Publications des membres du Ceped


  • Chabrol Fanny, Traverson Lola, Hou Renyou, Chotard Lisa, Lucet Jean-Christophe, Peiffer-Smadja Nathan, Bendjelloul Gisèle, Lescure François-Xavier, Yazdanpanah Yazdan, Zinszer Kate et Ridde Valéry (2023) « Adaptation and Response of a Major Parisian Referral Hospital to the COVID-19 Surge: A Qualitative Study », Health Systems & Reform, 9 (1) (décembre 31), p. 2165429. DOI : 10.1080/23288604.2023.2165429.
    Résumé : Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, few studies have focused on crisis management of multiple services within one hospital over several waves of the pandemic. The purpose of this study was to provide an overview of the COVID-19 crisis response of a Parisian referral hospital which managed the first three COVID cases in France and to analyze its resilience capacities. Between March 2020 and June 2021, we conducted observations, semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and lessons learned workshops. Data analysis was supported by an original framework on health system resilience. Three configurations emerged from the empirical data: 1) reorganization of services and spaces; 2) management of professionals’ and patients’ contamination risk; and 3) mobilization of human resources and work adaptation. The hospital and its staff mitigated the effects of the pandemic by implementing multiple and varied strategies, which the staff perceived as having positive and/or negative consequences. We observed an unprecedented mobilization of the hospital and its staff to absorb the crisis. Often the mobilization fell on the shoulders of the professionals, adding to their exhaustion. Our study demonstrates the capacity of the hospital and its staff to absorb the COVID-19 shock by putting in place mechanisms for continuous adaptation. More time and insight will be needed to observe whether these strategies and adaptations will be sustainable over the coming months and years and to assess the overall transformative capacities of the hospital.
    Mots-clés : COVID-19, emergency response capacity, hospital, resilience.

  • Chabrol Fanny, Traverson Lola, Hou Renyou, Chotard Lisa, Peiffer-Smadja Nathan, Lucet Jean-Christophe, Bendjelloul Gisèle, Dagenais Christian et Ridde Valéry (2023) « Échanges interprofessionnels en temps de COVID-19 à l’hôpital Bichat Claude-Bernard : éclairages pour la recherche », Santé Publique, 35 (1), p. 59-64. DOI : 10.3917/spub.231.0059.
    Résumé : La gestion de l’épidémie de COVID-19 a bouleversé l’organisation des soins dans les hôpitaux. Dans le cadre d’un projet de recherche portant sur la résilience des hôpitaux et des professionnel·le·s de santé face à la pandémie de COVID-19 (HoSPiCOVID), nous avons documenté leurs stratégies d’adaptation dans cinq pays (France, Mali, Brésil, Canada, Japon). En France, dès la fin de la première vague (juin 2020), une équipe de chercheur·se·s et des professionnel·le·s de santé de l’hôpital Bichat Claude-Bernard ont organisé des groupes de discussion pour prendre acte de ces accomplissements et pour partager leurs expériences vécues. Un an plus tard, d’autres échanges ont permis de discuter et de valider les résultats de la recherche. L’objectif de cette contribution courte est de décrire les apports de ces temps d’échanges interprofessionnels conduits à l’hôpital Bichat Claude-Bernard. Nous montrons que ceux-ci ont permis : 1) de créer des espaces de parole pour les professionnel·le·s, 2) d’enrichir et de valider les données collectées au travers d’une (re)connaissance collective d’aspects saillants relatifs aux vécus de la crise, et 3) de rendre compte des attitudes, interactions et rapports de pouvoir de ces professionnel·le·s dans un contexte de gestion de crise.
    Mots-clés : COVID-19, Groupe de discussion, Hôpital, Interprofessionnel, Recherche qualitative.

  • David Pierre-Marie, Gabet Morgane, Duhoux Arnaud, Traverson Lola, Ridde Valéry, Zinszer Kate et Gautier Lara (2023) « Adapting Hospital Work During COVID-19 in Quebec (Canada) », Health Systems & Reform, 9 (2) (juin 15), p. 2200566. DOI : 10.1080/23288604.2023.2200566.

  • Gallardo Lucille, Gautier Lara, Chabrol Fanny, Traverson Lola, Oliveira Sydia et Ridde Valery (2023) Les cabinets de conseil privés dans l'action publique contre les épidémies : une revue exploratoire (139), Sciences Po - LIEPP.
    Résumé : Si la recherche en sciences sociales sur le rôle des cabinets de conseil privés dans l’action publique est foisonnante, leur intervention dans la gestion publique de crises sanitaires ou d’épidémies est peu étudiée. La pandémie de COVID-19 a pourtant révélé un recours important à ces firmes de la part d’administrations publiques de nombreux pays. Cette revue exploratoire des écrits scientifiques a pour objectif d’identifier les recherches qui portent sur la participation de ces cabinets au gouvernement d’épidémies et de crises sanitaires survenues depuis 2000 : que disent-elles du rôle de ces cabinets et quelles méthodes sont mobilisées ? Les étapes du modèle PRISMA-ScR ont permis d’identifier seulement 24 références depuis 2000. Trois approches sont mobilisées par les auteur·e·s qui déterminent leur analyses sur le rôle des cabinets : l’approche gestionnaire, la consultocratie et l’hybridation des élites. Cette revue permet de rendre compte d’un point aveugle des écrits scientifiques et appelle à la réalisation de recherches empiriques sur le sujet.

  • Gautier Lara, Noda Shinichiro, Chabrol Fanny, David Pierre-Marie, Duhoux Arnaud, Hou Renyou, Rosana de Araújo Oliveira Sydia, Traverson Lola, Zinszer Kate et Ridde Valéry (2023) « Hospital Governance During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multiple-Country Case Study », Health Systems & Reform, 9 (2) (juin 15), p. 2173551. DOI : 10.1080/23288604.2023.2173551.
    Résumé : In response to the disruptions caused by COVID-19, hospitals around the world proactively or reactively developed and/or re-organized their governance structures to manage the COVID-19 response. Hospitals’ governance played a crucial role in their ability to reorganize and respond to the pressing needs of their staff. We discuss and compare six hospital cases from four countries on different continents: Brazil, Canada, France, and Japan. Our study examined how governance strategies (e.g., special task forces, communications management tools, etc.) were perceived by hospital staff. Key findings from a total of 177 qualitative interviews with diverse hospital stakeholders were analyzed using three categories drawn from the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies framework on health systems resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: 1) delivering a clear and timely COVID-19 response strategy; 2) coordinating effectively within (horizontally) and across (vertically) levels of decision-making; and 3) communicating clearly and transparently with the hospital’s diverse stakeholders. Our study gleaned rich accounts for these three categories, highlighting significant variations across settings. These variations were primarily determined by the hospitals’ environment prior to the COVID-19 crisis, namely whether there already existed a culture of managerial openness (including spaces for social interactions among hospital staff) and whether preparedness planning and training had been routinely integrated into their activities.
    Mots-clés : Comparative health systems, hospital governance, multiple case study, resilience.

  • Hou Renyou, Traverson Lola, Chabrol Fanny, Gautier Lara, de Araújo Oliveira Sydia Rosana, David Pierre-Marie, Lucet Jean-Christophe, Zinszer Kate et Ridde Valéry (2023) « Communication and Information Strategies Implemented by Four Hospitals in Brazil, Canada, and France to Deal with COVID-19 Healthcare-Associated Infections », Health Systems & Reform, 9 (2) (juin 15), p. 2223812. DOI : 10.1080/23288604.2023.2223812.
    Résumé : During the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, COVID-19 healthcare-associated infections (HAI) and risk management became major challenges facing hospitals. Using evidence from a research project, this commentary presents: 1) various communication and information strategies implemented by four hospitals and their staff in Brazil, Canada and France to reduce the risks of COVID-19 HAIs, and how they were perceived by hospital staff; 2) the flaws in communication in the hospitals; and 3) a proposed agenda for research on and action to improve institutional communications for future pandemics. By analyzing “top-down” strategies at the organizational level and spontaneous strategies initiated by and between professionals, this study shows that during the first waves of the pandemic, reliable information and clear communication about guidelines and health protocols’ changes can help alleviate fears among staff and avoid misapplication of protocols, thereby reducing infection risks. There was a lack of a “bottom-up” communication channel, while, when making decisions, it is crucial to listen to and fully take into account staff’s voices, experiences, and feelings. More balanced communication between hospital administrators and staff could strengthen team cohesion and lead to better enforcement of protocols, which in turn will reduce the risk of contamination, alleviate the potential impacts on staff health, and improve the quality of care provided to patients.
    Mots-clés : Communication, COVID-19, healthcare-associated infection, hospital, information, resilience.



  • Mathevet Isadora, Ost Katarina, Traverson Lola, Zinszer Kate et Ridde Valéry (2021) « Accounting for health inequities in the design of contact tracing interventions: a rapid review », International Journal of Infectious Diseases (mars 11), p. S1201971221002277. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijid.2021.03.010.
    Résumé : Context Contact tracing has been a central COVID-19 transmission control measure. However, without the consideration of the needs of specific populations, public health interventions can exacerbate health inequities. Purpose The purpose of this rapid review was to determine if and how health inequities were included in the design of contact tracing interventions in epidemic settings. Method We conducted a search of the electronic databases MEDLINE and Web of Science. Our inclusion criteria included articles that: (i) described the design of contact tracing interventions, (ii) have been published between 2013 and 2020 in English, French, Spanish, Chinese, or Portuguese, (iii) and included at least 50% of empiricism, according to the Automated Classifier of Texts on Scientific Studies (ATCER) tool. We relied on various tools to extract data. Result Following the titles and abstracts screening of 230 articles, 39 articles met the inclusion criteria. Only seven references were retained after full text review. None of the selected studies considered health inequities in the design of contact tracing interventions. Conclusion The use of tools/concepts for incorporating health inequities, such as the REFLEX-ISS tool, and “proportionate universalism” when designing contact tracing interventions, would enable practitioners, decision makers, and researchers to better consider health inequities.

  • Ost Katarina, Duquesne Louise, Duguay Claudia, Traverson Lola, Mathevet Isadora, Ridde Valéry et Zinszer Kate (2021) « A rapid review of equity considerations in large-scale testing campaigns during infectious disease epidemics », medRxiv. DOI : 10.1101/2021.02.22.21252205.
    Résumé : Large-scale testing is an intervention that is instrumental for infectious disease control and a central tool for the COVID-19 pandemic. Our rapid review aimed to identify if and how equity has been considered in large-scale testing initiatives. Methods: We searched Web of Science and PubMed in November 2020 and followed PRISMA recommendations for scoping reviews. Articles were analyzed using descriptive and thematic analysis. Results: Our search resulted in 291 studies of which 41 were included for data extraction after full article screening. Most of the included articles (83%) reported on HIV-related screening programs, while the remaining programs focused on other sexually transmitted infections (n=3) or COVID-19 (n=4). None of the studies presented a formal definition of (in)equity in testing, however, 23 articles did indirectly include elements of equity in the program or intervention design, largely through the justification of their target population. Conclusion: The studies included in our rapid review did not explicitly consider equity in their design or evaluation. It is imperative that equity is incorporated into the design of infectious disease testing programs and serves as an important reminder of how equity considerations are needed for SARS-CoV-2 testing and vaccination programs.</p>

  • Ridde Valéry, Gautier Lara, Dagenais Christian, Chabrol Fanny, Hou Renyou, Bonnet Emmanuel, David Pierre-Marie, Cloos Patrick, Duhoux Arnaud, Lucet Jean-Christophe, Traverson Lola, de Araujo Oliveira Sydia Rosana, Cazarin Gisele, Peiffer-Smadja Nathan, Touré Laurence, Coulibaly Abdourahmane, Honda Ayako, Noda Shinichiro, Tamura Toyomitsu, Baba Hiroko, Kodoi Haruka et Zinszer Kate (2021) « Learning from public health and hospital resilience to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: protocol for a multiple case study (Brazil, Canada, China, France, Japan, and Mali) », Health Research Policy and Systems, 19 (1) (mai 6), p. 76. DOI : 10.1186/s12961-021-00707-z.
    Résumé : All prevention efforts currently being implemented for COVID-19 are aimed at reducing the burden on strained health systems and human resources. There has been little research conducted to understand how SARS-CoV-2 has affected health care systems and professionals in terms of their work. Finding effective ways to share the knowledge and insight between countries, including lessons learned, is paramount to the international containment and management of the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this project is to compare the pandemic response to COVID-19 in Brazil, Canada, China, France, Japan, and Mali. This comparison will be used to identify strengths and weaknesses in the response, including challenges for health professionals and health systems.

  • Stennett Jack, Hou Renyou, Traverson Lola, Ridde Valéry, Zinszer Kate et Chabrol Fanny (2021) « Lessons learned from the resilience of Chinese hospitals to the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review ». DOI : 10.1101/2021.03.15.21253509.
    Résumé : <h3>Abstract</h3> <p>As the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has brought huge strain on hospitals worldwide, the resilience shown by China’s hospitals appears to have been a critical factor in their successful response to the pandemic. This paper aims to determine the key findings, recommendations and lessons learned in terms of hospital resilience during the pandemic, as well as the quality and limitations of research in this field at present.</p><p>We conducted a scoping review of evidence on the resilience of hospitals in China during the COVID-19 crisis in the first half of 2020. Two online databases (the CNKI and WHO databases) were used to identify papers meeting the eligibility criteria, from which we selected 59 publications (English: n= 26; Chinese: n= 33). After extracting the data, we present an information synthesis using a resilience framework.</p><p>We found that much research was rapidly produced in the first half of 2020, describing certain strategies used to improve hospital resilience, particularly in three key areas: human resources; management and communication; and security, hygiene and planning. Our search revealed that considerable attention was focused on interventions related to training, healthcare worker well-being, e-health/ telemedicine, and work organization, while other areas, such as hospital financing, information systems and healthcare infrastructure, were less well represented in the literature.</p><p>We identified a number of lessons learned regarding how China’s hospitals have maintained resilience when confronted with the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. However, we also noted that the literature was dominated by descriptive case studies, often lacking consideration of methodological limitations, and that there was a lack of both highly-focused research on individual interventions and holistic research that attempted to unite the topics within a resilience framework. Research on Chinese hospitals would benefit from a greater range of analysis in order to draw more nuanced and contextualised lessons from the responses to the crisis.</p>

  • Traverson Lola, Stennett Jack, Mathevet Isadora, Zacarias Amanda Correia Paes, Sousa Karla Paz de, Andrade Andrea, Zinszer Kate et Ridde Valéry (2021) « Learning from the resilience of hospitals and their staff to the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review », medRxiv. DOI : 10.1101/2021.04.22.21255908.
    Résumé : <h3>Abstract</h3> <h3>Background</h3> <p>The COVID-19 pandemic has brought huge strain on hospitals worldwide. It is crucial that we gain a deeper understanding of hospital resilience in this unprecedented moment. This paper aims to report the key strategies and recommendations in terms of hospitals and professionals’ resilience to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the quality and limitations of research in this field at present.</p><h3>Methods</h3> <p>We conducted a scoping review of evidence on the resilience of hospitals and their staff during the COVID-19 crisis in the first half of 2020. The Stephen B. Thacker CDC Library website was used to identify papers meeting the eligibility criteria, from which we selected 65 publications. After having extracted data, we presented the results synthesis using an “effects-strategies-impacts” resilience framework.</p><h3>Results</h3> <p>We found a wealth of research rapidly produced in the first half of 2020, describing different strategies used to improve hospitals’ resilience, particularly in terms of 1) planning, management, and security, and 2) human resources. Research focuses mainly on interventions related to healthcare workers’ well-being and mental health, protection protocols, space reorganization, personal protective equipment and resources management, work organization, training, e-health and the use of technologies. Hospital financing, information and communication, and governance were less represented in the literature.</p><h3>Conclusion</h3> <p>The selected literature was dominated by quantitative descriptive case studies, sometimes lacking consideration of methodological limitations. The review revealed a lack of holistic research attempting to unite the topics within a resilience framework. Research on hospitals resilience would benefit from a greater range of analysis to draw more nuanced and contextualized lessons from the multiple specific responses to the crisis. We identified key strategies on how hospitals maintained their resilience when confronted with the COVID-19 pandemic and a range of recommendations for practice.</p>
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