Publications des membres du Ceped




Article de revue

  • Boye Sokhna, Kouadio Alexis, Kouvahe Amélé Florence, Vautier Anthony, Ky-Zerbo Odette, Rouveau Nicolas, Maheu-Giroux Mathieu, Silhol Romain, Simo Fotso Arlette, Larmarange Joseph, Pourette Dolorès, Elvis Georges Amani, Badiane Kéba, Bayac Céline, Bekelynck Anne, Boily Marie-Claude, Breton Guillaume, d’Elbée Marc, Desclaux Alice, du Loû Annabel Desgrées, Papa Moussa Diop, Doumenc-Aïdara Clémence, Ehui Eboi, Graham Medley, Jean Kévin, Keita Abdelaye, Kra Arsène Kouassi, Medley Graham, Moh Raoul, Cheikh Tidiane Ndour, Terris-Prestholt Fern, Métogara Mohamed Traore, Diallo Sanata, Papa Alioune Gueye, Geoffroy Olivier, Kabemba Odé Kanku, Abokon Armand, Anoma Camille, Diokouri Annie, Kouame Blaise, Kouakou Venance, Koffi Odette, Kpolo Alain-Michel, Tety Josiane, Traore Yacouba, Bagendabanga Jules, Berthé Djelika, Diakite Daouda, Diakité Mahamadou, Diallo Youssouf, Daouda Minta, Hessou Septime, Kanambaye Saidou, Kanoute Abdul Karim, Keita Dembele Bintou, Koné Dramane, Koné Mariam, Maiga Almoustapha, Nouhoum Telly, Sanogo Abdoulaye, Saran Keita Aminata, Sidibé Fadiala, Tall Madani, Yattassaye Camara Adam, Idrissa, Papa Amadou Niang Diallo, Fall Fatou, NDèye Fatou NGom Guèye, Ndiaye Sidy Mokhtar, Niang Alassane Moussa, Samba Oumar, Thiam Safiatou, Turpin Nguissali M. E., Bouaré Seydou, Camara Cheick Sidi, Eponon Ehua Agnes, Montaufray Marie-Anne, Mosso Rosine, Ndeye Pauline Dama, Sarrassat Sophie, Sow Souleymane et for ATLAS team (2024) « Organisation of testing services, structural barriers and facilitators of routine HIV self-testing during sexually transmitted infection consultations: a qualitative study of patients and providers in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire », BMC Infectious Diseases, 22 (1) (février 27), p. 975. DOI : 10.1186/s12879-023-08625-x.
    Résumé : Consultations for sexually transmitted infection (STI) provide an opportunity to offer HIV testing to both patients and their partners. This study describes the organisation of HIV self-testing (HIVST) distribution during STI consultations in Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) and analyse the perceived barriers and facilitators associated with the use and redistribution of HIVST kits by STI patients.
    Mots-clés : Côte d’Ivoire, HIV, HIV self-testing, HIV testing offer, Screening, Self-testing, Sexually transmitted infections-STIs.

  • Lefort-Rieu Claire (2024) « Using Forced Migration to Foster Emergence? International Aid and Development Policies in Cameroon », Journal of Refugee Studies, p. [online]. DOI : 10.1093/jrs/feae030.

  • Lefort-Rieu Claire (2024) « Peacemaking in authoritarian context in Africa: promoting peace from below in Cameroon », African Affairs (mars 16), p. adae004. DOI : 10.1093/afraf/adae004.
    Résumé : Cameroon, traditionally overlooked on the international peace agenda, has recently received increased attention due to mounting security challenges. Operating under an authoritarian regime that denies conflicts while promoting a narrative of stability, the course of international peace-from-below initiatives is profoundly influenced by this constrained political environment. Through in-depth case studies of three ongoing humanitarian crises—the Central African refugees’ influx, the Boko Haram/Islamic State West Africa Province insurgency, and the Anglophone conflict—this article contends that localized peace approaches, centring on grassroots reconciliation, may obscure broader structural issues, silence non-state political claims from below, and absolve the state of its responsibilities. Embracing such methodologies not only reinforces authoritarian dynamics but also exhibits a performative dimension, contributing to the establishment of a ‘victor’s peace’ in the absence of military victory.

  • Lu Ingrid Jiayin, Silhol Romain, d'Elbée Marc, Boily Marie-Claude, Soni Nirali, Ky-Zerbo Odette, Vautier Anthony, Simo Fotso Arlette, Badiane Kéba, Traoré Metogara, Terris-Prestholt Fern, Larmarange Joseph et Maheu-Giroux Mathieu (2024) « Cost-effectiveness analysis of community-led HIV self-testing among key populations in Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, and Senegal », Journal of the International AIDS Society, 27 (7) (juillet 21), p. 1-12. DOI : 10.1002/jia2.26334.
    Résumé : Introduction HIV self‐testing (HIVST) is a promising strategy to improve diagnosis coverage among key populations (KP). The ATLAS (Auto Test VIH, Libre d'Accéder à la connaissance de son Statut) programme implemented HIVST in three West African countries, distributing over 380,000 kits up between 2019 and 2021, focussing on community‐led distribution by KP to their peers and subsequent secondary distribution to their partners and clients. We aim to evaluate the cost‐effectiveness of community‐led HIVST in Côte d'Ivoire, Mali and Senegal. Methods An HIV transmission dynamics model was adapted and calibrated to country‐specific epidemiological data and used to predict the impact of HIVST. We considered the distribution of HIVST among two KP—female sex workers (FSW), and men who have sex with men (MSM)—and their sexual partners and clients. We compared the cost‐effectiveness of two scenarios against a counterfactual without HIVST over a 20‐year horizon (2019–2039). The ATLAS‐only scenario mimicked the 2‐year implemented ATLAS programme, whereas the ATLAS‐scale‐up scenario achieved 95% coverage of HIVST distribution among FSW and MSM by 2025 onwards. The primary outcome is the number of disability‐adjusted life‐years (DALY) averted. Scenarios were compared using incremental cost‐effectiveness ratios (ICERs). Costing was performed using a healthcare provider's perspective. Costs were discounted at 4%, converted to 𝑈𝑆𝐷2022𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑎𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡‐𝑓𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑒𝑠𝑜𝑓𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒.𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑠𝑇ℎ𝑒𝐴𝑇𝐿𝐴𝑆‐𝑜𝑛𝑙𝑦𝑠𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑙𝑦𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡‐𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟20𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠,𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠‐𝑡𝑜‐𝑝𝑎𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑠.𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑛𝐼𝐶𝐸𝑅𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒USD2022andestimatedusingacost‐functiontoaccommodateeconomiesofscale.ResultsTheATLAS‐onlyscenariowashighlycost‐effectiveover20years,evenatlowwillingness‐to‐paythresholds.ThemedianICERswereUSD 2022 and estimated using a cost‐function to accommodate economies of scale. Results The ATLAS‐only scenario was highly cost‐effective over 20 years, even at low willingness‐to‐pay thresholds. The median ICERs were 126 (88–88–88–210) per DALY averted in Côte d'Ivoire, 92(92(92 (88–210)𝑖𝑛𝑀𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑑27210)inMaliand27210) in Mali and 27 (88–88–88–210) in Senegal. Scaling‐up the ATLAS programme would also be cost‐effective, and substantial epidemiological impacts would be achieved. The ICERs for the scale‐up scenario were 199(199(199 (122–338)𝑝𝑒𝑟𝐷𝐴𝐿𝑌𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑛𝐶ô𝑡𝑒𝑑′𝐼𝑣𝑜𝑖𝑟𝑒,338)perDALYavertedinCôted′Ivoire,338) per DALY averted in Côte d'Ivoire, 224 (118–118–118–415) in Mali and 61(61(61 (18–$128) in Senegal. Conclusions Both the implemented and the potential scale‐up of community‐led HIVST programmes in West Africa, where KP are important to overall transmission dynamics, have the potential to be highly cost‐effective, as compared to a scenario without HIVST. These findings support the scale‐up of community‐led HIVST to reach populations that otherwise may not access conventional testing services.
    Mots-clés : community-led delivery, cost function, cost-effectiveness, Côte d'Ivoire, HIV testing services, HIV-self testing, key population, Mali, Senegal.
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  • Rozée Virginie et Schantz Clémence (2024) « Représentations sociales de l’accouchement en France, ce que révèle la crise de la Covid-19 », Sages-Femmes (juin 19). DOI : 10.1016/j.sagf.2024.05.011.
    Résumé : La pandémie de Covid-19 a engendré, dans la précipitation, une réorganisation des soins dans les maternités qui a fait l’objet de nombreuses critiques dans les médias. La recherche Mater-Covid-19 visait à recueillir les expériences des femmes ayant accouché dans ce contexte pandémique en France. De ces récits se dégagent les représentations sociales de l’accouchement, et plus globalement de la maternité, que les contraintes imposées en obstétrique ont révélées, voire renforcées. Social representations of childbirth in France, as revealed by the Covid-19 crisis The Covid-19 pandemic precipitated a reorganization of maternity care that was widely criticized in the media. The aim of the MATER-Covid-19 research project was to gather the experiences of women who gave birth in this pandemic context in France. These accounts reveal the social representations of childbirth, and more broadly of motherhood, that the constraints imposed in obstetrics have revealed and even reinforced.
    Mots-clés : accouchement, care, childbirth, Covid-19, France, maternité, maternity, soins.

  • Sauvegrain P, Schantz Clémence, Rousseau Anne, Gaucher Laurent, Dupont Corinne et Chantry Et Anne Alice (2024) « Midwifery research in France: Current dynamics and perspectives », Midwifery, 131 (avril), p. 103935. DOI : 10.1016/j.midw.2024.103935.

  • Schantz Clémence, Bottin Marie, Prost-Lançon Léa, Ludet Louise, Des Guetz Gaëtan, Teixeira Luis, Baron Myriam et Senovie Le groupe (2024) « Associations de lutte contre les cancers du sein en Île-de-France : quelles implications auprès des femmes immigrées d’Afrique subsaharienne ? », Santé Publique, 36 (4) (septembre 18), p. 47-59. DOI : 10.3917/spub.244.0047.

  • Schantz Clémence, Coulibaly Abdourahmane, Faye Kadiatou et Traoré Drissa (2024) « Amazons in Mali? Women's experiences of breast cancer and gender (re)negotiation », Social Science & Medicine, 348 (mai), p. 116874. DOI : 10.1016/j.socscimed.2024.116874.
    Résumé : Breast cancer is the second most common cancer, with more than 2.31 million cases diagnosed worldwide in 2022. Cancer medicine subjects the body to invasive procedures in the hope of offering a chance of recovery. In the course of treatment, the body is pricked, burned, incised and amputated, sometimes shattering identity and often changing the way women perceive the world. In sub-Saharan Africa, incidence rates are steadily increasing and women are particularly young when they develop breast cancer. Despite this alarming situation, the sci­ entific literature on breast cancer in sub-Saharan Africa is poor and largely dominated by medical literature. Using a qualitative approach and a theoretical framework at the intersection of the sociology of gender and the sociology of the body, we explore the discourse strategies of women with breast cancer in Mali regarding their relationship to the body and to others. Based on 25 semi-directive interviews, we analyse the experiences of these women. Using the image of the Amazon woman, whose struggle has challenged gender because of its masculine attributes, we explore whether these women’s fight against their breast cancer could be an opportunity to renegotiate gender relations. The experience of these women is characterised by the deconstruction of their bodies, pain and suffering. The masculinisation of their bodies and their inability to perform certain typically female functions in society (such as cooking or sexuality) challenges their female identity. The resistance observed through the sorority, discreet mobilisation and display of their bodies does not seem to be part of a renegotiation of gender relations, but it does play an active role in women’s acceptance of the disease and their reconstruction.

  • Schantz Clémence, Coulibaly Abdourahmane, Traoré Alassane, Traoré Bakary Abou, Faye Kadiatou, Robin Julie, Teixeira Luis, Ridde Valéry, Aboubakar Moufalilou, Baron Myriam, Guetz Gaëtan Des, Gosselin Anne, Niangaly Hamidou, Bonnet Emmanuel, Chabrol Fanny, Denakpo Justin Lewis, du Loû Annabel Desgrées, Gnangnon Freddy, Petitet Pascale Hancart, Larmarange Joseph, Pourette Dolorès, Prost Léa, Rath Beauta, Sauvegrain Priscille, Bagnan Angéline Tonato et and the SENOVIE group (2024) « Access to oncology care in Mali: a qualitative study on breast cancer », BMC Cancer, 24 (1) (janvier 15), p. 81. DOI : 10.1186/s12885-024-11825-6.
    Résumé : Breast cancer is the most common cancer in terms of incidence and mortality among women worldwide, including in Africa, and a rapid increase in the number of new cases of breast cancer has recently been observed in sub-Saharan Africa. Oncology is a relatively new discipline in many West African countries, particularly Mali; thus, little is known about the current state of cancer care infrastructure and oncology practices in these countries.
    Mots-clés : Access to care, Barriers, Cancer, Mali, Opportunities.

  • Silhol Romain, Maheu-Giroux Mathieu, Soni Nirali, Fotso Arlette Simo, Rouveau Nicolas, Vautier Anthony, Doumenc-Aïdara Clémence, Geoffroy Olivier, N'Guessan Kouassi Noel, Sidibé Younoussa, Kabemba Odé Kanku, Gueye Papa Alioune, Ndeye Pauline Dama, Mukandavire Christinah, Vickerman Peter, Keita Abdelaye, Ndour Cheikh Tidiane, Larmarange Joseph, Boily Marie-Claude et ATLAS Team (2024) « Potential population-level effects of HIV self-test distribution among key populations in Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, and Senegal: a mathematical modelling analysis », The Lancet HIV (juillet 8). DOI : 10.1016/S2352-3018(24)00126-7.
Article de colloque

  • Becquet Valentine, Kissi Evelyne, Plazy Mélanie, Nouaman Marcelin N'Zebo, Coffie Patrick, Agoua Aline, Eholié Serge et Larmarange Joseph (2024) « ‘Dirt just has to come down’: body perceptions and lived experiences of female sex workers in Côte d’Ivoire (ANRS 12361 PrEP-CI and ANRS 12381 PRINCESSE projects) » (poster), présenté à AIDS 2024, the 25th International AIDS Conference, Munich.
    Résumé : BACKGROUND: Female sex workers’ (FSWs) representations of their bodies, situated at the intersection of intimate and professional spheres, can shed light on their perceptions and acceptability of health services, including pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). This analysis focuses on the body perceptions of FSWs in Côte d’Ivoire. METHODS: Qualitative interviews were conducted among FSWs in multiple waves within two successive projects. The first project was a cross-sectional study conducted in 2016-2017 to assess the relevance of PrEP in Abidjan and San Pedro, which included 22 interviews and 8 focus groups in 2016. The second project evaluated a comprehensive sexual and reproductive health program, including PrEP, on prostitution sites in the San Pedro region (16 interviews and 4 focus groups in 2019, 5 interviews in 2021, 17 in 2022). On-site observations at prostitution sites supplemented the interviews. RESULTS: The interviews revealed the concept of fluid circulation and its importance in maintaining balance. Some FSWs expressed concerns that health interventions, particularly blood draws, might weaken the body, causing fatigue if not offset by ingesting energizing substances. The high number of blood sample tubes and the absence of snacks were barriers to engagement in care. Fluid circulation was also related to the expulsion of ‘dirt’, as bodily fluids such as semen or menstrual blood are frequently defined. In cases of condom breakage, FSWs often cleanse their bodies with cola or enemas, which is perceived to be more effective than taking pills for treating sexually transmitted infections (STIs), post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV, or emergency contraception. FSWs were often reluctant to use contraceptive injections or implants due to concerns about menstrual retention rather than expulsion. Additionally, some FSWs considered hormones to be impure or harmful to the body. Although most FSWs expressed interest in PrEP, some considered it ‘tiring’ and ‘unnecessary’, as it could upset the balance of a healthy body. CONCLUSIONS: FSWs have a different perception of bodily fluids compared to the medical viewpoint on preventing STIs, HIV, and unwanted pregnancies. Their body perceptions offer insights into their reservations about health services, which helps to understand the barriers that prevent them from accessing and remaining in care.
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  • Kissi Evelyne, Dedocoton Rose-Marcelle, Nouaman Marcelin N'Zebo, Plazy Mélanie, Coffie Patrick, Agoua Aline, Larmarange Joseph et Becquet Valentine (2024) « Facilitators and barriers to the enrolment and retention of female sex workers in a sexual health cohort (ANRS 12381 PRINCESSE) in San-Pedro, Côte d’Ivoire » (poster), présenté à AIDS 2024, the 25th International AIDS Conference, Munich.
    Résumé : BACKGROUND: The PRINCESSE project (11/2019-06/2023) implemented a sexual and reproductive health care package for female sex workers (FSWs) in the San Pedro area of Côte d’Ivoire. The package was offered through a mobile clinic operating on prostitution sites. A total of 489 women were included, but retention was low, with less than one-third attending quarterly visits. This analysis examines the factors that enable or hinder the adherence and retention of FSWs METHODS: A qualitative study, conducted between May 2022 and November 2023, involved 16 biographical interviews with participants, three individual interviews with non-participating FSWs, 10 interviews with participants who were lost to follow-up, and three focus groups. The analysis focuses on the FSWs’ perceptions of the benefits and constraints associated with their participation. RESULTS: FSWs reported that the mobile clinic’s presence on prostitution sites, the peer educators’ advanced strategies, and the site managers’ involvement in community mobilization facilitated their commitment to the PRINCESSE program. Additionally, the welcoming attitudes and skills of the care staff, the distribution of free condoms and lubricating gel, and the provision of free care and medication were reported to facilitate their retention in follow-up. However, some participants found certain aspects of the care provision burdensome, which limited their program adherence. These included concerns about excessive blood sampling and rumours of blood resale, the mobile clinic being located too far away and exposed to indiscretions, visits being deemed excessively long, and challenges related to the high mobility of FSW participants. Delays in the transmission of medical analysis results, incomplete coverage of expressed needs by the care offer, and insufficient quantities of condoms and lubricants hindered the retention of many participants. CONCLUSIONS: A paradox has arisen. Although the program was perceived to have benefits, it was deemed insufficient to meet the needs of FSWs and was seen as burdensome. Additionally, operational challenges have undermined participants’ confidence in the long term. However, the project was able to rely on its team, including caregivers and peer educators, which proved to be an essential factor in keeping FSWs engaged due to the close ties and trust established.
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  • Nouaman Marcelin N'Zebo, Coffie Patrick, Plazy Mélanie, Becquet Valentine, Eholié Serge et Larmarange Joseph (2024) « “We used to treat a bit blindly: it was a syndromic diagnosis”. Physicians’ perceptions of comprehensive management of sexually transmitted infections among sex workers in Côte d'Ivoire » (poster), présenté à AIDS 2024, the 25th International AIDS Conference, Munich.
    Résumé : BACKGROUND: The ANRS 12381 PRINCESSE project proposed a comprehensive, community-based sexual and reproductive health (SRH) care package, including the management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), for female sex workers (FSWs) aged = 18 years in the San Pedro area. Our objective was the analysis of physicians’ perceptions of the overall management of STIs. METHODS: The PRINCESSE health package (November 2019 - June 2023) included quarterly syndromic STI screening, vaginal and anal swabs for annual testing for chlamydia trachomatis and neisseria gonorrhoea, and appropriate free STI treatment. It was offered in both mobile and fixed clinics. At cohort closure in June/July 2023, in-depth individual interviews were conducted with the four physicians involved in the project. RESULTS: The offer of STI screening and treatment was well received by the medical team. For the physicians, the acquisition of new knowledge about STI treatment, the opportunity to carry out laboratory tests directly on site and in a fixed clinic, and the fact that they could provide STI treatment kits directly to clients were an asset of the project and a source of motivation to work in the long term. This has also fostered a relationship of trust between the physicians and FSWs. However, operational difficulties, including frequent delays in the supply of STI kits and the late return of medical analyses, have at times undermined this relationship of trust and made it difficult to provide timely and appropriate STI treatment and regular follow-up in a context that was already tense due to the high mobility of FSWs. Another limitation was the lack of care for the stable partner(s) of treated FSWs, as this did not allow the chain of contamination to be broken and possible re-acquisition to be avoided. Finally, the inaccessibility of certain sites due to poor road conditions during the rainy season also made STI treatment difficult. CONCLUSIONS: STI screening and treatment were seen as an appropriate response to the SRH needs of FSWs. However, both structural and operational barriers have made implementation complex. Point-of-care tools, such as rapid STI testing, could be useful for this particularly mobile population.
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  • Schantz Clémence, Boisson Sarah, Larmarange Joseph et Teixeira Luis (2024) « Réfléchir sur les cancers du sein en pluridisciplinarité et à la lumière des rapports sociaux de genre : retour réflexif sur le projet SENOVIE » (communication orale), présenté à XXIIe Congrès International des Sociologues de Langue Française, Ottawa, Canada.
    Résumé : Le projet SENOVIE documente les vécus de femmes atteintes d’un cancer du sein dans plusieurs pays, s’inscrivant dans une vision globale des circulations des femmes et des ressources thérapeutiques. La particularité de ce projet est sa dimension internationale, avec des terrains au Bénin, France, Mali, Cambodge, et sa démarche intersectorielle avec des chercheur‧es universitaires venant de différentes disciplines (médecine, géographie, démographie, sociologie, anthropologie, santé publique), mais aussi des professionnel‧les de santé, et des associations de patientes. Nous proposons dans cette communication de présenter les enjeux d’une telle articulation disciplinaire sur un sujet au coeur de rapports de pouvoir liés au genre et adoptant une posture féministe. Sur quelles bases communes peuvent s’entendre et se rendre complémentaires ces différentes disciplines ? Quelles tensions et enjeux épistémologiques émergent de cette pluridisciplinarité ? Quelle compréhension des enjeux liés au genre par les différents acteurs et actrices ? La communication présentera un retour réflexif des membres de l’équipe sur des données et travaux du projet SENOVIE et leur analyse sous un prisme interdisciplinaire. Elle présentera les questionnements et défis que cette approche soulève.

  • Youssoufa Hasna, Nouaman Marcelin N'Zebo, Bernard Charlotte, Becquet Valentine, Coffie Patrick, Agoua Aline, Eholié Serge, Larmarange Joseph et Plazy Mélanie (2024) « Vulnerability and psychological distress of female sex workers in Côte d’Ivoire » (poster), présenté à AIDS 2024, the 25th International AIDS Conference, Munich.
    Résumé : BACKGROUND: Despite the vulnerability of female sex workers (FSW), there is limited literature on the mental health conditions of this population. This study aims to describe the prevalence of psychological distress among FSWs in Côte d’Ivoire and identify associated factors. METHODS: The ANRS 12381 PRINCESSE project (2019-2023) evaluated a community-based sexual and reproductive healthcare delivery through mobile clinics operating in prostitution sites n San Pedro and surrounding areas, Côte d’Ivoire, with a single-arm intervention cohort of FSW aged =18. FSWs were invited to complete a socio-behavioural questionnaire. The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-4) was used to categorise signs of psychological distress (none, mild, moderate, severe) based on four questions: 2 on anxiety symptoms (‘feeling nervous/anxious’; ‘unable to stop worrying’) and 2 on depressive symptoms (‘having little interest/pleasure in doing things’; ‘feeling down/depressed/hopeless’). Multivariate logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with experiencing signs of psychological distress. RESULTS: Of the 489 FSWs included, 253 completed at least one questionnaire, and 32% reported mild signs of psychological distress (68% no sign). Focusing on the 230 FSWs with no missing data, factors associated with experiencing signs of psychological distress were: older age (8% psychological distress among those aged 19-24 vs 32% among those aged 25-30 (aOR=4.8 [95% CI=1.2-26.2]), 36% among those aged 31-40 (aOR=6.3 [1.7-33.8]), and 64% among those aged =41 (aOR=15.4 [3.3-94.7])), perceiving their financial situation as very difficult versus just getting by (43% vs 13%, aOR=4.4 [1.4-15.4]), being HIV-positive (63% vs 28%, aOR=5.5 [1.9-17.8]), engaging in sex work irregularly vs daily (62% vs 27%, aOR=3.9 [1.4-11.3]), reporting violence from a regular partner (62% vs 29%, aOR=5.1 [1.7-15.8]) or friends/family (49% vs 29%, aOR=2.9 [1.2-7.4]), poor vs good emotional support (73% vs 29%, aOR=3.7 [1.1-13.7]), very low vs moderate or higher self-esteem (65% vs 26%, aOR=6.9 [2.0-26.7]). CONCLUSIONS: Although the PHQ-4 is not a diagnostic tool, the results highlight that 1/3 of FSWs experienced signs of psychological distress. It underlines the need to integrate targeted mental health screening and intervention into health care programmes offered to FSWs, especially for those isolated, precarious, older, HIV-positive and/or experiencing violence.
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  • Bernard-Maugiron Nathalie (2023) Droit contemporain des pays arabes, Paris : Sirey/Dalloz, 1256 p. (Université). ISBN : 978-2-247-19959-4.
    Résumé : Analyse du processus de modernisation du droit et des institutions en cours dans le monde arabe.Souvent regroupés sous la catégorie de " droit musulman ", les systèmes juridiques des pays du monde arabe se sont engagés depuis le xixe siècle dans un processus de modernisation de leur droit et de leurs institutions. S'ils se revendiquent d'une même culture juridique islamique, l'étude des textes en vigueur et l'analyse de leur organisation judiciaire révèlent en réalité un processus d'étatisation et de sécularisation occulté par cette catégorisation générique de leurs droits. L'appareil étatique s'est en effet approprié la production de la norme juridique - autrefois revendiquée par les savants musulmans - et s'est également emparé de l'espace judiciaire en remplaçant les tribunaux religieux par des juridictions civiles. Le droit français a souvent servi de modèle à ces processus de codification et de réorganisation des institutions. Alors que la charia est généralement considérée comme le principe constitutif et immuable du droit des pays musulmans, cet ouvrage s'attache à déconstruire cette vision d'un droit figé et homogène. Il s'appuie sur le corpus de textes actuellement en vigueur pour analyser les transformations traversées par les systèmes juridiques de ces pays depuis le début du processus de codification. Il débute ainsi avec l'étude des évolutions du droit et des institutions dans l'Empire ottoman et en Égypte au xixe siècle, point de départ des transformations dans les autres pays de la région. Articulé autour d'une comparaison du droit des pays arabes, ce manuel s'attache à étudier leurs évolutions dans des domaines où la normativité islamique est réputée continuer à exercer une influence prépondérante : le droit constitutionnel, le droit de la famille, le droit pénal, la protection des droits fondamentaux ou l'organisation des juridictions. S'appuyant sur la traduction et l'analyse comparative des textes constitutionnels, législatifs et de la jurisprudence dont il reproduit de larges extraits, cet ouvrage rend compte de la réalité de la structure et du fonctionnement des ordres juridiques actuels des États arabes dans toute leur diversité, en éclairant l'analyse textuelle d'une mise en contexte historique, politique et sociologique. Un glossaire arabe/français et un lexique français/arabe de terminologie juridique viennent compléter la translittération en arabe des termes techniques tout au long de l'analyse.

  • Delfraissy J. F., Duée P. H. et Duault Laëtitia Atlani (2023) Les personnes âgées au risque de la pandémie, La Documentation Française.
    Résumé : De nombreux experts considèrent à la lumière de la crise de la COVID-19, la façon dont notre société construit son rapport aux personnes âgées, concernant notamment leur prise en charge, en particulier dans les établissements d'hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes (EHPAD). A partir de l'étude des faits, des chiffres, des textes législatifs, les auteurs tentent ici de répondre à deux questions : avons-nous protégé nos aînés ? Le modèle de l'EPHAD est-il encore adapté ? Le taux de mortalité observé dans cette population pagée a conduit les autorités à mettre en place des mesures contraignantes, afin de la protéger. La restriction des libertés, l'altération du lien social ont entraîné nombre de souffrances pour les personnes elles-mêmes et pour leurs proches. La concentration de personnes fragiles en un même lieu s'est avérée un facteur multiplicateur des risques inhérents à une épidémie et à confronté, de façon dramatique, ces personnes, les familles et leurs proches à la question de la fin de la vie et de la mort. Ces constats appellent à questionner, à la lumière de la pandémie de COVID-19, la politique d'accompagnement du vieillissement en France, à mettre en lumière des témoignages, à s'interroger sur les enjeux éthiques de santé publique et à tenter, enfin, de poser les bases d'une reconstruction de l'accompagnement du grand âge. Avec une ambition : retrouver l'humanité à la fin la de la vie.

  • Desjeux Dominique (2023) Sur la réception des innovations Entre tensions et régulation, PARIS, France : PUF, 352 p. ISBN : 978-2-13-084720-5.
    Résumé : Parler d’innovation c’est bien souvent se centrer sur l’inventeur qui aurait trouvé une idée de génie qui se serait ensuite diffusée par elle-même de façon fluide par la seule force de son contenu. Mais c’est oublier que la diffusion d’une nouveauté est loin d’être un long fleuve tranquille et que sa réception dans un milieu différent de là où elle a été conçue, une entreprise, une association, une administration se heurte à de nombreux obstacles qui tiennent autant des inventeurs que des futurs usagers. Chaque innovation est une énigme que les enquêtes qualitatives présentées ici cherchent à déchiffrer. A partir d’une dizaine de cas, qui relèvent du domaine technique comme celui d’une application sur smartphone pour la santé, d’un nouveau scanner portatif et d’un serious game ; ou de la sphère organisationnelle, comme pour une entreprise française cherchant à introduire un changement en Russie ou d’autres qui introduisent l’anthropologie et la sociologie qualitative dans le domaine des études ; ou encore de la vie quotidienne avec la diffusion d’une boisson non alcoolisée en Chine, de « produits spirituels » ou de fenêtres d’origine étrangère en France, les 11 auteurs socioanthropologues chercheurs et praticiens vont montrer comment une innovation se diffuse ou échoue, comment une organisation se transforme, comment une société change. Les différentes enquêtes montrent qu’il n’existe pas de lien mécanique entre la qualité scientifique, technique, économique ou médicale d’une invention et son acceptation. Comme le montrent les enquêtes qualitatives, sa réception demande de prendre en compte les contraintes des usagers, leur culture pratique et d’accepter qu’ils transforment l’innovation en fonction de leurs usages. Cependant une autre conclusion est que les ingénieurs, médecins ou économistes ne savent pas comment les utiliser, habitués qu’ils sont aux raisonnements statistiques sans jeu d’acteurs. Il faut donc que les socioanthropologues acceptent à leur tour que leurs résultats soient réinterprétés et négociés, ce qui ne va pas de soi.

  • Gérard Étienne (2023) Universités privées: la fabrique des inégalités [leçons d'Afrique, d'Amérique latine et d'Asie], Paris : Éditions Karthala, 326 p. (Hommes et sociétés). ISBN : 978-2-38409-000-6.
    Résumé : La marchandisation et la privatisation de l'éducation constituent, depuis plusieurs décennies, des processus en forte expansion. Les pays émergents et en développement sont particulièrement sujets à cette évolution, notamment dans l'enseignement supérieur. Dans ces pays, la création des universités privées est liée à des déterminants économiques, politiques et sociologiques, tout autant qu'historiques. Ces universités, dont la croissance ressortit principalement à l'adoption des politiques néolibérales qui ont investi le champ éducatif, sont désormais de plus en plus hétérogènes et différenciées par des modes complexes de fonctionnement et de régulation. Cette hétérogénéité des universités privées, qui se double d'une forte hiérarchie sociale, économique et politique entre elles, concerne tout autant leur offre éducative que leurs modes de financement, leurs fondateurs et dirigeants, leurs personnels académiques, enfin leurs populations étudiantes. Impliquées dans une forte concurrence – entre elles et avec leurs homologues publiques –, ces universités multiplient des stratégies offensives d'attraction et de captation des clientèles étudiantes, au rang desquelles comptent en premier lieu la sélection, le soutien ou l'accompagnement de ces étudiants. Elles favorisent certes l'élargissement de l'accès à l'enseignement supérieur, mais elles participent aussi et surtout à l'accroissement et à la diversification des inégalités sociales, spatiales ou économiques à ce niveau. Sur la base d'enquêtes conduites auprès des différentes catégories d'acteurs de très nombreuses universités privées, cet ouvrage analyse la fabrique et la reproduction de ces inégalités, dans des pays aussi divers que l'Argentine, le Mexique, le Pérou, la République Démocratique du Congo, le Sénégal et le Vietnam
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  • Alcaide Jorge, Meyer Jean-Baptiste, Greco Sabrina et Abdalla Sahar (2023) « Youth, Training and labour Insertion in Sudan : Lessons from the INSO Project », Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 15 (1). DOI : 10.32674/jcihe.v15i1.4028.

  • Arita Sayaka, Ba Mouhamadou Faly, Traoré Zoumana, Bonnet Emmanuel, Faye Adama et Ridde Valery (2023) « Use of interviewer-administered telephone surveys during infectious disease outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics: a scoping review », BMJ Global Health, 8 (5). DOI : 10.1136/bmjgh-2022-011109.
    Résumé : INTRODUCTION: During the COVID-19 crisis, researchers had to collect data remotely. Telephone surveys and interviews can quickly gather data from a distance without heavy expense. Although interviewer-administered telephone surveys (IATS) can accommodate the needs of international public health research, the literature on their use during infectious disease outbreaks is scarce. This scoping review aimed to map the characteristics of IATS during infectious disease outbreaks. METHODS: IATS conducted principally during infectious disease outbreaks and answered by informants at least 18 years old were searched from PubMed and EBSCO. There was a manual addition of relevant documents identified during an initial search. Overall trends were reported using different groupings, including WHO regions, and study details were compared before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. RESULTS: 70 IATS published between 2003 and 2022 were identified. 57.1% were conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Among 30 IATS conducted before the COVID-19 pandemic in the world, only 3.3% were carried out in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). This percentage of studies in LMICs out of all the IATS rose to 32.5% during the pandemic. The share of qualitative studies grew from 6.7% before the COVID-19 outbreak to 32.5% during the outbreak. IATS performed during the COVID-19 pandemic focused on more diverse, specific population groups, such as patients and healthcare professionals. Mobile phones are increasingly used for IATS over time. CONCLUSION: IATS are used globally with high frequency in the Western Pacific Region and high-income countries. Technical and financial challenges continue to exist, and assessments of inclusiveness and representativeness should be carefully conducted. A lack of details related to methods was observed, and this scoping review urges researchers using this data collection method in the future to specify how they executed IATS for better use and more efficient deployment.
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  • Aubry Régis, Desgrées du Loû Annabel et Guimier Lucie (2023) « Repenser le système de soins sur un fondement éthique : leçons de la crise hospitalière, diagnostic et perspectives », Adsp, 121 (mars), p. 6-9.
    Résumé : Face à la crise du système de soins, le Comité consultatif national d’éthique (CCNE) s’est penché sur les causes du malaise constaté. Il propose que du temps puisse être consacré à la réflexion éthique sur le sens du soin, ainsi que d’améliorer les conditions de travail et de revaloriser la relation entre soignants et personnes soignées.
    Mots-clés : ⛔ No DOI found.

  • Beaujoin Camille, Gautier Lara, Gagnon-Dufresne Marie-Catherine, Mikanagu Rachel, Savard-Lamothe Ashley, Cloos Patrick, Ridde Valéry et Zinszer Kate (2023) « It felt like building a plane while in flight: the consideration of social inequalities in the design and planning of a contact-tracing intervention for COVID-19 in Montreal, Quebec », Canadian Journal of Public Health, 114 (3), p. 346. DOI : 10.17269/s41997-023-00759-4.
    Résumé : OBJECTIVE: In Canada and globally, the COVID-19 pandemic has increased social inequalities in health (SIH), furthering the vulnerability of certain groups and communities. Contact-tracing is a cornerstone intervention with COVID-19 prevention and control programs. The aim of this study was to describe whether and how SIH were considered during the design of the COVID-19 contact-tracing intervention in Montreal. METHODS: This study is part of the multi-country research program HoSPiCOVID, looking at the resilience of public health systems during the COVID-19 pandemic. A descriptive qualitative study was carried out in Montreal, based on a "bricolage" conceptual framework describing the consideration for SIH in intervention and policy design. Qualitative data were collected using semi-structured interviews with 16 public health practitioners, recruited using both purposive and snowball sampling. Data were analyzed thematically, both inductively and deductively. RESULTS: According to participants, SIH were not initially considered during the design of the contract-tracing intervention in Montreal. The participants were frustrated by the Minister of Health’s initial resistance to integrating SIH into their public health response. However, adaptations were gradually made to better meet the needs of underserved populations. CONCLUSION: There is a need for a clear and common vision of SIH within the public health system. Decision-makers need to consider SIH prior to designing public health interventions in order for these not to further increase SIH in the future, especially in the face of a health crisis.
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  • Bell David, Brown Garrett W., Oyibo Wellington A., Ouédraogo Samiratou, Tacheva Blagovesta, Barbaud Elena, Kalk Andreas, Ridde Valery et Paul Elisabeth (2023) « COVAX - Time to reconsider the strategy and its target », Health Policy OPEN, 4, p. 100096. DOI : 10.1016/j.hpopen.2023.100096.
    Résumé : COVAX, the international initiative supporting COVID-19 vaccination campaigns globally, is budgeted to be the costliest public health initiative in low- and middle-income countries, with over 16 billion US dollars already committed. While some claim that the target of vaccinating 70% of people worldwide is justified on equity grounds, we argue that this rationale is wrong for two reasons. First, mass COVID-19 vaccination campaigns do not meet standard public health requirements for clear expected benefit, based on costs, disease burden and intervention effectiveness. Second, it constitutes a diversion of resources from more cost-effective and impactful public health programmes, thus reducing health equity. We conclude that the COVAX initiative warrants urgent review.
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  • Besnard O., Maillard O., Franco J.-M., Lebreton N., Reix G., Legrand F., Bertolotti A. et Leruste S. (2023) « Hydration and clinical warning signs of dengue fever in primary care: An observational prospective study », Infectious Diseases Now, 53 (4), p. 104708. DOI : 10.1016/j.idnow.2023.104708.
    Résumé : OBJECTIVES: Dengue fever is an arbovirosis expanding worldwide, for which hydration has been reported to reduce the risk of hospitalization. Our objective was to estimate the volume of hydration in Reunionese patients with dengue. METHODS: A prospective observational study included patients presenting with a ’dengue-like’ syndrome in ambulatory care. General practitioners recruited patients during consultation, and beverage consumption over the previous 24 hours was reported at two different times. Warning signs were defined according to the 2009 WHO guidelines. RESULTS: GPs included 174 patients from April to July 2019. Average oral hydration volume was 1863 mL and 1944 mL, at the 1st and 2nd medical consultations, respectively. Water was the most wide consumed liquid. Drinking at least 5 glasses of liquid was significantly associated with fewer clinical warning signs at the 1st medical consultation (p = 0.044). CONCLUSIONS: Sufficient hydration volume could prevent dengue warning signs. Further studies with standardized measurement of hydration would be needed.

  • Bocoum Fadima Yaya, Kabore Charles Paulin, Barro Saran, Zerbo Roger, Tiendrebeogo Simon, Hanson Claudia, Dumont Alexandre, Betran Ana Pilar et Bohren Meghan (2023) « Women’s and health providers’ perceptions of companionship during labor and childbirth: a formative study for the implementation of WHO companionship model in Burkina Faso », Reproductive Health, 20 (1), p. 46. DOI : 10.1186/s12978-023-01597-w.
    Résumé : Abstract Introduction A key component of achieving respectful maternal and newborn care is labor companionship. Despite important health benefits for the woman and baby, there are critical gaps in implementing labor companionship for all women globally. The paper aims to present the perceptions and experiences of pregnant women, postpartum women, and health care providers regarding companionship during labor and childbirth, and to identify barriers and facilitating factors to the implementation of labor companionship in Burkina Faso. Methods This is a formative study to inform the “Appropriate use of cesarean section through QUALIty DECision-making by women and providers” (QUALI-DEC) study, to design, adapt and implement a strategy to optimize the use of the cesarean section, including labor companionship. We use in-depth interviews (women, potential companions, and health workers) and health facility readiness assessments in eight hospitals across Burkina Faso. We use a thematic analysis approach for interviews, and narrative summaries to describe facility readiness assessment. Results In all, 77 qualitative interviews and eight readiness assessments are included in this analysis. The findings showed that all participants acknowledged an existing traditional companionship model, which allowed companions to support women only in the hospital waiting room and post-natal room. Despite recognizing clear benefits, participants were not familiar with companionship during labor and childbirth in the hospital as recommended by WHO. Key barriers to implementing companionship throughout labor and birth include limited space in labor and delivery wards, no private rooms for women, hospital rules preventing companionship, and social norms preventing the choice of a companion by the woman. Conclusion Labor companionship was considered highly acceptable in Burkina Faso, but more work is needed to adapt to the hospital environment. Revisions to hospital policies to allow companions during labor and childbirth are needed as well as changes to provide private space for women. Training potential companions about their roles and encouraging women’s rights to choose their companions may help to facilitate effective implementation.
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  • Boivin P., Gautier L., Coulibaly A., Zinszer K. et Ridde Valéry (2023) « Exploring how social inequalities in health have influenced the design of Mali's SARS-CoV-2 testing policy : a qualitative study », Health Policy and Planning, 38, p. 301. DOI : 10.1093/heapol/czac097.

  • Bonnet Emmanuel, Lerosier T., Toure L., Diarra Y., Diabate S., Diarra D. et Ridde Valéry (2023) « Evolution of assisted deliveries at primary healthcare centres in an unstable security context in Mali », BMJ Global Health, 7 (Suppl. 9), p. e010811 [10 p.]. DOI : 10.1136/bmjgh-2022-010811.

  • Boulay Sébastien (2023) « CLAUDOT-HAWAD Hélène, Habiter le désert. Les Touareg de l’Ahaggar photographiés par Marceau Gast 1951-1965, Paris, Non Lieu, 2021, 239 p.: », L’Ouest Saharien, Vol. 17 (2) (février 17), p. 216-219. DOI : 10.3917/ousa.222.0216.

  • Cardoso Pablo et Chavez Henry (2023) « Booms petroleros, quimeras de transformación productiva y el retorno de Washington. Balance de un medio siglo de economía ecuatoriana (1970-2020) », Revue internationale des études du développement, 251 (avril 6), p. 203. DOI : 10.4000/ried.8179.

  • Chabrol Fanny et David Pierre-Marie (2023) « How resilience affected public health research during COVID-19 and why we should abandon it », Global Public Health, 18 (1) (janvier 2), p. 2212750. DOI : 10.1080/17441692.2023.2212750.
    Résumé : Resilience has accompanied the COVID-19 pandemic as a rallying motto, with calls by governments for a resilient society, resilient families and schools, and, of course, resilient healthcare systems in the face of this unprecedented pandemic shock. Resilience had already gained traction as an analytical concept in public health research for approximately a decade. It became a key concept despite the recognition of its lack of conceptual consistency. The COVID-19 pandemic presented itself as a perfect test-case and encouraged a multiplicity of studies on resilience and health care systems. In this commentary, we add to the existing critiques of resilience in the social sciences by reflecting on the effects of resilience when used to frame empirical inquiries and to draw lessons from the crisis. Resilience as a concept is unable to address crucial structural issues that health systems already faced throughout the world, and it remains a non-neutral political notion. We argue that we need to resist a generalised view of resilience and work with alternative imaginaries.
    Mots-clés : adaptation, COVID-19, public health, Resilience, social sciences.
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