés par des organisations non étatiques peuvent servir à appuyer la stratégie gouvernementale. En s’intéressant aux stratégies déployées à l’échelle locale, il s’agira aussi d’étudier la façon dont ces modalités de gouvernance éducative peuvent faire l’objet d’une mise à l’épreuve et d’une co-construction dans la durée de la part des acteurs tant nationaux que locaux.
    Mots-clés : aide internationale, Cameroun, Covid-19, éducation, éducation en situation d’urgence, pandémie, Unicef.

  • Lerosier Thomas, Touré Laurence, Diabaté Seydou, Diarra Yacouba et Ridde Valery (2023) « Minimal resilience and insurgent conflict: qualitative analysis of the resilience process in six primary health centres in central Mali », BMJ Global Health, 7 (Suppl 9) (avril), p. e010683. DOI : 10.1136/bmjgh-2022-010683.
    Résumé : Background In the context of universal health coverage in the Sahel, the study focuses on primary health centres and the difficulties of their implementation in the context of insurgency conflicts in central Mali. Methods This is qualitative research through a multiple case study. We selected six health centres according to a reasoned choice to bring together contrasting situations. We conducted 96 semistructured interviews and consulted secondary quantitative data on attendance. By focusing on community health centres, the conceptual approach focuses on the process of resilience that unfolds in a dual context of chronic health system dysfunctions and armed conflict. Results The resilience strategies deployed by health professionals were relatively basic and uncoordinated. In the end, it was the individuals who showed absorption. However, their room for manoeuvre was limited. In the most isolated health centres, resilience was based on subordinate, poorly trained staff, often from the locality. Degraded working conditions and fear caused a form of resignation among health workers. Conclusion The strategies and resources used showed a form of minimal resilience. This form is unfolding in a context marked by two structuring features. On the one hand, the Malian health system was relatively dysfunctional before the crisis, and on the other hand, the type of conflict was relatively low intensity that allowed health centres to remain open.
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  • Leservoisier Olivier et Moynié Bruno (2023) « Les relations entre migrants ouest-africains (Sénégal, Mauritanie) et Afro-Américains aux États-Unis au prisme de la question migratoire », Cahiers d'études africaines, 249 (mars 1), p. 63-83. DOI : 10.4000/etudesafricaines.40636.

  • Leservoisier Olivier et Moynié Bruno (2023) « Relations between West African Migrants (Senegal, Mauritania) and African Americans in the United States through the Lens of the Migration Issue », Cahiers d'études africaines, 249 (mars 1), p. 63. DOI : 10.4000/etudesafricaines.40636.

  • Ludet Louise, Teixeira Luis, des Guetz Gaëtan et Schantz Clémence (2023) « Therapeutic mobility and breast cancer in France: Experiences of African women », SSM - Qualitative Research in Health (juillet 15), p. 100314. DOI : 10.1016/j.ssmqr.2023.100314.
    Résumé : While breast cancer is the most common cancer globally, not all women have access to quality care. Long considered a disease of high-income countries, low- and middle-income countries are now facing a major public health issue regarding cancer. This is the case in sub-Saharan Africa, where access to quality breast cancer treatment is often lacking. This context leads some women to travel abroad, particularly to France, hoping to save their lives. This article aims to examine the experiences, the social cost and the perceptions associated with therapeutic mobility for breast cancer in France. To this end, this study uses a qualitative method based on nineteen biographical interviews with women from sub-Saharan Africa with breast cancer who have migrated to France seeking for treatment. It shows that these women often face significant difficulties throughout their care and life paths in France. Main issues lay in accessing care, housing insecurity, loneliness, and administrative instability. This reflects how the double biographical disruption, caused by cancer and migration, impact entire disease trajectories, from entry to care to post-breast cancer period. With this research, we suggest extending the concept of social death to the issue of women who have undergone therapeutic mobility for their breast cancer in France. Highlighting the experiences of women who remain almost invisible in the public arena, this article analyses poorly heard realities and shows how social inequalities in health can be found even in reconstructing oneself after breast cancer.
    Mots-clés : Access to care, Biographical disruption, Breast cancer, France, Migration, Social inequalities, Sub-Saharan Africa, Therapeutic mobility.

  • Mattern Chiarella, Pourette Dolorès, Andriamandimby S. F., Rabarison J., Darsot A., Ralaizara B., Vray M., Shimakawa Y. et Giles-Vernick T. (2023) « Enjeux et difficultés de l'accès aux traitements pour la prise en charge de l'hépatite B chronique à Madagascar : étude qualitative auprès des soignants et personnes atteintes », Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 71 (4) (août 1), p. 102088. DOI : 10.1016/j.respe.2023.102088.
    Résumé : Objectives Madagascar faces many difficulties in accessing diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis B. The prevalence of chronic hepatitis B infection is estimated at 6.9%. The costs associated with screening and treatment are high and not easily accessible. This article proposes a reflection on the challenges and difficulties of access to diagnosis and treatment for patients with chronic hepatitis B. Method The “Neo Vac” study aimed to document the life paths of people living with chronic hepatitis B, their difficulties and their perceptions of HBV. Twenty-three semi-structured interviews were conducted in 2019 in Antananarivo with patients and gastroenterologists. Results The study describes the numerous obstacles that mark the therapeutic pathways of chronic HBV patients. The first result indicates lack of knowledge of the disease by chronic HBV patients and the varied circumstances in which the disease is discovered. None of the persons interviewed had been screened on their own initiative, the screening having taken place during prenatal consultations or emergency hospitalizations or during a morbidity episode. The care pathway was characterized by doubt and anxiety due to lack of knowledge about the possible disease outcome and concern about the costs of care. Discussion Little known by the population and health professionals, hepatitis B is rarely the subject of voluntary screening and is most often detected during an apparently unrelated health event. The exorbitant cost of treatment for patients, the cost of medical analyses and secondary costs, and the unavailability of follow-up tests outside the capital constitute barriers to access to care that are insurmountable for the majority of the Malagasy population. Conclusions This first qualitative study on the experiences of HBV-infected persons in terms of access to care and treatment in Madagascar underlines the extent to which access to treatment remains limited, due to the absence of a national policy for the prevention, screening and management of hepatitis B, which remains a highly neglected and unrecognized disease in Madagascar as well as internationally. Résumé Objectifs Madagascar rencontre de nombreuses difficultés dans l'accès au diagnostic et au traitement de l'hépatite B. La prévalence de l'infection chronique de l'hépatite B y est estimée à 6,9 %. Les coûts associés au dépistage et aux traitements sont payants et peu accessibles. Cet article propose une réflexion autour des enjeux et des difficultés de l'accès au diagnostic et aux traitements pour les patients atteints d'hépatite B chronique. Méthode L’étude « Néo Vac » avait pour objectif de documenter les parcours de vie des personnes vivant avec une hépatite B chronique, leurs difficultés et leurs perceptions du VHB. Vingt-trois entretiens semi-directifs ont été conduits en 2019 à Antananarivo avec des patients et des gastro-entérologues. Résultats L’étude décrit les nombreux obstacles qui jalonnent les parcours thérapeutiques des patients porteurs chroniques de VHB. Le premier résultat indique la méconnaissance de la maladie par les patients porteurs chroniques de VHB et les circonstances variées de découverte de la maladie. Aucune personne interviewée n'a été dépistée de sa propre initiative, le dépistage ayant eu lieu lors d'examens à l'occasion de consultations prénatales ou d'hospitalisations d'urgence ou d'un épisode de morbidité. Le parcours de soins est caractérisé par le doute et l'angoisse du fait de la méconnaissance sur l'issue possible de la maladie et l'inquiétude quant aux coûts de la prise en charge. Discussion Peu connue des populations et des professionnels de santé, l'hépatite B fait rarement l'objet de dépistages volontaires et se fait le plus souvent à l'occasion d'un événement de santé. Le coût exorbitant du traitement à la charge des patients, le coût des analyses médicales et les coûts secondaires ainsi que l'indisponibilité des tests de suivi en dehors de la capitale, constituent des barrières à l'accès aux soins, infranchissables pour la majorité de la population malgache. Conclusions Cette première étude qualitative sur le vécu des personnes infectées par le VHB en matière d'accès aux soins et aux traitements à Madagascar souligne combien l'accès au traitement reste limité, du fait de l'absence d'une politique nationale de prévention, de dépistage et de prise en charge de l'hépatite B, qui reste une maladie fortement négligée et méconnue à Madagascar comme au niveau international.
    Mots-clés : accessibilité aux services de santé, Anthropologie, Anthropology, Health Service Accessibility, Hépatite B, Hepatitis B, Madagascar.

  • Meda Ivlabèhiré Bertrand, Kouanda Seni et Ridde Valéry (2023) « Effect of cost-reduction interventions on facility-based deliveries in Burkina Faso: a controlled interrupted time-series study with multiple non-equivalent dependent variables », Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 77 (3) (mars 1), p. 133. DOI : 10.1136/jech-2022-218794.
    Résumé : Background Evaluating health intervention effectiveness in low-income countries involves many methodological challenges to be addressed. The objective of this study was to estimate the sustained effects of two interventions to improve financial access to facility-based deliveries.Methods In an innovative controlled interrupted time-series study with primary data, we used four non-equivalent dependent variables (antenatal care) as control outcomes to estimate the effects of a national subsidy for deliveries (January 2007–December 2013) and a local ‘free delivery’ intervention (June 2007–December 2010) on facility-based deliveries. The statistical analysis used spline linear regressions with random intercepts and slopes.Results The analysis involved 20 877 observations for the national subsidy and 8842 for the ‘free delivery’ intervention. The two interventions did not have immediate effects. However, both were associated with positive trend changes varying from 0.21 to 0.52 deliveries per month during the first 12 months and from 0.78 to 2.39 deliveries per month during the first 6 months. The absolute effects, evaluated 84 and 42 months after introduction, ranged from 2.64 (95% CI 0.51 to 4.77) to 10.78 (95% CI 8.52 to 13.03) and from 9.57 (95% CI 5.97 to 13.18) to 14.47 (95% CI 10.47 to 18.47) deliveries per month for the national subsidy and the ‘free delivery’ intervention, respectively, depending on the type of antenatal care used as a control outcome.Conclusion The results suggest that both interventions were associated with sustained non-linear increases in facility-based deliveries. The use of multiple control groups strengthens the credibility of the results, making them useful for policy makers seeking solutions for universal health coverage.Data are available on reasonable request. The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

  • Meyer Jean-Baptiste (2023) « Universities and sustainability : a review of recent literature », p. 116.

  • Meyer Jean-Baptiste, Benguerna M., Pellegrini C., Alazali M. et Benbouzid K. (2023) « Higher education in North Africa: comparative evolution of Algeria and Morocco », The Journal of North African Studies, 28 (1) (janvier 2), p. 100-117. DOI : 10.1080/13629387.2022.2028259.

  • Mezin Laetitia, Rousseau Anne, Sellier Yann, Teixeira Luis et Schantz Clémence (2023) « « Un vaccin qui reste quand même à part » : Papillomavirus et vaccination en France », Santé Publique, 35 (2), p. 127-137. DOI : 10.3917/spub.232.0127.
    Résumé : Introduction : La vaccination contre le papillomavirus humain (HPV) est aujourd’hui peu répandue en France où le taux vaccinal est l’un des plus faibles d’Europe. Pourtant, ce virus est rencontré par 80 % de la population et entraine 3 000 nouveaux cas de cancers du col de l’utérus par an. Cette vaccination constitue un réel levier d’action, notamment par le biais des médecins généralistes. But de l’étude : L’objectif était de comprendre le faible taux vaccinal en France et de proposer des solutions durables pour augmenter l’adhésion à ce vaccin. Avec une approche qualitative, nous avons documenté les perceptions, réticences et obstacles de seize médecins généralistes en Île de France. Résultats : Le vaccin anti-HPV présente des particularités qui rendent son abord plus délicat auprès de la population. D’abord, parce qu’il touche à l’intimité des patients et ce, dès un très jeune âge. Ensuite, parce qu’il a longtemps été dédié à un public féminin ; l’ouverture de la vaccination aux garçons du même âge entraine donc une modification des discours et une rupture avec son image genrée. Enfin, cette vaccination s’inscrit dans un contexte où l’hésitation vaccinale est marquée en France, avec une circulation rapide d’informations plus ou moins fiables venant souvent mettre en difficulté le corps médical. Conclusions : Les professionnels de santé détiennent un rôle clé pour convaincre et entrainer l’adhésion des patients, et une majorité des médecins reste favorable à cette vaccination. S’appuyer sur un ensemble de professionnels de santé plus large pourrait permettre d’augmenter l’adhésion vaccinale en France.
    Mots-clés : Cancer, HPV, Information, Médecins Généralistes, Vaccin, ⚠️ Invalid DOI.
  • Miani Céline, Batram-Zantvoort Stephanie, Pitchforth Emma, Treadgold Bethan, Johnston Krista, Rozée Virginie, McDouglas Christiana, Schantz Clémence et van Teijlingen, Edwin (2023) « Out-of-hospital births: A small but growing phenomenon in high income countries: A viewpoint », Journal of Asian Midwives (JAM), 10 (2), p. 77-78.

  • Mladovsky Philipa, Prince Ruth, Hane Fatoumata et Ridde Valéry (2023) « The primacy of politics in neoliberal universal health coverage policy reform. A commentary on ‘financing and provision of healthcare for two billion people in low-income nations: Is the cooperative healthcare model a solution?” by William C Hsiao and Winnie Yip », Social science & medicine, p. 115742. DOI : 10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.115742.

  • Nuampa Sasitara, Ratinthorn Ameporn, Lumbiganon Pisake, Rungreangkulkij Somporn, Rujiraprasert Nilubon, Buaboon Natthapat, Jampathong Nampet, Dumont Alexandre, Hanson Claudia, Loenzien Myriam de, Bohren Meghan A. et Betrán Ana Pilar (2023) « Because it eases my Childbirth Plan: a qualitative study on factors contributing to preferences for caesarean section in Thailand », BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 23 (1) (avril 24), p. 280. DOI : 10.1186/s12884-023-05576-8.
    Résumé : BACKGROUND: Although caesarean section (CS) rates have increased rapidly in Thailand, the upward trend is not supported by significant maternal or perinatal health benefits. The appropriate use of CS through QUALIty DECision-making by women and providers (QUALI-DEC project) aims to design and implement a strategy to optimize the use of CS through non-clinical interventions. This study aimed to explore the factors influencing women’s and health professionals’ preferences for CS delivery in Thailand. METHODS: We conducted a formative qualitative study by using semi-structured in-depth interviews with pregnant and postpartum women, and healthcare staff. Purposive sampling was used to recruit participants from eight hospitals across four regions of Thailand. Content analysis was used to develop the main themes. RESULTS: There were 78 participants, including 27 pregnant and 25 postpartum women, 8 administrators, 13 obstetricians, and 5 interns. We identified three main themes and seven sub-themes of women and healthcare providers’ perceptions on CS: (1) avoiding the negative experiences from vaginal birth (the pain of labor and childbirth, uncertainty during the labor period); (2) CS is a safer mode of birth (guarantees the baby’s safety, a protective shield for doctors); and (3) CS facilitates time management (baby’s destiny at an auspicious time, family’s management, manage my work/time). CONCLUSIONS: Women mentioned negative experiences and beliefs about vaginal delivery, labor pain, and uncertain delivery outcomes as important factors influencing CS preferences. On the other hand, CS is safer for babies and facilitates multiple tasks in women’s lives. From health professionals’ perspectives, CS is the easier and safer method for patients and them. Interventions to reduce unnecessary CS, including QUALI-DEC, should be designed and implemented, taking into consideration the perceptions of both women and healthcare providers.
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  • Oliveira S. R., Cazarin G., Sampaio A. S., Vasconcelos A. L. de, Furtado B., Medeiros S. G. de, Zacarias A. C., Andrade A. C., Sousa K. M. de, Zinszer K. et Ridde Valéry (2023) « Potential strengths and weaknesses in hospital resilience in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil : a case study », Health Systems & Reform, 9 (2), p. 2177242 [10 p.]. DOI : 10.1080/23288604.2023.2177242.

  • Pérouse de Montclos Marc-Antoine (2023) « Les États et la paysannerie de l'Afrique sahélienne au défi du djihad et du banditisme rural », Questions internationales, 115, p. 78.
    Résumé : Au Sahel et dans la Corne de l'Afrique, la menace terroriste et jihadiste retient généralement toute l'attention des milieux sécuritaires. Mais la diffusion de la violence sur le continent résulte aussi du banditisme rural et de la défaillance des Etats, avec des variations importantes d'une région à l'autre.
    Mots-clés : ⛔ No DOI found.

  • Plazy Mélanie, Diallo Adama, Hlabisa Thabile, Okesola Nonhlanhla, Iwuji Collins, Herbst Kobus, Boyer Sylvie, Lert France, McGrath Nuala, Pillay Deenan, Dabis François, Larmarange Joseph, Orne-Gliemann Joanna et for the ANRS TasP Study Group (2023) « Implementation and effectiveness of a linkage to HIV care intervention in rural South Africa (ANRS 12249 TasP trial) », PLOS ONE, 18 (1) (janvier 20), p. e0280479. DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0280479.
    Résumé : Background Timely linkage to care and ART initiation is critical to decrease the risks of HIV-related morbidity, mortality and HIV transmission, but is often challenging. We report on the implementation and effectiveness of a linkage-to-care intervention in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Methods In the ANRS 12249 TasP trial on Universal Testing and Treatment (UTT) implemented between 2012–2016, resident individuals ≥16 years were offered home-based HIV testing every six months. Those ascertained to be HIV-positive were referred to trial clinics. Starting May 2013, a linkage-to-care intervention was implemented in both trial arms, consisting of tracking through phone calls and/or home visits to “re-refer” people who had not linked to care to trial clinics within three months of the first home-based referral. Fidelity in implementing the planned intervention was described using Kaplan-Meier estimation to compute conditional probabilities of being tracked and of being re-referred by the linkage-to-care team. Effect of the intervention on time to linkage-to-care was analysed using a Cox regression model censored for death, migration, and end of data follow-up. Results Among the 2,837 individuals (73.7% female) included in the analysis, 904 (32%) were tracked at least once, and 573 of them (63.4%) were re-referred. Probabilities of being re-referred was 17% within six months of first referral and 31% within twelve months. Compared to individuals not re-referred by the intervention, linkage-to-care was significantly higher among those with at least one re-referral through phone call (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] = 1.82; 95% confidence interval [95% CI] = 1.47–2.25), and among those with re-referral through both phone call and home visit (aHR = 3.94; 95% CI = 2.07–7.48). Conclusions Phone calls and home visits following HIV testing were challenging to implement, but appeared effective in improving linkage-to-care amongst those receiving the intervention. Such patient-centred strategies should be part of UTT programs to achieve the UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets.
    Mots-clés : Antiretroviral therapy, Educational attainment, HIV, HIV diagnosis and management, HIV epidemiology, Schools, Viral load, Virus testing.

  • Pourette Dolorès, Rakotoarisoa Onintsoa, Nandrasana Rakotomanana Elliot Fara et Mattern Chiarella (2023) « Maintenir le traitement antirétroviral lors de la première vague de l’épidémie de Covid-19 à Antananarivo : réorganisation des services, travail de care et mobilités des médicaments et des acteurs et actrices du VIH », Anthropologie & Santé. Revue internationale francophone d'anthropologie de la santé, 26 (avril 12). DOI : 10.4000/anthropologiesante.12686.
    Résumé : À Antananarivo, lors de la première vague de la pandémie de Covid-19, les modes et les lieux de distribution des médicaments antirétroviraux ont dû être réorganisés afin de maintenir le traitement médical des personnes vivant avec le VIH (PvVIH). Ce texte s’appuie sur une étude par entretiens semi-directifs réalisée auprès d’acteurs et actrices du VIH (PvVIH, professionnel·le·s de santé, acteur·rice·s associatif·ve·s) entre janvier et juillet 2021. Alors que l’une des structures de soins enquêtées a réaménagé un espace dans l’enceinte de l’hôpital pour y délivrer les médicaments, d’autres structures ont délocalisé leur distribution à l’extérieur, au plus près des PvVIH. Ces réorganisations ont été guidées par le souci du maintien de la confidentialité et ont affecté les mobilités des personnes et des molécules. L’article met en lumière les compétences spatiales et sociales des patient·e·s ainsi que le rôle des médiateurs et médiatrices associatif·ive·s et l’importance du lien téléphonique comme support de care dans un contexte de distance géographique entre patient·e·s, soignant·e·s et acteur·rice·s associatif·ve·s.
    Mots-clés : Covid-19, Madagascar, médicaments antirétroviraux, mobilités, structures de soins, VIH.

  • Rahm Laura, De Zordo Silvia, Mishtal Joanna, Zanini Giulia, Garnsey Camille, Clougher Derek et Gerdts Caitlin (2023) « French women’s experiences and opinions with in-country versus cross-border abortion travel: a mixed-methods paper », BMJ Sexual &amp; Reproductive Health (janvier 24), p. bmjsrh-2022-201712. DOI : 10.1136/bmjsrh-2022-201712.
    Résumé : Objectives This is the first study contrasting the experience of women residing in France and travelling for abortion services inside and outside their country of residence. We compare travel reasons and costs as well as our study participants’ opinions of abortion legislation. The article documents legal and procedural barriers related to accessing local and timely abortions and provides policy recommendations to broaden care options.Methods The study is based on a mixed-methods research design. Quantitative data were descriptively analysed using Stata and drawn from 100 surveys with in-country abortion seekers collected from 3 Parisian hospitals, and 57 surveys with French residents seeking abortion care in the Netherlands (42), Spain (10) and the UK (5). Qualitative data were thematically analysed using ATLAS.ti and drawn from 36 interviews with French residents (23 in-country abortion seekers and 13 cross-border abortion travellers).Findings Gestational age (GA) limits were the key reason for cross-border travel, while lack of close-by, timely and good quality abortion care was the main driver for in-country abortion travel. Unlike in-country travellers, cross-border abortion seekers faced significant financial costs and burdens related to such travel. Partners, family members and service providers offered important support structures to both cross-border and in-country travellers.Conclusions Legal time limits appeared to be the key driver for abortion-related travel of French residents. Having passed or being at risk of exceeding the GA limit caused women to travel outside their country or department of residence for abortion care.All data relevant to the study are included in the article or uploaded as supplementary information.

  • Ravalihasy Andrainolo, Ante-Testard Pearl Anne, Kardas-Sloma Lidia, Yazdanpanah Yazdan, De Allegri Manuela et Ridde Valéry (2023) « Quantitative Methods Used to Evaluate Impact of Combination HIV Prevention Intervention: A Methodological Systematic Review », AIDS and Behavior (janvier 27). DOI : 10.1007/s10461-023-04000-8.
    Résumé : Combination HIV prevention aims to provide the right mix of biomedical, behavioral and structural interventions, and is considered the best approach to curb the HIV pandemic. The impact evaluation of combined HIV prevention intervention (CHPI) provides critical information for decision making. We conducted a systematic review of the literature to map the designs and methods used in these studies. We searched original articles indexed in Web of Science, Scopus and PubMed. Fifty-eight studies assessing the impact of CHPI on HIV transmission were included. Most of the studies took place in Asia or sub-Saharan Africa and were published from 2000 onward. We identified 36 (62.1%) quasi-experimental studies (posttest, pretest–posttest and nonequivalent group designs) and 22 (37.9%) experimental studies (randomized designs). The findings suggest that diverse methods are already rooted in CHPI impact evaluation practices as recommended but should be better reported. CHPI impact evaluation would benefit from more comprehensive approaches.
    Mots-clés : Combination HIV prevention intervention, Decision-making, Evidence-based, Impact evaluation.

  • Ravit Marion, Lohmann Julia, Dumont Alexandre, Kabore Charles, Koulidiati Jean‐Louis et De Allegri Manuela (2023) « How a supply‐side intervention can help to increase caesarean section rates in Burkina Faso facilities—Evidence from an interrupted time‐series analysis using routine health data », Tropical Medicine & International Health, 28 (2), p. 136-143. DOI : 10.1111/tmi.13840.

  • Richard Zoé, Chabrol Fanny, Gautier Lara, Zinszer Kate et Ridde Valéry (2023) « Considering social inequalities in health in COVID-19 response: insights from a French case study », Health Promotion International, 38 (1) (février 1), p. daac173. DOI : 10.1093/heapro/daac173.
    Résumé : The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the impact of social inequalities in health (SIH). Various studies have shown significant inequalities in mortality and morbidity associated with COVID-19 and the influence of social determinants of health. The objective of this qualitative case study was to analyze the consideration of SIH in the design of two key COVID-19 prevention and control interventions in France: testing and contact tracing. Interviews were conducted with 36 key informants involved in the design of the intervention and/or the government response to the pandemic as well as relevant documents (n = 15) were reviewed. We applied data triangulation and a hybrid deductive and inductive analysis to analyze the data. Findings revealed the divergent understandings and perspectives about SIH, as well as the challenges associated with consideration for these at the beginning stages of the pandemic. Despite a shared concern for SIH between the participants, an epidemiological frame of reference dominated the design of the intervention. It resulted in a model in which consideration for SIH appeared as a complement, with a clinical goal of the intervention: breaking the chain of COVID-19 transmission. Although the COVID-19 health crisis highlighted the importance of SIH, it did not appear to be an opportunity to further their consideration in response efforts. This article provides original insights into consideration for SIH in the design of testing and contact-tracing interventions based upon a qualitative investigation.The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of social inequalities in health (SIH) and the disproportionate burden of the pandemic and its consequences related to socioeconomic status, ethnicity and race, among other determinants of health. Public health interventions are likely to increase SIH when they are not considered in the design phase. Through a qualitative case study, we analyzed the design of one of the first local initiative providing testing and contact tracing offer to the general population in the Île-de-France region (Paris region, France) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This article discusses the uncertainty and challenges associated with consideration for SIH in the intervention design. It explores the diverse understandings of SIH among the actors and the complexities of cross-sectoral partnerships addressing SIH in times of health crisis. Despite a consensual concern for this issue among the respondents, an epidemiological frame of reference dominated the intervention design. It resulted in a model in which consideration for SIH appeared as a complement, with a clinical goal of the intervention: breaking the chain of COVID-19 transmission.

  • Ridde V., Carillon S., Loû A. Desgrées Du et Sombié I. (2023) « Analyse de la mise en œuvre des interventions de santé publique : besoin de rigueur et défis de la participation des parties prenantes », Epidemiology and Public Health = Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 71 (2), p. TT. DOI : 10.1016/j.respe.2022.06.001.
    Résumé : OBJECTIVES: This article shows how conceptual models can help to develop and evaluate public health interventions. It also reports on the challenges of getting stakeholders involved. METHOD: The analysis is based on the reflexive approach applied by the authors during their participation in two public health intervention research (PHIR) projects, in France and in Burkina Faso. RESULTS: In Paris, PHIR aimed to enable sub-Saharan immigrants to appropriate the existing means of prevention and sexual health care and to strengthen their empowerment in view of preserving their health. Evaluation was carried out using mixed methods. The intervention process theory is based on Ninacs’ conceptual model of individual empowerment. The Consolidated Framework For Implementation Research (CFIR) was mobilized a posteriori to analyze the process. PHIR stemmed from collaboration between a research team and two associations. The different stakeholders were involved in the evaluation process, as were, at certain times, persons in highly precarious situations. In Ouagadougou, a community-based dengue vector control intervention was deployed to address an essential but neglected need. As regards evaluation, we opted for a holistic, mixed method approach (effectiveness and process). The contents of the intervention were determined based on tacit knowledge, a community preference survey and solid evidence. The theoretical framework of the intervention consisted in an eco-biological model of vector control. The implementation analysis combined an internal assessment of implementation fidelity with an external CFIR process analysis. All stakeholders were involved in the evaluation process. DISCUSSION: Analysis confirmed not only the value of process evaluations in PHIR, but also the primordial importance of a rigorous approach. Stakeholder involvement is a major challenge to be addressed early in the planning of RISPs; with this in mind, effective and ethically sound assessment mechanisms need to be drawn up. Interdisciplinary evaluative approaches should be preferred, and the use of justified, relevant, and flexible frameworks is highly recommended. CONCLUSION: Lessons learned for those wishing to engage in the process evaluation of a public health intervention are hereby presented.

  • Ridde Valery, Coulibaly Abdourahmane et Gautier Lara (2023) « Case studies », LIEPP Methods Brief / Fiches méthodologiques du LIEPP (mai 12).
    Résumé : Case studies consist of an in-depth analysis of one or more cases, using a variety of methods and theoretical approaches. The choice of cases (single or multiple) studied is crucial. Case studies are particularly suitable for studying the emergence and processes involved in policy implementation and for contributing to theory-based evaluations.
    Mots-clés : ⛔ No DOI found.
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  • Ridde Valéry, Coulibaly Abdourahmane et Gautier Lara (2023) « Les études de cas », LIEPP Methods Brief / Fiches méthodologiques du LIEPP (mai 11).
    Résumé : Les études de cas consistent à analyser de façon approfondie un ou plusieurs cas, à partir d’une diversité de méthodes et au regard d’approches théoriques. Le choix des cas (unique ou multiples) étudiés est crucial. Les études de cas sont particulièrement adaptées pour étudier l’émergence et les processus en jeu dans la mise en œuvre des politiques et pour participer aux évaluations basées sur la théorie.
    Mots-clés : ⛔ No DOI found.
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  • Robin Julie, Schantz Clémence, Kanté Kadiatou, Dancoisne Aurélien et Ridde Valery (2023) « Knowledge transfer interventions on cancer in Africa and Asia : a scoping review », (novembre 14).
    Résumé : Introduction: Africa and Asia face many challenges related to knowledge transfer in the field of cancer diagnosis, treatment, survivorship, and end-of-life care. Some of these challenges include adherence to screening, confidence in the capabilities of modern medicine and the local health system, the ability of patients to make informed decisions about their treatment, the response of family members and society, the ability of the health system to improve the quality of survival of patients, and the ability of the authorities to implement appropriate and effective cancer control policies. It is therefore essential to understand how evidence and experiential knowledge can be better integrated into the health system and into the actions or decisions of those involved in cancer control.
    Mots-clés : ⛔ No DOI found.

  • Rousseau A., Dubel-Jam M., Schantz Clémence et Gaucher L. (2023) « Barrier measures implemented in French maternity hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional survey », Midwifery, 118 (mars 1), p. 103600. DOI : 10.1016/j.midw.2023.103600.
    Résumé : Objectives The objectives of this survey were 1) to describe the changes over time of barrier measures in maternity units, specifically, co-parent visits and women wearing masks in birth rooms, and 2) to identify potential institutional determinants of these barrier measures. Design We used an online questionnaire to conduct a descriptive cross-sectional survey from May to July 2021. Setting All districts in mainland France. Participants Midwife supervisor of each maternity unit. Measurements Primary outcomes were “banning of visits” in the postnatal department during the first lockdown (March–May 2020), and “mandated mask-wearing in birth rooms” during the survey period (May–July 2021); the independent variables were maternity unit characteristics and location in a crisis area. Co-parent visits were considered only during the first lockdown as they were mostly allowed afterwards, and the wearing of masks was studied only during the survey period, as masks were unavailable for the population during the first lockdown. Results We obtained 343 responses, i.e., 75.2% of French maternity units. Visits to the postnatal department were forbidden in 39.3% of the maternity units during the first lockdown and in none during the study period. Maternity hospitals with neonatal intensive care units were the most likely to ban co-parent hospital visits (adjusted OR 2.34 [1.12; 4.96]). However, those were the maternity units least likely to encourage or require women to wear masks while pushing (adjusted OR, 0.31; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.11–0.77). Maternity units in crisis areas (i.e., with very high case counts) during the first lockdown banned visits significantly more often (adjusted OR, 1.68; 95% CI, 1.05–2.70). Key conclusions Our study showed that barrier measures evolved during the course of the pandemic but remained extremely variable between facilities. Implications for practice Maternity units implemented drastic barrier measures at the beginning of the pandemic but were able to adapt these measures over time. It is now time to learn from this experience to ensure that women and infants are no longer harmed by these measures.
    Mots-clés : Barrier measures, COVID-19, Maternity unit policies.

  • Rozée Virginie et Schantz Clémence (2023) « Accoucher pendant la pandémie du Covid-19 en France : d’un « tout s’est bien passé » au sentiment d’une maternité volée », Sciences sociales et santé, 41 (4) (décembre 1), p. 43-70. DOI : 10.1684/sss.2023.0259.

  • Sambou C., Pourette Dolorès, Beaudrap Pierre De, Raho-Moussa M. et Allavena C. (2023) « Polypathologie des personnes âgées vivant avec le VIH : quelle gestion en médecine générale ? », Santé Publique, 35 (1), p. 37. DOI : 10.3917/spub.231.0037.
    Résumé : Introduction : La polypathologie est une problématique de santé qui concerne de plus en plus de personnes vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH) et dont la fréquence augmente avec l'âge. Le recul actuel de l'hospitalo-centrisme devrait amener le médecin généraliste à occuper une place centrale dans le suivi extra-hospitalier des PVVIH âgées et polypathologiques. Notre étude cherche à comprendre la place qu'occupent réellement les médecins généralistes et les barrières qu'ils rencontrent dans la prise en charge des PVVIH âgées et polypathologiques. Méthodes : Nous présentons ici les résultats d'une étude ancillaire d'une précédente recherche (ANRS EP66-SEPTAVIH) qui évalue la fragilité chez les PVVIH âgées de 70 ans et plus. Elle repose sur des entretiens approfondis réalisés auprès de médecins généralistes et de PVVIH âgées de 70 ans et plus. Les données ont fait l'objet d'un traitement manuel et les thèmes et sous-thèmes identifiés ont été classés dans un tableau sous forme de grilles d'être soumis à une analyse thématique transversale. Résultats : À partir de 30 entretiens réalisés d'avril 2020 à juin 2021 auprès de 10 médecins généralistes et 20 PVVIH âgées de 70 ans et plus et polypathologiques, cette étude identifie les difficultés que les médecins généralistes rencontrent pour intervenir pleinement dans la prise en charge de ces patients. Leur suivi est caractérisé par des cloisonnements symboliques entre groupes de professionnels : morcellement organisationnel entre médecins généralistes et spécialistes, peur d'empiéter sur le rôle de l'autre professionnel de santé et absence fréquente de formalisation des rôles dans la coordination des soins. Conclusions : Afin de favoriser un suivi optimal et d'améliorer le vécu des PVVIH âgées, il est important que le rôle de chaque intervenant soit mieux défini pour un meilleur suivi partagé.

  • Schantz Clémence, Tiet Mordjane, Evrard Anne, Guillaume Sophie, Boujahma Dounia, Quentin Bérénice, Pourette Dolorès et Rozée Virginie (2023) « A strong capacity to face the shock of the health crisis: MaNaO, a midwife-led birthing centre in France », Midwifery. DOI : 10.1016/j.midw.2023.103837.

  • Schoelen Leonie, Sebihi Abbes, Azab-Els Sherif et Sano Mariame (2023) « Diversity of epistemologies in African higher education: an interdisciplinary perspective on the contribution of digital communities of practice to equitable knowledge production », Curriculum Perspectives (juillet 24). DOI : 10.1007/s41297-023-00209-8.
    Résumé : Abstract This interdisciplinary article proposes a holistic approach to address challenges faced by African higher education owing to the shift to digital technology and online learning. The approach draws on theories of knowledge to promote equitable knowledge production and bridge the digital divide. The article highlights the potential of communities of practice as a complementary tool to indigenous methods and calls for the use of all available resources, including indigenous languages, to overcome existing inequalities and promote dynamic knowledge construction. The importance of understanding the historical influence of colonial and pre-colonial practices on epistemology is also emphasized. The article offers innovative approaches and insights to support equitable and inclusive knowledge production in African higher education contexts, with a focus on the Western region of the continent, facilitated by novel technologies that have been rolled out in learning institutions globally.

  • Serviant-Fine Thibaut, Arminjon Mathieu, Fayet Yohan et Giroux Élodie (2023) « Allostatic load: historical origins, promises and costs of a recent biosocial approach », BioSocieties (mai 26). DOI : 10.1057/s41292-023-00303-0.
    Résumé : Abstract This article provides a critical and genealogical analysis of the allostatic load research framework. AL research is used as a case study to analyse how the current biosocial context is articulated in the field of health inequalities research. Providing a contemporary analysis of AL studies with a genealogy of the AL concept, we show that the ambition to use biological tools to improve measurements, predictions, and ultimately public health action, is rooted in a history that predates current biosocial entanglements. We analyse the conceptual and methodological grounding of AL studies in relation to the ambitious propositions to address health inequalities they often convey. The difficulties in translating AL research findings into public health policies and the risks of biomedicalisation that could emerge through the use of AL are also addressed. While acknowledging these risks, however, we nuance the risk of depoliticisation associated with the biomedicalisation of social inequalities in health. In light of the historical analysis, we qualify the risks associated to a biologisation of social life that could emerge from AL research: it appears that these risks are more specifically rooted in methodological and epistemological problems that researchers would need to consider in the pursuit of AL research.
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  • Stannah James, Soni Nirali, Lam Jin Keng Stephen, Giguère Katia, Mitchell Kate M, Kronfli Nadine, Larmarange Joseph, Moh Raoul, Nouaman Marcellin, Kouamé Gérard Menan, Boily Marie-Claude et Maheu-Giroux Mathieu (2023) « Trends in HIV testing, the treatment cascade, and HIV incidence among men who have sex with men in Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis », The Lancet HIV, p. S235230182300111X. DOI : 10.1016/S2352-3018(23)00111-X.

  • Touré Laurence, Boivin Pauline, Diarra Yacouba, Diabaté Seydou et Ridde Valéry (2023) « Innovations in mutuality: challenges and learnings for the Universal Health Insurance Plan in Mali », BMJ Global Health, 7 (Suppl 9) (mars), p. e011055. DOI : 10.1136/bmjgh-2022-011055.
    Résumé : Background Many Sahel countries in Africa are looking for solutions for universal health coverage (UHC). Mali is in the process of adopting the Universal Health Insurance Plan, which allows for the mutualisation of existing schemes. Its operationalisation requires numerous adjustments to the current mutualist proposal and innovations in the system. The study focuses on innovations experienced in mutuality and their conditions of scale for UHC in Mali. Methods This is qualitative research by multiple case studies. It is based on the collection of data by interviews (n=136), at a national and local level, on the analysis of documents (n=42) and a long field observation (7 months). The analytical framework concerns the dissemination and maintenance of health innovations (Greenhalgh et al, 2004). Result The analysis of this innovation shows an interest in the technical and institutional viability that determines its performance and scale-up. The procrastination and scepticism displayed at the highest level of the state and the international level, the reluctance, both financial and ideological, to renew the old mutualist proposal, penalise this Malian experiment. Conclusion This innovation is a decisive step in ensuring the health coverage of Mali’s agricultural and informal sectors. The reform will need to be amplified and supported in the future to expect the scale-up of a cheaper, technically and institutionally more efficient system. Without a political intention to mobilise national resources and accept a fundamental paradigm shift in health financing, the search for the financial viability of mutuality may, again, be at the expense of the performance.
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  • Touzani Rajae, Schultz Émilien, Vandentorren Stéphanie, Arwidson Pierre, Guillemin Francis, Bouhnik Anne Déborah, Rouquette Alexandra et Mancini Julien (2023) « Digital contact tracing during the COVID-19 pandemic in France: Associated factors and reasons for non-use », International Journal of Medical Informatics, 171. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2023.104994.
    Résumé : Objectives: To estimate the proportion of users of the TousAntiCovid app(lication) and identify factors associated with its non-use for contact tracing. Methods: We conducted an online survey of a quota sample of French adults between 8 and 18 January 2021. Three categories of TousAntiCovid use were considered: contact tracing, other or temporary usage, and no use. A weighted multiple logistic regression was performed to analyze the factors associated with these different uses. Results: Among the 1 000 respondents, 63.3% declared they had never downloaded the TousAntiCovid app, 23.5% used it for contact tracing. The remaining 13.2% did not enable contact tracing, mainly because of excessive battery consumption and fear of misuse of personal data. Trust in political representatives, financial deprivation and other factors were associated with never downloading the app. Conclusion: This study confirms the previously suggested links between trust in political representatives, financial deprivation and the use of contact tracing apps in France.

  • Zitti Tony, Coulibaly Abdouramane, Gali-Gali Idriss Ali Zakaria, Ridde Valery et Turcotte-Tremblay Anne-Marie (2023) « A comparative study of community verification processes in the context of performance-based financing in Mali and Burkina Faso », International Journal of Public Sector Management (septembre 4). DOI : 10.1108/IJPSM-02-2023-0063.
    Résumé : Purpose This article compares the processes of community verification (CV) and user satisfaction surveys during the implementation of performance-based financing (PBF) in Mali and Burkina Faso. Design/methodology/approach The authors adopted a qualitative approach based on a multiple-case study design. Data were collected from August 10 to 25, 2017, in Mali, and from January to May 2016 in Burkina Faso. In Mali, 191 semi-structured interviews were conducted with investigators (people who collect information from health centre users in the communities, using survey tools), users, users' relatives, and health workers in three of the 10 health districts in the Koulikoro region. In Burkina Faso, 241 non-participatory observation sessions were recorded in a research diary, and 92 semi-structured interviews and informal discussions were conducted with investigators, community verifiers, users, PBF support staff at the national level, and administrative staff in one of the 15 health districts involved in PBF. The data were analysed inductively. Findings In both Mali and Burkina Faso, the delayed availability of survey forms led to a delay in starting the surveys. In Mali, to get off to a quick start, some investigators went to health centres to conduct the sampling with their supervisors. In both countries, investigators reported difficulties in finding certain users in the community due to incorrect spelling of names, lack of telephone details, incomplete information on the forms, common or similar sounding names within the community, and user mobility. There was little interference from health workers during user selection and surveys in both countries. In both countries, many surveys were conducted in the presence of the user's family (husband, father-in-law, brother, uncle, etc.) and the person accompanying the investigator. Also in both countries, some investigators filled in forms without investigating. They justified this data fabrication by the inadequate time available for the survey and the difficulty or impossibility of finding certain users. In both countries, the results were not communicated to health centre staff or users in either country. Research limitations/implications CV and user satisfaction surveys are important components of PBF implementation. However, their implementation and evaluation remain complex. The instruments for CV and user satisfaction surveys for PBF need to be adapted and simplified to the local context. Emphasis should be placed on data analysis and the use of CV results. Originality/value There are similarities and differences in the CV process and user satisfaction surveys in Mali and Burkina Faso. In Mali, the data from the user satisfaction survey was not analyzed, while in Burkina Faso, the analysis did not allow for feedback. The local non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that carried out the CV were pre-financed for 50% of the amount in Mali. In Burkina Faso, community-based organisations (CBOs) were not pre-financed. The lack of financing negatively impacted the conduction of the surveys. In Mali, fraudulent completion of survey forms by interviewers was more common in urban than in rural areas. In Burkina Faso, the frauds concerned consultations for children under five years of age. In Burkina Faso, the survey form was not adapted to collect data on the level of satisfaction of the indigent. Key messages There were similarities and differences in the community verification (CV) processes in Mali and Burkina Faso. In both Mali and Burkina Faso, tracing users within their community was difficult for several reasons, including incorrect or incomplete information on forms, common or similar names, and user mobility. In both countries, there was no feedback on the results of the CV process to health centre staff or users. Survey forms were falsified by investigators in both countries. In Mali, falsification was more common in urban than in rural areas. In Burkina Faso, falsification was more often observed for consultations for children under five years of age.
Chapitre de livre

  • Bonnet Doris et Delanoë Daniel (2023) « Pourquoi les jeunes d’Afrique subsaharienne partent-ils ? », in Mineurs non accompagnés, repères pour une clinique psychosociale transculturelle (sous la dir. de Sydney Gaultier, Abdessalem Yahyaoui et Pierre Benghozi) ; Préface de Thierry Baubet, PARIS, France : In Press, p. 101-109. ISBN : 978-2-84835-813-0.

  • Bonnet Emmanuel, Lechat L. et Ridde Valéry (2023) « Quelles sont les interventions nécessaires pour réduire les accidents de la route en Afrique ? : une revue de la littérature », Ed. Science et Bien Commun.

  • Bonnet Emmanuel, Nikiema A., Adoléhoumé A. et Ridde Valérie (2023) « De meilleures données pour mieux agir : repenser les données sur les accidents de la route en Afrique de l'Ouest francophone », Ed. Science et Bien Commun.

  • Bonnet Emmanuel, Nikiema A., Traoré Z., Sidebega S. et Ridde Valéry (2023) « Solutions technologiques pour un système de surveillance sanitaire efficace des accidents de la route au Burkina Faso », Ed. Science et Bien Commun.

  • Dagenais C., Proulx M., Sween-Cadieux M. C., Nikiema A., Bonnet Emmanuel, Ridde Valéry et Somé P. A. (2023) « Recherche collaborative et transfert des connaissances sur les accidents de la route au Burkina Faso : le point de vue de la police 18 mois plus tard », Ed. Science et Bien Commun.

  • Dia Hamidou et Goudiaby Jean Alain (2023) « L'offre d'enseignement supérieur et la prise en charge des inégalités sociales au Sénégal : pratiques et limités », in Universités privées : La fabrique des inégalités. Leçons d'Afrique,d'Amérique latine et d'Asie (dir. Etienne Gérard), Karthala, p. 233-272. ISBN : 978-2-38409-000-6.

  • Gérard Etienne et Kuri R. Grediaga (2023) « De la dérégulation du marché de l'enseignement supérieur à l'élitisme méritocratique : réflexions sur la fabrique des inégalités par les secteurs privés : introduction », Karthala.

  • Kuri R. Grediaga, Gérard Etienne et López M. (2023) « L'enseignement supérieur sous le joug du marché : universités privées au Mexique et inégalités sociales », Karthala.

  • Larmarange Joseph et Broqua Christophe (2023) « Orientation sexuelle et identité de genre : quelles catégories d'enquête en Afrique subsaharienne ? », in Minorités de genre et de sexualité : objectivation, catégorisations et pratiques d'enquête, éd. par Wilfried Rault et Mathieu Trachman, Ined Éditions, p. 191-207. (Méthodes et Savoirs).
    Résumé : À l’inverse de quelques travaux pionniers en sciences humaines et sociales, la question de l’homosexualité masculine est restée inexistante dans les enquêtes quantitatives en Afrique subsaharienne jusqu’au début des années 2000, malgré les épidémies de VIH qui ravageaient le continent. C’est en 2005 qu’est publiée, pour la première fois, une étude quantitative bio-comportementale (Wade et al., 2005) sur une population d’hommes ayant des rapports sexuels avec des hommes (HSH) en Afrique – en l’occurrence au Sénégal. Le principal résultat concernait la prévalence du VIH : sur les 463 hommes interrogés, 22 % étaient infectés par le VIH, et ce dans un pays, le Sénégal, connu pour sa faible prévalence en population générale (moins de 1 %). Mais l’enquête apportait aussi d’autres informations importantes, notamment au sujet de l’orientation sexuelle : 94 % des répondants déclaraient avoir eu des relations sexuelles avec des femmes au moins une fois au cours de leur vie. Cette proportion élevée d’hommes ayant des pratiques bisexuelles est devenue un élément récurrent des enquêtes sur les HSH en Afrique, et l’un des aspects les plus discutés. Depuis le milieu des années 2000, parallèlement à une attention internationale croissante accordée aux HSH dans les pays à ressources limitées et une pression politique des bailleurs internationaux pour la prise en compte des populations dites « clés » dans la riposte aux épidémies de VIH, les enquêtes quantitatives sur les HSH se sont développées exponentiellement en Afrique subsaharienne. À partir des années 2010, une partie d’entre elles aussi exploré l’identité de genre et certaines publications ont concerné plus, spécifiquement, les personnes « transgenres ». Ce chapitre fait le point sur ces dimensions telles qu’elles apparaissent dans la littérature disponible, en examinant les connaissances dont nous disposons sur les différentes populations que recouvre la catégorie HSH. À partir d’une revue de littérature exhaustive, nous recensons les catégories que mettent en évidence les enquêtes quantitatives du point de vue de l’orientation sexuelle (articulant plusieurs dimensions, dont le pôle d’activité sexuelle, l’orientation sexuelle déclarée et l’attirance sexuelle) et de l’identité de genre. L’objectif est de savoir si les dimensions investiguées sont suffisantes pour la compréhension fine, tant des logiques sociales de la sexualité que des comportements et des identités, et de questionner la façon dont est pensée la diversité des profils au sein de la catégorie HSH. Nous faisons l’hypothèse que les catégories utilisées sont importées des pays du Nord et plaquées sur les pays africains au détriment des catégories et représentations locales, en suivant un agenda international lié à l’épidémie de VIH, qui dicte la définition des catégories à investiguer. Après de nombreuses décennies au cours desquelles s’est construite l’image d’un continent exclusivement hétérosexuel, le développement exponentiel des enquêtes épidémiologiques sur les HSH en Afrique ne témoigne-t-il pas lui aussi d’un travers, certes inverse, en dessinant des formes d’orientation sexuelle et d’identité de genre minoritaires de manière réductrice et schématique ?

  • Loan D. Thi Bich, Henaff Nolwen et Ha T. Tri Thai (2023) « L'enseignement supérieur privé au Vietnam : un facteur d'augmentation ou de réduction des inégalités ? », Karthala.

  • Petitfour L., Bonnet Emmanuel, Mathevet I., Nikiema A. et Ridde Valéry (2023) « Paiements directs et dépenses catastrophiques liés aux accidents de la route à Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso », Ed. Science et Bien Commun.
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