Publications des membres du Ceped


Article de revue

  • Diallo Amadou Ibra, Faye Adama, Tine Jean Augustin Diègane, Ba Mouhamadou Faly, Gaye Ibrahima, Bonnet Emmanuel, Traoré Z. et Ridde Valery (2022) « Factors associated with the acceptability of government measures to address COVID-19 in Senegal », Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique (mars), p. S0398762022002930. DOI : 10.1016/j.respe.2022.03.123.
    Résumé : Introduction : Three months after the first appearance of the new coronavirus (COVID 19), Senegal recorded its first case on March 2, 2020. Faced with this pandemic, the State reacted quickly with public measures : instituting a curfew, placing a ban on travel between regions, and closing shops and places of worship. This research aims to study the acceptability of these non-pharmaceutical measures by the Senegalese population. Method : This study was a cross-sectional and analytical survey conducted in June and July 2020 among Senegalese over 18 years old. Sampling by the representative quota method was distributed proportionally to age, gender and region. We constructed the questionnaire using the theoretical framework of acceptability of health interventions. Through a telephone call center synchronised to an internet server, we collected data on personal characteristics, knowledge of the disease, trust in information sources, trust in government, concern about the pandemic, and the seven dimensions of acceptability. We performed descriptive analysis and structural equation with R software version 4.0.2. Results : This study included a total of 813 individuals. The average age was 34.7 years ( ± 14.2 years). They were predominantly male (54.6 %), with no education (42.6 %). The increased level of knowledge of the disease was associated with confidence in national media information sources provided by the administrative and health authorities (β=0.11**). The increase in the level of trust in the government in response to COVID-19 was positively related to the acceptability of curfew (β=0.16***), travel ban between regions (β=0.11***), and closure of places of worship (β=0.1**) and markets (β=0.09**). Conclusion : In Senegal, the acceptability of the measures depended on knowledge of the disease, perception of the risk of the disease, and trust in the government. There is a need to strengthen awareness and risk communication of COVID-19. Keywords Social acceptabilityGovernment measuresCOVID-19Senegal

  • Drabo Seydou, Ouattara Fatoumata, Baxerres Carine et Guillaume Agnès (2022) « Reproductive Health Governance: Availability and Professional Use of Misoprostol in Benin and Burkina Faso », Nordic Journal of African Studies, 31 (3), p. 224-244. DOI : 10.53228/njas.v31i3.926.
    Résumé : Misoprostol is effective not only for gastroenterology indications but also for reproductive health-related conditions and for the reduction of maternal mortality. The use of misoprostol is well documented in Latin America, where it is widely used for abortions. However, scant knowledge exists regarding its use in African contexts. In this study, we describe and analyse the conditions of the professional use of misoprostol in Benin and Burkina Faso. We ask the following questions: How accepted is misoprostol in Benin and Burkina Faso? What was the process leading to the official recognition of misoprostol in both countries? Which actors were involved in this process? How do health care workers perceive and use misoprostol in the context of care? Theoretically, we use the concepts ‘social life of medicine’ and ‘reproductive governance’ to analyse the position of misoprostol within the broader system of health policy, as well as its professional usage within the health care system. The fieldwork conducted in Benin and Burkina Faso highlights the conditions of the institutional acceptability of the drug and the logics underlying the use and non-use of misoprostol by health workers in both countries. The article highlights the social life of misoprostol by showing how the governance surrounding its use contributes to the development and cultivation of suspicions towards the drug among health care providers and institutional actors – suspicions that consequently restrict the availability of misoprostol as a medical therapeutic option.
    Mots-clés : ⚠️ Invalid DOI.

  • Dumont Alexandre, de Loenzien Myriam, Nhu Hung Mac Quo, Dugas Marylène, Kabore Charles, Lumbiganon Pisake, Torloni Maria Regina, Gialdini Celina, Carroli Guillermo, Hanson Claudia, Betrán Ana Pilar et On behalf of the QUALI-DEC consortium (2022) « Caesarean section or vaginal delivery for low-risk pregnancy? Helping women make an informed choice in low- and middle-income countries », éd. par Melissa Morgan Medvedev, PLOS Global Public Health, 2 (11) (novembre 14), p. e0001264. DOI : 10.1371/journal.pgph.0001264.
    Résumé : Women’s fear and uncertainty about vaginal delivery and lack of empowerment in decision-making generate decision conflict and is one of the main determinants of high caesarean section rates in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). This study aims to develop a decision analysis tool (DAT) to help pregnant women make an informed choice about the planned mode of delivery and to evaluate its acceptability in Vietnam, Thailand, Argentina, and Burkina Faso. The DAT targets low-risk pregnant women with a healthy, singleton foetus, without any medical or obstetric disorder, no previous caesarean scarring, and eligibility for labour trials. We conducted a systematic review to determine the short- and long-term maternal and offspring risks and benefits of planned caesarean section compared to planned vaginal delivery. We carried out individual interviews and focus group discussions with key informants to capture informational needs for decision-making, and to assess the acceptability of the DAT in participating hospitals. The DAT meets 20 of the 22 Patient Decision Aid Standards for decision support. It includes low- to moderate-certainty evidence-based information on the risks and benefits of both modes of birth, and helps pregnant women clarify their personal values. It has been well accepted by women and health care providers. Adaptations have been made in each country to fit the context and to facilitate its implementation in current practice, including the development of an App. DAT is a simple method to improve communication and facilitate shared decision-making for planned modes of birth. It is expected to build trust and foster more effective, satisfactory dialogue between pregnant women and providers. It can be easily adapted and updated as new evidence emerges. We encourage further studies in LMICs to assess the impact of DAT on quality decision-making for the appropriate use of caesarean section in these settings.

  • Dumont Alexandre, Dugas Marylène Md et de Loenzien Myriam (2022) « Livret d'aide à la décision: césarienne ou accouchement vaginal, faire un choix éclairé » (juin 24).
    Résumé : Ce livret est un outil d’aide à la décision qui est utilisé dans un projet de recherche intitulé QUALI-DEC. Ce projet a pour objectif d’améliorer la prise de décision concernant l’accouchement.
    Mots-clés : ⛔ No DOI found.
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  • Dumont Alexandre, Dugas Marylène Md et de Loenzien Myriam (2022) « Cesárea o parto vaginal Tomar una decisión informada » (juin 24).
    Mots-clés : ⛔ No DOI found.
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  • Dumont Alexandre, Dugas Marylène Md et Loenzien Myriam de (2022) « Caesarean section or Vaginal birth: Making an Informed Choice » (juin 24).
    Mots-clés : ⛔ No DOI found.
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  • Eïd Julia et Desgrées du Loû Annabel (2022) « Empowerment-based support program for vulnerable populations living with diabetes, obesity or high blood pressure: a scoping review », BMC Public Health, 22 (1) (novembre 9), p. 2051. DOI : 10.1186/s12889-022-14480-3.
    Résumé : Abstract Background The management of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure is a major global health challenge, particularly among the most disadvantaged populations. Beyond the biomedical management of these diseases, comprehensive support that takes into account the peoples’ economic and social situation is fundamental. The objective of this scoping review is to create an inventory and an analysis of the different types of support for these chronic diseases among disadvantaged, immigrant or minority populations to contribute to a better definition and characterization of what should be global support for these vulnerable populations suffering from these diseases. Methods A search of PubMed, PsycINFO, Sages Journals and Web of Science was conducted (between March and May 2021) for articles published between January 2000 and May 2021. Articles were selected after screening titles, abstracts and full texts according to our 5 inclusion criteria. Results We included 16 articles. The diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure support programs described in these articles operate to improve physical and mental health and access to care. The approaches of these interventions are focused on the training and participation of people and the implementation of support actions adapted to the person. The majority of these interventions have a real attachment to the community. Conclusions This review of the literature shows that support for people with chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity or high blood pressure is based on three pillars: empowerment, peer mediation and holistic and tailor-made support for the individual. The empowerment approach, which considers the capacities and resources of individuals and whose goal is to strengthen their ability to act on their health, appears to be entirely suited to the support of these chronic diseases. This review underlines the importance of moving away from a biomedical approach to a holistic approach truly focused on the person, their capacities and their needs.

  • Émilie Pigeon-Gagné, Vigu Teodora, Kadio Kadidiatou, Bonnet Emmanuel et Ridde Valéry (2022) « Explanatory models of psychotic-like experiences in rural Burkina Faso: A qualitative study among indigents and their community », SSM - Mental Health (octobre), p. 100166. DOI : 10.1016/j.ssmmh.2022.100166.
    Résumé : Background In Sub-Saharan Africa, psychiatric care for severe mental disorders is scarce. This is especially true for people living in chronic poverty in rural areas. The way in which people with psychotic manifestations are socially perceived and treated remains under-researched, limiting the possibility of adapting services to their needs. Methods In May 2017, 29 semi-structured individual interviews with indigent people reporting psychotic-like experiences and 8 focus groups with members of their community were conducted in the rural region of Diébougou (Burkina Faso). Indigents were questioned on their subjective interpretation regarding these experiences. Community members were asked about their perceptions of people manifesting psychotic-like experiences. A thematic analysis was carried out. Results Three distinct conceptions of psychotic-like experiences were identified. First, these experiences were often understood as a reflection of a mental disorder involving evil supernatural entities. Second, some people were considered as possessing a faculty that conferred supernatural powers that could be used for healing purposes. Finally, psychotic-like experiences might also reflect a temporary disturbance for which no significant repercussions were raised. Conclusions This study suggests that certain manifestations qualified as psychotic according to the biomedical nosology seem to be considered differently from communities' perspectives. These experiences were frequently interpreted as being personal and not requiring medical attention or even as socially valuable faculties. Although psychotic-like experiences were not always perceived negatively, people who experienced them were reluctant to talk about them. This suggests that a form of stigmatization is associated with psychotic-like experiences. Keywords Psychotic-like experiencesIndigentsBurkina FasoExplanatory models of illnessUniversal health coverage

  • Faccin Mauro, Gargiulo Floriana, Atlani-Duault Laëtitia et Ward Jeremy K. (2022) « Assessing the influence of French vaccine critics during the two first years of the COVID-19 pandemic », éd. par Constantine Dovrolis, PLOS ONE, 17 (8) (août 4), p. e0271157. DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0271157.
    Résumé : When the threat of COVID-19 became widely acknowledged, many hoped that this pandemic would squash “the anti-vaccine movement”. However, when vaccines started arriving in rich countries at the end of 2020, it appeared that vaccine hesitancy might be an issue even in the context of this major pandemic. Does it mean that the mobilization of vaccine-critical activists on social media is one of the main causes of this reticence to vaccinate against COVID-19? In this paper, we wish to contribute to current work on vaccine hesitancy during the COVID-19 pandemic by looking at one of the many mechanisms which can cause reticence towards vaccines: the capacity of vaccine-critical activists to influence a wider public on social media. We analyze the evolution of debates over the COVID-19 vaccine on the French Twittosphere, during two first years of the pandemic, with a particular attention to the spreading capacity of vaccine-critical websites. We address two main questions: 1) Did vaccine-critical contents gain ground during this period? 2) Who were the main actors in the diffusion of these contents? While debates over vaccines experienced a tremendous surge during this period, the share of vaccine-critical contents in these debates remains stable except for a limited number of short periods associated with specific events. Secondly, analyzing the community structure of the re-tweets hyper-graph, we reconstruct the mesoscale structure of the information flows, identifying and characterizing the major communities of users. We analyze their role in the information ecosystem: the largest right-wing community has a typical echo-chamber behavior collecting all the vaccine-critical tweets from outside and recirculating it inside the community. The smaller left-wing community is less permeable to vaccine-critical contents but, has a large capacity to spread it once adopted.
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  • Fillol Amandine, Mcsween-Cadieux Esther, Ventelou Bruno, Larose Marie-Pier, Kamguem Ulrich Boris Nguemdjo, Kadio Kadidiatou, Dagenais Christian et Ridde Valery (2022) « Quand le messager est plus important que le message : étude expérimentale en Afrique francophone sur l'utilisation des connaissances », TUC : Revue Francophone de Recherche sur le Transfert et l'Utilisation des Connaissances, 6 (3). DOI : 10.18166/tuc.2022.6.3.26.
    Résumé : Contexte : Les injustices épistémiques sont de plus en plus décriées dans le domaine de la santé mondiale. Cette étude vise à déterminer si la source des connaissances influence la perception de ces connaissances et la volonté de les utiliser. Méthodes : L’étude suit un devis expérimental randomisé dans lequel les participant·es ont été assigné·es au hasard à l'une des sept notes de politique conçues avec le même contenu scientifique, mais avec différentes organisations présentées comme autrices. Chaque organisation était représentative d'une autorité financière, scientifique ou morale. Pour chaque type d'autorité, deux organisations étaient proposées : l'une nord-américaine ou européenne, l'autre africaine. Résultats : Les résultats montrent que le type d’autorité et la localisation des organisations autrices ne sont pas significativement associés à la qualité perçue et à l’utilisation instrumentale déclarée. Toutefois, des interactions entre le type d’autorité et la localisation étaient significatives. Ainsi, les analyses stratifiées ont mis en évidence que pour la qualité perçue, les notes de politique signées par l'organisme bailleur (autorité financière) africain obtenaient de meilleurs scores que les notes de politique signées par l’organisme bailleur nord-américain/européen. Tant pour la qualité perçue que pour l'utilisation instrumentale déclarée, ces analyses stratifiées ont révélé que les notes de politique signées par l'université africaine (autorité scientifique) étaient associées à des scores plus faibles que les notes de politique signées par l'université nord-américaine/européenne. Interprétation : Les résultats confirment l'influence significative des sources sur la perception des connaissances en santé mondiale et rappellent l’intersectionnalité de l’influence des sources d’autorité. Cette analyse nous permet à la fois d'en apprendre davantage sur les organisations qui dominent la scène de la gouvernance mondiale en santé et de réfléchir aux implications pour les pratiques d'application des connaissances.
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  • Fillol Amandine, McSween-Cadieux Esther, Ventelou Bruno, Larose Marie-Pier, Kanguem Ulrich Boris Nguemdjo, Kadio Kadidiatou, Dagenais Christian et Ridde Valéry (2022) « When the messenger is more important than the message: an experimental study of evidence use in francophone Africa », Health Research Policy and Systems, 20 (1) (mai 26), p. 57. DOI : 10.1186/s12961-022-00854-x.
    Résumé : Abstract Background Epistemic injustices are increasingly decried in global health. This study aims to investigate whether the source of knowledge influences the perception of that knowledge and the willingness to use it in francophone African health policy-making context. Methods The study followed a randomized experimental design in which participants were randomly assigned to one of seven policy briefs that were designed with the same scientific content but with different organizations presented as authors. Each organization was representative of financial, scientific or moral authority. For each type of authority, two organizations were proposed: one North American or European, and the other African. Results The initial models showed that there was no significant association between the type of authority or the location of the authoring organization and the two outcomes (perceived quality and reported instrumental use). Stratified analyses highlighted that policy briefs signed by the African donor organization (financial authority) were perceived to be of higher quality than policy briefs signed by the North American/European donor organization. For both perceived quality and reported instrumental use, these analyses found that policy briefs signed by the African university (scientific authority) were associated with lower scores than policy briefs signed by the North American/European university. Conclusions The results confirm the significant influence of sources on perceived global health knowledge and the intersectionality of sources of influence. This analysis allows us to learn more about organizations in global health leadership, and to reflect on the implications for knowledge translation practices. , Résumé Contexte Les injustices épistémiques sont de plus en plus décriées dans le domaine de la santé mondiale. Cette étude vise à déterminer si la source des connaissances influence la perception de ces connaissances et la volonté de les utiliser. Méthodes L’étude suit un devis expérimental randomisé dans lequel les participant·es ont été assigné·es au hasard à l'une des sept notes politiques conçues avec le même contenu scientifique, mais avec différentes organisations présentées comme autrices. Chaque organisation était représentative d'une autorité financière, scientifique ou morale. Pour chaque type d'autorité, deux organisations étaient proposées : l'une nord-américaine ou européenne, l'autre africaine. Résultats Les résultats montrent que le type d’autorité et la localisation des organisations autrices ne sont pas significativement associés à la qualité perçue et à l’utilisation instrumentale déclarée. Toutefois, des interactions entre le type d’autorité et la localisation étaient significatives. Ainsi, les analyses stratifiées ont mis en évidence que pour la qualité perçue, les notes de politique signées par l'organisme bailleur (autorité financière) africain obtenaient de meilleurs scores que les notes de politique signées par l’organisme bailleur nord-américain / européen. Tant pour la qualité perçue que pour l'utilisation instrumentale déclarée, ces analyses stratifiées ont révélé que les notes de politique signées par l'université africaine (autorité scientifique) étaient associées à des scores plus faibles que les notes de politique signées par l'université nord-américaine/européenne. Interprétation Les résultats confirment l'influence significative des sources sur la perception des connaissances en santé mondiale et rappellent l’intersectionnalité de l’influence des sources d’autorité. Cette analyse nous permet à la fois d'en apprendre davantage sur les organisations qui dominent la scène de la gouvernance mondiale en santé et de réfléchir aux implications pour les pratiques d'application des connaissances.

  • Floersheim Charlotte (2022) « Quand la relation donne une direction », Anthropologie & Santé. Revue internationale francophone d'anthropologie de la santé, 24 bis (hors-série) (mai 15). DOI : 10.4000/anthropologiesante.11029.
    Résumé : Rencontre Femmes Plus, planning familial, Marseille Milieu des années 2010, un printemps ou un automne, je ne sais plus, je participe à l’organisation d’une des journées du collectif inter-associatif marseillais, Femmes Plus. Le temps d’un samedi, sans enfant, environ quatre fois par an, ce collectif réunit des femmes séropositives de la région. Ces journées mélangent temps de réflexion, ateliers autour de la maladie, du bien-être, de la vie avec le VIH. Elles se déroulent à Marseille dans le...

  • Floersheim Charlotte, Musso Sandrine, Eubanks August, Douine Maylis, Spire Bruno, Sagaon-Teyssier Luis, Parriault Marie Claire, Girard Gabriel et Mosnier Emilie (2022) « What can lead to late diagnosis of HIV in an illegal gold mining environment? A qualitative study at the French Guiana’s border with Brazil », BMJ Open, 12 (9) (septembre 1), p. e061237. DOI : 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-061237.
    Résumé : Objective The present study aimed to understand what factors can lead to late HIV diagnosis of illegal gold miners at French Guiana’s border with Brazil. Design An exploratory qualitative study with in-depth interviews and observations was conducted between November 2019 and February 2020. Setting The study was conducted in the main medical healthcare service and two non-governmental organisation premises in the Oyapock border region, which is a supply area for illegal gold mining sites. Participants Fifteen people living with HIV diagnosed with CD4 count <350 cells 106/L were interviewed. Seven women and eight men participated; they were between 31 and 79 years old, and the median time since HIV diagnosis was 6 years. Eight had links to illegal gold mining. Findings Three key themes for late HIV diagnosis emerged: (1) the presence of economic and political structural factors which constitute risks for this illegal activity, specifically the repression of gold mining sites by French Armed Forces and the distance from healthcare facilities; (2) representations of the body and health, related to the living conditions of this population; prioritisation of health emergencies and long-term self-medication; and (3) gender roles shaping masculinity and heterosexuality contributing to a perception of not being at risk of HIV and delaying testing. Conclusion This study highlights structural, group-based and individual factors that reduce access to HIV testing and healthcare in general for a population of migrant workers in an illegal gold mining area. Faced with harsh living conditions and state repression, these workers develop a vision of health which prioritises the functionality of the body. Associated with gender roles which are partly shaped both by the mining activity and its geographical location, this vision can lead to late HIV diagnosis.
    Mots-clés : Epidemiology, HIV & AIDS, Public health.

  • Gagnon-Dufresne Marie-Catherine, Gautier Lara, Beaujoin Camille, Lamothe Ashley Savard, Mikanagu Rachel, Cloos Patrick, Ridde Valéry et Zinszer Kate (2022) « Considering social inequalities in health in large-scale testing for COVID-19 in Montréal: a qualitative case study », BMC Public Health, 22 (1), p. 749. DOI : 10.1186/s12889-022-13163-3.
    Résumé : Abstract Background Evidence continues to demonstrate that certain marginalised populations are disproportionately affected by COVID-19. While many studies document the impacts of COVID-19 on social inequalities in health, none has examined how public health responses to the pandemic have unfolded to address these inequities in Canada. The purpose of our study was to assess how social inequalities in health were considered in the design and planning of large-scale COVID-19 testing programs in Montréal (Québec, Canada). Methods Part of the multicountry study HoSPiCOVID, this article reports on a qualitative case study of large-scale testing for COVID-19 in Montréal. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 19 stakeholders involved in planning large-scale testing or working with vulnerable populations during the pandemic. We developed interview guides and a codebook using existing literature on policy design and planning, and analysed data deductively and inductively using thematic analysis in NVivo. Results Our findings suggest that large-scale COVID-19 testing in Montréal did not initially consider social inequalities in health in its design and planning phases. Considering the sense of urgency brought by the pandemic, participants noted the challenges linked to the uptake of an intersectoral approach and of a unified vision of social inequalities in health. However, adaptations were gradually made to large-scale testing to improve its accessibility, acceptability, and availability. Actors from the community sector, among others, played an important role in supporting the health sector to address the needs of specific subgroups of the population. Conclusions These findings contribute to the reflections on the lessons learned from COVID-19, highlighting that public health programs must tackle structural barriers to accessing healthcare services during health crises. This will be necessary to ensure that pandemic preparedness and response, including large-scale testing, do not further increase social inequalities in health.
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  • Gautier Lara, Borgès Da Silva Roxane, Faye Adama et Ridde Valéry (2022) « Patient‐ and community‐centered approaches as the cornerstone of health services evaluation in the 21st century », The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 37 (S1), p. 4-7. DOI : 10.1002/hpm.3568.

  • Gautier Lara, Nguengang Wakap Stéphanie, Verrier Florian, da Silva Miranda Érica, Négré Victoria, Hamza Jalel, Poveda Juan-Diego et Bouchon Magali (2022) « Responding to Increasing Health and Social Needs of Unprotected Unaccompanied Minors in Paris in the Context of COVID-19: A Mixed Methods Case Study », Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies (janvier 19), p. 1-20. DOI : 10.1080/15562948.2022.2027057.
    Résumé : Unaccompanied minors (UMs) are children under the age of 18 who settle in a foreign country without a legal representative. In France, many UMs are left unprotected from child welfare services because assessment systems evaluate that they are not minors. In Paris, the non-governmental organization Médecins du Monde (MdM) offers unprotected UMs medical, psychological, and social care. In March 2020, the lockdown policy to contain COVID-19 constrained MdM to adapt its care provision model. This case study sought to answer the following question: how did volunteers and employees of MdM respond to the social and health needs of unprotected UMs during the spring 2020 lockdown in Paris? We analyzed a cohort of 58 UMs for eight weeks of lockdown using secondary quantitative data. We further explored the UMs’ needs and the experience of phone consultations, through 15 interviews with MdM’s program volunteers and employees. Time series showed a steady increase in UMs’ needs. The program’s adapted care provision likely contributed to reducing UMs’ feeling of isolation. It also had several negative consequences for unprotected UMs, volunteers, employees, and Médecins du Monde’s institution. This study highlights the role of non-governmental organizations in providing a particularly vulnerable migrant population – unprotected UMs – care and support, despite operational challenges in crisis times.
    Mots-clés : care provision, COVID-19 pandemic, France, mixed methods study, Unaccompanied Minors.

  • Gosselin Anne, Malroux Inès, Desprat Diane, Devetter François-Xavier, Memmi Sarah, Pannetier Julie, Valat Emmanuel et Melchior Maria (2022) « Prévalence des risques psychosociaux au travail et santé mentale parmi les immigrés et descendants d’immigrés : résultats de l’enquête nationale Conditions de Travail-Risques psychosociaux 2016 », Bull Epidémiol Hebd, 7, p. 141-9.
    Résumé : Objectifs – Peu d’études se sont penchées sur les risques psychosociaux parmi les immigrés et les descendants d’immigrés et leur association avec la santé mentale. Notre étude a pour objectif : 1) de décrire la prévalence de deux indicateurs qui recouvrent les dimensions d’exigence psychologique, de latitude décisionnelle et d’isolement au travail : le job strain (tension au travail : faible latitude/forte demande) et l’iso-strain (combinaison d’une situation de job strain et d’un faible soutien social) selon le statut migratoire et modéliser la probabilité d’être exposé ; 2) vérifier que les associations entre le job strain, l’iso-strain et l’anxiété sont similaires pour tous les groupes (immigrés, descendants d’immigrés). Méthodes – Nous avons utilisé l’enquête nationale transversale Conditions de Travail-Risques Psychosociaux 2016 (N=24 640). L’anxiété a été mesurée par le score GAD-Mini, outil diagnostique pour repérer le trouble anxieux généralisé. Les prévalences du job strain et de l’iso-strain ont été décrites selon le statut migratoire et le sexe. Des régressions de Poisson ont été utilisées pour modéliser la probabilité d’être exposé au job strain et à l’iso-strain. La prévalence de l’anxiété a été ensuite décrite selon le statut migratoire et le sexe. Dans chaque groupe de population, nous modélisons la probabilité de l’anxiété en fonction des caractéristiques sociodémographiques, des antécédents de santé mentale et de l’expérience du job strain ou de l’iso-strain. Résultats – Les prévalences de risques psychosociaux varient fortement selon le statut migratoire, avec des immigrés plus exposés que la population majoritaire (ni immigrée, ni descendante d’immigrés). Après ajustement, être un immigré d’Afrique reste associé au job strain (ratio incidence risque ajusté : IRRa=1,21 ; IC95%: [0,99-1,47]), et être un descendant d’immigré d’Afrique à l’iso-strain (IRRa=1,33 [1,05-1,69]). La prévalence de l’anxiété était particulièrement haute parmi les descendants d’immigrés d’Afrique (12%). Dans cette population, le job strain et l’iso-strain étaient associés à l’anxiété (IRRa job strain=2,70 [1,22-6,01] ; IRRa iso-strain=4,26 [2,29-7,92]). Conclusion – Dans la lignée des travaux internationaux, notre étude montre que les immigrés et descendants d’immigrés sont particulièrement exposés au job strain et à l’iso-strain, ce qui pourrait contribuer à détériorer leur santé mentale.
    Mots-clés : ⛔ No DOI found.

  • Gosselin Anne, Warszawski Josiane, Bajos Nathalie et for the EpiCov Study Group (2022) « Higher risk, higher protection. COVID-19 risk among immigrants in France: results from the population-based EpiCov survey », European Journal of Public Health (avril 27), p. ckac046. DOI : 10.1093/eurpub/ckac046.
    Résumé : Immigrants and ethnic/racialized minorities have been identified as being at higher risk of COVID-19 infection, but few studies report on their exposures and prevention behaviours. This study aims to examine the social distribution of COVID-19 exposure (overcrowding, working outside the home, use of public transport to go to work) and prevention behaviours (use of face masks, washing hands, respect for physical distance) in France during the first wave of the epidemic.We used the EpiCov population-based survey from a random sample of individuals aged 15 years or more. We determined the distribution of the self-reported outcomes according to migratory status and sex, using chi2 tests. We modelled the probability of outcomes with logistic regression. Finally, we focused the analysis on the Greater Paris area and accounted for neighbourhood characteristics.A total of 111,824 participants were included in the study. Overall, immigrant groups from non-European countries were more exposed to COVID-19-related factors and more respectful of prevention measures. The probability of overcrowding and the use of public transport was higher for immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa (aOR=3.71 [3.19;4.32], aOR=6.36 [4.86; 8.32]) than for the majority population. Immigrant groups were less likely to have a non-systematic use of face masks and to breach physical distancing than the majority population (for immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa, aOR=0.32 [0.28; 0.37] and aOR=0.71 [0.61; 0.81], respectively). Living in a neighbourhood with a higher share of immigrants was associated with higher exposure and better prevention behaviours.In France, immigrants had a higher exposure to COVID-19-related factors and more systematic prevention behaviours.

  • Goudiaby Jean-Alain et Pilon Marc (2022) « La progression de l'enseignement supérieur au Sénégal : des inégalités persistantes », Mondes en Développement, 197, p. 59. DOI : 10.3917/med.197.0063.
    Résumé : À l'instar de nombreux autres pays d'Afrique subsaharienne, le Sénégal connaît depuis les années 2000 une très forte croissance de sa population étudiante, mais avec des niveaux de fréquentation du supérieur demeurant encore très faibles. Sur la base de sources de données existantes (statistiques et qualitatives), le texte propose de faire un point sur l'évolution des politiques éducatives, le développement de l'offre (publique et privée) et de la fréquentation du supérieur. Si le développement de l'offre de formation s'est globalement accru, les inégalités régionales demeurent marquées, et différentes selon le sexe. Et si la scolarisation des filles dans le supérieur a progressé, elle reste encore bien inférieure à celle des garçons.

  • Guilmoto Christophe Z (2022) « What can Europe’s history of gender bias tell us about Asia’s contemporary experience? », The History of the Family, 27 (4) (octobre 2), p. 801-813. DOI : 10.1080/1081602X.2022.2124302.

  • Guilmoto Christophe Z. (2022) « An alternative estimation of the death toll of the Covid-19 pandemic in India », éd. par Bernardo Lanza Queiroz, PLOS ONE, 17 (2) (février 16), p. e0263187. DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0263187.
    Résumé : The absence of reliable registration of Covid-19 deaths in India has prevented proper assessment and monitoring of the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, India’s relatively young age structure tends to conceal the severity of Covid-19 mortality, which is concentrated in older age groups. In this paper, we present four different demographic samples of Indian populations for which we have information on both their demographic structures and death outcomes. We show that we can model the age distribution of Covid-19 mortality in India and use this modeling to estimate Covid-19 mortality in the country. Our findings point to a death toll of approximately 3.2–3.7 million persons by early November 2021. Once India’s age structure is factored in, these figures correspond to one of the most severe cases of Covid-19 mortality in the world. India has recorded after February 2021 the second outbreak of coronavirus that has affected the entire country. The accuracy of official statistics of Covid-19 mortality has been questioned, and the real number of Covid-19 deaths is thought to be several times higher than reported. In this paper, we assembled four independent population samples to model and estimate the level of Covid-19 mortality in India. We first used a population sample with the age and sex of Covid-19 victims to develop a Gompertz model of Covid-19 mortality in India. We applied and adjusted this mortality model on two other national population samples after factoring in the demographic characteristics of these samples. We finally derive from these samples the most reasonable estimate of Covid-19 mortality level in India and confirm this result using a fourth population sample. Our findings point to a death toll of about 3.2–3.7 million persons by late May 2021. This is by far the largest number of Covid-19 deaths in the world. Once standardized for age and sex structure, India’s Covid-19 mortality rate is above Brazil and the USA. Our analysis shows that existing population samples allow an alternative estimation of deaths due to Covid-19 in India. The results imply that only one out of 7–8 deaths appear to have been recorded as a Covid-19 death in India. The estimates also point to a very high Covid-19 mortality rate, which is even higher after age and sex standardization. The magnitude of the pandemic in India requires immediate attention. In the absence of effective remedies, this calls for a strong response based on a combination of non-pharmaceutical interventions and the scale-up of vaccination to make them accessible to all, with an improved surveillance system to monitor the progression of the pandemic and its spread across India’s regions and social groups.

  • Guzmán Rosas Susana Carolina (2022) « La institucionalización científica de los saberes tradicionales sobre plantas medicinales en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México », Revista de Antropología y Sociología : Virajes, 24 (2) (juillet 1), p. 164-191. DOI : 10.17151/rasv.2022.24.2.9.
    Résumé : Este trabajo analiza la valorización de saberes tradicionales sobre plantas medicinales en el espacio académico-científico mexicano, focalizando suinstitucionalización en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Así, considerando que la figura de una tesis, y su propuesta, constituye un instrumento de movilización de saberes, se identificaron y caracterizaron los trabajos realizados a este respecto en la UNAM durante las décadas1900-2010, complementando los datos mediante investigación documental y entrevistas con actores clave. Encontrando que durante la década de 1970el interés por el estudio de las plantas medicinales irrumpió abruptamente en el espacio académico-científico de la UNAM, manteniendo una tendencia creciente hasta nuestros días, configurándose paulatinamente como un objeto de estudio válido, aperturando nuevas líneas de investigacióny configurando un nuevo campo de conocimiento: la etnobotánica médica. No obstante, este nuevo campo emerge al seno de otros campos, desde loscuales aún se le aborda y materializa, circulando en una existencia todavía un poco velada.
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  • Guzmán-Rosas Susana Carolina (2022) « Ethnicity as a social determinant of energy poverty: the case of Mexican indigenous population », Local Environment, 27 (9) (septembre 2), p. 1075-1101. DOI : 10.1080/13549839.2022.2100879.

  • Hanafi S. et Arvanitis Rigas (2022) « Smoothing the waters : science and research collaboration between China and the Arab world », p. 162. DOI : 10.1163/9789004510005_010.

  • Hassambay Roukhaya, Bennis Fatem-Zahra, Rwegera Bernadette et Desgrées du Loû Annabel (2022) « L’approche communautaire en santé : un levier de protection des personnes vulnérables en temps de crise sanitaire ? », Les tribunes de la santé, 72, p. 83-92. DOI : 10.3917/seve1.072.0083.
    Résumé : Depuis ses débuts, la pandémie de Covid-19 exacerbe les inégalités sociales de santé, définies par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) comme des différences systémiques sur le plan de la santé qui découlent des déterminants sociaux, exposant ainsi les populations les plus vulnérables à des risques de fragilisation et de paupérisation. Face à cela, le secteur associatif peut être un acteur clé et un pilier de la résilience de ces populations, grâce à son approche communautaire et sociale. Nous proposons dans cet article d’interroger l’apport de cette approche en temps de crise sanitaire en tant que levier d’action efficace pour protéger les populations vulnérables des effets de l’épidémie, à partir d’une étude de cas : l’association Ikambere, située en Île-de-France à Saint-Denis. Après avoir parcouru les bases théoriques et conceptuelles de l’approche communautaire en santé, cet article se propose d’analyser comment l’accompagnement proposé par Ikambere aux femmes vulnérables a favorisé leur montée en connaissances et en résilience pour se relever de la crise. Il conclut en soulignant l’importance de mieux inscrire l’approche communautaire comme un élément à part entière de la stratégie de santé publique pour lutter de façon plus pérenne et efficace contre les inégalités sociales de santé.

  • Hassine Amir, Antoni Guillemette, Fender Muriel, Slama Katia, Léandri François-Xavier, Fanon Jean-Luc, Auvray Christelle, Bandjee Marie Christine Jaffar, Traversier Nicolas, Fagour Laurence, Rochaix Lise, Fiorina Camilla, Pourette Dolorès, Opigez Eric, Dumont Alexandre, Bardou Marc et Group Resiste Study (2022) « Combined incentive actions, focusing on primary care professionals, to improve cervical cancer screening in women living in socioeconomically disadvantaged geographical areas: a study protocol of a hybrid cluster randomised effectiveness and implementation trial- RESISTE », BMJ Open, 12 (11) (novembre 1), p. e065952. DOI : 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-065952.
    Résumé : Introduction Cervical cancer (CC) causes thousands of deaths each year. Nearly 100% of cases are caused by oncogenic strains of human papillomavirus (HPV). In most industrialised countries, CC screening (CCS) is based on the detection of HPV infections. For many reasons including lower adherence to CCS, underserved women are more likely to develop CC, and die from it. We aim to demonstrate that the use of incentives could improve screening rates among this population. Methods and analysis Our cluster randomised, controlled trial will include 10 000 women aged 30–65 years eligible for CCS, living in deprived areas in four French departments, two mainlands and two overseas, and who did not perform physician-based HPV testing within the framework of the nationally organised screening programme. HPV self-sampling kit (HPVss) will be mailed to them. Two interventions are combined in a factorial analysis design ending in four arms: the possibility to receive or not a financial incentive of €20 and to send back the self-sampling by mail or to give it to a health professional, family doctor, gynaecologist, midwife or pharmacist. The main outcome is the proportion of women returning the HPVss, or doing a physician-based HPV or pap-smear test the year after receiving the HPVss. 12-month follow-up data will be collected through the French National Health Insurance database. We expect to increase the return rate of HPV self-samples by at least 10% (from 20% to 30%) compared with the postal return without economic incentive. Ethics and dissemination Ethics approval was first obtained on 2 April 2020, then on July 29 2022. The ethics committee classified the study as interventional with low risk, thus no formal consent is required for inclusion. The use of health insurance data was approved by the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés on 14 September 2021 (ref No 920276). An independent data security and monitoring committee was established. The main trial results will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Trial registration number NCT04312178.
    Mots-clés : Gynaecological oncology, Health economics, Health policy, ONCOLOGY, PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, PUBLIC HEALTH.

  • Hedible Gildas Boris, Louart Sarah, Neboua Désiré, Catala Laura, Anago Gildas, Sawadogo Abdoul-Guaniyi, Kargougou G. Désiré, Meda Bertrand, Kolié Jacques Séraphin, Hema Adama, Keita Sory, Niome Mactar, Savadogo Abdoul Salam, Peters-Bokol Lucie, Agbeci Honorat, Zair Zineb, Lenaud Severin, Vignon Marine, Ouedraogo Yugbare Solange, Abarry Hannatou, Diakite Abdoul Aziz, Diallo Ibrahima Sory, Lamontagne Franck, Briand Valérie, Dahourou Désiré Lucien, Cousien Anthony, Ridde Valéry, Leroy Valériane et for the AIRE Research Study Group (2022) « Evaluation of the routine implementation of pulse oximeters into integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI) guidelines at primary health care level in West Africa: the AIRE mixed-methods research protocol », BMC Health Services Research, 22 (1) (décembre 24), p. 1579. DOI : 10.1186/s12913-022-08982-4.
    Résumé : Abstract Background The AIRE operational project will evaluate the implementation of the routine Pulse Oximeter (PO) use in the integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI) strategy for children under-5 in primary health care centers (PHC) in West Africa. The introduction of PO should promote the accurate identification of hypoxemia (pulse blood oxygen saturation Sp02 < 90%) among all severe IMCI cases (respiratory and non-respiratory) to prompt their effective case management (oxygen, antibiotics and other required treatments) at hospital. We seek to understand how the routine use of PO integrated in IMCI outpatients works (or not), for whom, in what contexts and with what outcomes. Methods The AIRE project is being implemented from 03/2020 to 12/2022 in 202 PHCs in four West African countries (Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali, Niger) including 16 research PHCs (four per country). The research protocol will assess three complementary components using mixed quantitative and qualitative methods: a) context based on repeated cross-sectional surveys: baseline and aggregated monthly data from all PHCs on infrastructure, staffing, accessibility, equipment, PO use, severe cases and care; b) the process across PHCs by assessing acceptability, fidelity, implementation challenges and realistic evaluation, and c) individual outcomes in the research PHCs: all children under-5 attending IMCI clinics, eligible for PO use will be included with parental consent in a cross-sectional study. Among them, severe IMCI cases will be followed in a prospective cohort to assess their health status at 14 days. We will analyze pathways, patterns of care, and costs of care. Discussion This research will identify challenges to the systematic implementation of PO in IMCI consultations, such as health workers practices, frequent turnover, quality of care, etc. Further research will be needed to fully address key questions such as the best time to introduce PO into the IMCI process, the best SpO2 threshold for deciding on hospital referral, and assessing the cost-effectiveness of PO use. The AIRE research will provide health policy makers in West Africa with sufficient evidence on the context, process and outcomes of using PO integrated into IMCI to promote scale-up in all PHCs. Trial registration Trial registration number: PACTR202206525204526 retrospectively registered on 06/15/2022.
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  • Inghels Maxime, Kane Ros, Lall Priya, Nelson David, Nanyonjo Agnes, Asghar Zahid, Ward Derek, McCranor Tracy, Kavanagh Tony, Hogue Todd, Phull Jaspreet et Tanser Frank (2022) « Ethnicity and risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection among the healthcare workforce: Results of a retrospective cohort study in rural United Kingdom », International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 122 (septembre), p. 115-122. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijid.2022.05.013.
    Résumé : Background The reason why Black and South Asian healthcare workers are at a higher risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection remain unclear. We aimed to quantify the risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection among healthcare staff who belong to the ethnic minority and elucidate pathways of infection. Methods A one-year follow-up retrospective cohort study has been conducted among National Health Service employees who were working at 123 facilities in Lincolnshire, UK. Results Overall, 13,366 professionals were included. SARS-CoV-2 incidence per person-year was 5.2% (95% CI: 3.6–7.6%) during the first COVID-19 wave (January–August 2020) and 17.2% (13.5–22.0%) during the second wave (September 2020–February 2021). Compared with White staff, Black and South Asian employees were at higher risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection during both the first wave (hazard ratio, HR 1.58 [0.91–2.75] and 1.69 [1.07–2.66], respectively) and the second wave (HR 2.09 [1.57–2.76] and 1.46 [1.24–1.71]). Higher risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection persisted even after controlling for age, sex, pay grade, residence environment, type of work, and time exposure at work. Higher adjusted risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection were also found among lower-paid health professionals. Conclusion Black and South Asian health workers continue to be at higher risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection than their White counterparts. Urgent interventions are required to reduce SARS-CoV-2 infection in these ethnic groups. Keywords SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 Risk factors Ethnicity Health profession United Kingdom

  • Inghels Maxime, Kim Hae-Young, Tanser Frank, Hettema Anita, McMahon Shannon A., Oldenburg Catherine E., Matse Sindy, Kohler Stefan, Geldsetzer Pascal et Bärnighausen Till (2022) « PrEP uptake and delivery setting preferences among clients visiting six healthcare facilities in Eswatini », AIDS and Behavior (avril 16). DOI : 10.1007/s10461-022-03646-0.
    Résumé : Abstract Due to the high HIV incidence among the general population of Eswatini, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV-exposed individuals is recommended. However, little is known about PrEP uptake and preferences in PrEP delivery healthcare setting among the general population. We conducted a secondary analysis of a randomized trial that aimed to increase PrEP uptake. All clients eligible for PrEP in one of six public-sector healthcare facilities in Eswatini were included. PrEP uptake was stratified by initial reason for visit (e.g. outpatient). Preferences in PrEP delivery setting were collected among those clients who initiated PrEP. A total of 1782 clients had their HIV acquisition risk assessed. Of these, 72% (1277/1782) were considered at risk by healthcare providers and, among them, 40% (517/1277) initiated PrEP. Uptake was higher among clients visiting specifically to initiate PrEP (93%), followed by HIV testing visits (45.8%) and outpatient visits (40%). Among those who initiated PrEP, preferred delivery settings were outpatient services (31%), HIV testing services (26%), family planning (21%) and antenatal services (14%). Men or those at high risk of HIV acquisition were more likely to prefer HIV testing and outpatient services, while young women were more likely to visit and express a preference for antenatal and family planning services. Outpatient services and HIV testing services could be preferable choices for PrEP delivery integration, due to the high PrEP uptake and delivery setting preferences of the populations who use these services. Antenatal and family planning could also be considered with a view to targeting the youngest women. , Resumen Debido a la alta incidencia del VIH entre la población general de Eswatini, se recomienda la profilaxis previa a la exposición (PrEP) para las personas expuestas al VIH. Sin embargo, se sabe poco sobre la aceptación de la PrEP y las preferencias en el ámbito de la atención sanitaria de la PrEP entre la población general. Se realizó un análisis secundario de un ensayo clínico que pretendía aumentar la aceptación de la PrEP. Se incluyó a todos los clientes elegibles para la PrEP en uno de los seis centros sanitarios del sector público de Eswatini. La aceptación de la PrEP se estratificó según el motivo inicial de la visita (por ejemplo, paciente externo). Se recogieron las preferencias en el entorno de administración de la PrEP entre aquellos clientes que iniciaron la PrEP. Se evaluó el riesgo de adquisición del VIH de un total de 1.782 clientes (de 2.238 contactados, el 80%). De ellos, el 72% (1277/1782) fueron considerados de riesgo por los profesionales sanitarios y, entre ellos, el 40% (517/1277) iniciaron la PrEP. El consumo fue mayor entre los clientes que acudieron específicamente para iniciar la PrEP (93%), seguido de las visitas para realizar la prueba del VIH (45,8%) y las visitas ambulatorias (40%). Entre los que iniciaron la PrEP, los entornos de prestación preferidos fueron los servicios ambulatorios (31%), los servicios de pruebas del VIH (26%), la planificación familiar (21%) y los servicios prenatales (14%). Los hombres o las personas con alto riesgo de contraer el VIH tenían más probabilidades de preferir las pruebas del VIH y los servicios ambulatorios, mientras que las mujeres jóvenes tenían más probabilidades de acudir a los servicios prenatales y de planificación familiar y expresar su preferencia por ellos. Los servicios ambulatorios y los servicios de pruebas del VIH podrían ser opciones preferibles para la integración de la entrega de la PrEP, debido a la alta aceptación de la PrEP y a las preferencias del entorno de entrega de las poblaciones que utilizan estos servicios. Los servicios prenatales y de planificación familiar también podrían considerarse con vistas a dirigirse a las mujeres más jóvenes.

  • Inghels Maxime, Kouassi Arsène Kra, Niangoran Serge, Bekelynck Anne, Carilon Séverine, Sika Lazare, Koné Mariatou, Danel Christine, Loû Annabel Degrées du, Larmarange Joseph et for the research team ANRS 12323 DOD-CI (2022) « Preferences and access to community-based HIV testing sites among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Côte d’Ivoire », BMJ Open, 12 (6) (juin), p. e052536. DOI : 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052536.
    Résumé : Objective Measuring access and preferences to Men who have Sex with Men focused community-based HIV testing sites (MSM-CBTS) in Côte d’Ivoire. Design A respondent-driven sampling telephone survey. Setting National survey conducted in 2018 in Côte d’Ivoire. Participants 518 MSM aged over 18 years old. Primary and secondary outcome measures Knowledge, practices, satisfaction and preferences regarding MSM-CBTS. Factors associated with MSM-CTBS access or knowledge and with HIV testing venue preferences were examined. Results Only half of the respondents (47%) reported knowing of an MSM-CBTS. Of these, 79% had already attended one. Both knowing of and ever visiting an MSM-CBTS were significantly associated with a higher number of HIV tests performed in the past 12 months and having disclosed sexual orientation to one family member.In terms of preferences, 37% of respondents said they preferred undifferentiated HIV testing sites (ie, ‘all patients’ HIV testing sites), 34% preferred MSM-CBTS and 29% had no preference.Those who reported being sexually attracted to women, being bisexual and those who did not know an MSM non-governmental organisation were less likely to prefer MSM-CBTS. MSM who preferred undifferentiated HIV testing sites mentioned the lack of discretion and anonymity of community-based sites and the desire to avoid the gaze of others. Conclusion Community-based HIV testing is well suited for MSM who identify as homosexual and those close to the MSM community, while maintaining undifferentiated HIV testing is essential for others. Both types of activities need to be maintained and developed. Healthcare professionals in undifferentiated HIV testing sites need to be properly trained in the non-judgemental reception of MSM.
    Mots-clés : HIV & AIDS, International health services, SEXUAL MEDICINE.

  • Jessani Nasreen S., Williamson R. Taylor, Choonara Shakira, Gautier Lara, Hoe Connie, Jafar Sakeena K., Khalid Ahmad Firas, Rodríguez Salas Irene, Turcotte-Tremblay Anne-Marie et Rodríguez Daniela C. (2022) « Evidence attack in public health: Diverse actors’ experiences with translating controversial or misrepresented evidence in health policy and systems research », Global Public Health (janvier 7), p. 1-17. DOI : 10.1080/17441692.2021.2020319.
    Résumé : Bringing evidence into policy and practice discussions is political; more so when evidence from health studies or programme data are deemed controversial or unexpected, or when results are manipulated and misrepresented. Furthermore, opinion and misinformation in recent years has challenged our notions about how to achieve evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM). Health policy and systems (HPS) researchers and practitioners are battling misrepresentation that only serves to detract from important health issues or, worse, benefit powerful interests. This paper describes cases of politically and socially controversial evidence presented by researchers, practitioners and journalists during the Health Systems Research Symposium 2020. These cases cut across global contexts and range from public debates on vaccination, comprehensive sexual education, and tobacco to more inward debates around performance-based financing and EIDM in refugee policy. The consequences of engaging in controversial research include threats to commercial profit, perceived assaults on moral beliefs, censorship, fear of reprisal, and infodemics. Consequences for public health include research(er) hesitancy, contribution to corruption and leakage, researcher reflexivity, and ethical concerns within the HPS research and EIDM fields. Recommendations for supporting researchers, practitioners and advocates include better training and support structures for responding to controversy, safe spaces for sharing experiences, and modifying incentive structures.
    Mots-clés : censorship, controversy, Evidence-informed decision-making, health policy and systems research, infodemic, knowledge translation, misinformation.

  • Joxe Ludovic (2022) « La pyramide de politisation – De l’impolitisation à la politisation critique chez Médecins Sans Frontières », Les Cahiers d’Outre-Mer, 286, p. 401-428. DOI : 10.4000/com.14100.

  • Joxe Ludovic (2022) « Le capital de mobilité : un capital bourdieusien ? L’expérience des membres de Médecins sans frontières », Espaces et societes, 184-185 (1) (avril 26), p. 115-130. DOI : 10.3917/esp.184.0115.

  • Kalk Andreas, Sturmberg Joachim, Van Damme Wim, Brown Garrett W., Ridde Valéry, Zizi Martin et Paul Elisabeth (2022) « Surfing Corona waves – instead of breaking them: Rethinking the role of natural immunity in COVID-19 policy », F1000Research, 11 (mars 21), p. 337. DOI : 10.12688/f1000research.110593.1.
    Résumé : Current COVID-19 response policies have aimed to break Corona waves through non-pharmaceutical interventions and mass vaccination. However, for long-term strategies to be effective and efficient, and to avoid massive disruption and social harms, it is crucial to introduce the role of natural immunity in our thinking about COVID-19 control and prevention. We argue that any Corona control policy must appropriately balance five key elements simultaneously: balancing the various fundamental interests of the nation, as well as the various interventions within the health sector; tailoring the prevention measures and treatments to individual needs; limiting social interaction restrictions; and balancing the role of vaccinations against the role of naturally induced immunity. Given the high infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 and its differential impact on population segments, we examine this last element in more detail and argue that an important aspect of ‘living with the virus’ will be to better understand the role of naturally induced immunity in our overall COVID-19 policy response. In our eyes, a policy approach that factors natural immunity should be considered for persons without major comorbidities and those having ‘encountered’ the antigen in the past.
  • Kojoue Larissa (2022) « Mobilizing against AIDS in Africa. Under global health, associative struggles », Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines, 247 (octobre 1).

  • Ky-Zerbo Odette, Desclaux Alice, Boye Sokhna, Vautier Anthony, Rouveau Nicolas, Kouadio Brou Alexis, Fotso Arlette Simo, Pourette Dolorès, Maheu-Giroux Mathieu, Sow Souleymane, Camara Cheick Sidi, Doumenc-Aïdara Clémence, Keita Abdelaye, Boily Marie Claude, Silhol Romain, d’Elbée Marc, Bekelynck Anne, Gueye Papa Alioune, Diop Papa Moussa, Geoffroy Olivier, Kamemba Odé Kanku, Diallo Sanata, Ehui Eboi, Ndour Cheick Tidiane, Larmarange Joseph et for the ATLAS team (2022) « Willingness to use and distribute HIV self-test kits to clients and partners: A qualitative analysis of female sex workers’ collective opinion and attitude in Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, and Senegal », Women's Health, 18 (avril 17), p. 1-11. DOI : 10.1177/17455057221092268.
    Résumé : Background:In West Africa, female sex workers are at increased risk of HIV acquisition and transmission. HIV self-testing could be an effective tool to improve access to and frequency of HIV testing to female sex workers, their clients and partners. This article explores their perceptions regarding HIV self-testing use and the redistribution of HIV self-testing kits to their partners and clients.Methods:Embedded within ATLAS, a qualitative study was conducted in Côte-d?Ivoire, Mali, and Senegal in 2020. Nine focus group discussions were conducted. A thematic analysis was performed.Results:A total of 87 participants expressed both positive attitudes toward HIV self-testing and their willingness to use or reuse HIV self-testing. HIV self-testing was perceived to be discreet, confidential, and convenient. HIV self-testing provides autonomy from testing by providers and reduces stigma. Some perceived HIV self-testing as a valuable tool for testing their clients who are willing to offer a premium for condomless sex. While highlighting some potential issues, overall, female sex workers were optimistic about linkage to confirmatory testing following a reactive HIV self-testing. Female sex workers expressed positive attitudes toward secondary distribution to their partners and clients, although it depended on relationship types. They seemed more enthusiastic about secondary distribution to their regular/emotional partners and regular clients with whom they had difficulty using condoms, and whom they knew enough to discuss HIV self-testing. However, they expressed that it could be more difficult with casual clients; the duration of the interaction being too short to discuss HIV self-testing, and they fear violence and/or losing them.Conclusion:Overall, female sex workers have positive attitudes toward HIV self-testing use and are willing to redistribute to their regular partners and clients. However, they are reluctant to promote such use with their casual clients. HIV self-testing can improve access to HIV testing for female sex workers and the members of their sexual and social network.
    Mots-clés : ATLAS, female sex workers, HIV self-testing, partners, perception, secondary distribution, West Africa.
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  • Lamothe Ashley Savard, Gabet Morgane, Richard Zoé, Oliveira Sydia Rosana de Araujo, Coulibaly Abdouramane, Cazarin Gisèle, Zacarias Amanda, Gautier Lara, Ridde Valéry et Zinszer Kate (2022) « A Descriptive Comparison of Mass Testing During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Montreal, Paris, Bamako, and Recife », International Journal of Public Health, 67 (septembre 23). DOI : 10.3389/ijph.2022.1604992.
    Résumé : Objective: The aim of this descriptive article was to compare mass testing for SARS-CoV-2 during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Montreal, Canada; Bamako, Mali; Paris, France; and Recife, Brazil. Methods: Data was collected through interviews with key informants involved in the testing response and a review of the grey literature. The TIDieR-PHP checklist was then used to provide the basis of the intervention descriptions and to compare the data between cities. Results: Descriptive comparisons revealed that the type of test, the testing process, and materials used were similar between the cities during the first wave of the pandemic. In addition, all cities experienced similar material and personnel resource shortages, directly affecting testing accessibility and capacity. The main differences were related to testing capacity and implementation timelines, which were dependent on the state of the health care systems, governance, and access to resources. Conclusion: Results of this study highlight the similarities and differences in testing between the cities and demonstrate the importance of comprehensive intervention descriptions to highlight lessons learned, increase knowledge sharing, and inform policy decisions.
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  • Lange Marie-France (2022) « L’impact de la Covid-19 sur les systèmes scolaires des pays africains francophones », Questions internationales, 115 (septembre 13), p. 97-99.

  • Lange Marie-France, Lauwerier Thibaut et Locatelli Rita (2022) « Éditorial. Le rôle de la privatisation de l’éducation dans l’accroissement des inégalités en Afrique francophone », L’éducation en débats : analyse comparée, 12 (2) (décembre 19), p. 1-4. DOI : 10.51186/journals/ed.2022.12-2.e1049.

  • Lefort-Rieu Claire (2022) « Increasing or diverting control? Refugee self-reliance, political stakes, and international aid to forcibly displaced people in Cameroon », Routed Magazine, Oxford Migration Conference 2022 Special Issue (juin 4), p. [en ligne].

  • Lefort-Rieu Claire (2022) « Du conflit d’usages au prisme communautaire : penser les conflits agropastoraux et leurs réponses à l’est du Cameroun (régions de l’Adamaoua et de l’Est) », Afrique contemporaine, 274 (2), p. 51-69. DOI : 10.3917/afco1.274.0051.
    Résumé : Bien que les « conflits communautaires » soient un sujet vif au Cameroun, tous ne bénéficient pas de la même attention. On se propose d’analyser les formes et conséquences de conflits encore peu étudiés par la littérature académique, à savoir ceux opposant agriculteurs et éleveurs dans les régions de l’Adamaoua et de l’Est. Si ces derniers ne constituent pas un phénomène nouveau, ils ont cependant gagné en intensité ces dernières années. En étudiant la pluralité des facteurs à l’origine de ces tensions entre agriculteurs et éleveurs, on montrera comment des conflits d’usages sont transformés en enjeux intercommunautaires érigeant les parties en groupes rivaux. La récurrence des conflits et les approches qu’ils suscitent, à divers niveaux, mettent en lumière les profondes transformations à l’œuvre dans la zone ainsi que les recompositions et enjeux de pouvoir qui s’y jouent. En étudiant les stratégies déployées par deux types d’acteurs, nationaux (représentants de la communauté mbororo) et internationaux (ONG), on étudie les recompositions dont font l’objet ces tensions agropastorales et la manière dont elles s’articulent avec un contexte autoritaire d’« État stationnaire ».

  • Lefort-Rieu Claire (2022) « Éducation et formation professionnelle en situation de crises humanitaires : l’exemple des migrations forcées au Cameroun », Cahiers d'Outre-Mer, LXXV (286) (décembre 1), p. 453-487. DOI : 10.4000/com.14180.
  • Lefort-Rieu Claire (2022) « Utiliser la santé pour promouvoir la paix : entre illusions et politisation », Diplômées - Les Routes de la Soie éditions, 282-283, p. 47-60.

  • Lefort-Rieu Claire (2022) « "Oriental Christians" in France and in Syria: Political Stakes and Redefined Identities ».

  • Lefrançois Thierry, Malvy Denis, Atlani-Duault Laetitia, Benamouzig Daniel, Druais Pierre-Louis, Yazdanpanah Yazdan, Delfraissy Jean-François et Lina Bruno (2022) « After 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic, translating One Health into action is urgent », The Lancet (octobre), p. S0140673622018402. DOI : 10.1016/S0140-6736(22)01840-2.

  • Leservoisier Olivier (2022) « Relations conjugales et processus d’autonomisation des migrantes haalpulaaren mauritaniennes et sénégalaises aux États-Unis: Regards croisés et contrastés », L’Ouest Saharien, 16 (1) (juin 24), p. 95-118. DOI : 10.3917/ousa.221.0095.
    Résumé : Cet article propose d’interroger le processus d’autonomisation des migrantes haalpulaaren mauritaniennes et sénégalaises aux États-Unis à partir d’une analyse des effets de leur insertion professionnelle sur les relations conjugales. Il s’attache à montrer comment la migration participe à la transformation de leurs rôles et à la redéfinition des rapports conjugaux, tout en étudiant la manière dont les femmes renégocient les normes matrimoniales. L’analyse de parcours et de discours de migrantes révèle ainsi que si leur autonomisation s’avère étroitement liée à leur engagement professionnel, elle implique dans le même temps des coûts sociaux et affectifs bien réels qui témoignent à la fois des limites de leur émancipation et des ambivalences qu’elles entretiennent avec un ordre socio-sexuel.

  • Martinien Avahoundje Elias, Dossou Jean-Paul, Vigan Armelle, Gaye Ibrahima, Agossou Christian, Boyi Christelle, Bello Kéfilath, Mikponhoue Joël, Faly Ba Mouhamadou, Faye Adama et Ridde Valéry (2022) « Factors associated with COVID-19 vaccine intention in Benin in 2021: a cross-sectional study », Vaccine: X (novembre), p. 100237. DOI : 10.1016/j.jvacx.2022.100237.
    Résumé : Introduction The development of COVID-19 vaccines has brought considerable hope for the control of the pandemic. With a view to promoting good vaccine coverage, this study aimed to measure vaccine intention against COVID-19 and to understand the factors that promote it. Method In April 2021, we conducted a cross-sectional and analytical study at the national level through a telephone survey of Beninese aged 18 years or older. We used a marginal quota sampling method (n=865) according to age, gender, and department. We constructed the questionnaire using a theoretical framework of health intention. We determined the factors associated with intention to vaccinate against COVID-19 in Benin using a multinomial logistic regression at the 5% significance level. Results The intention to vaccinate was 64.7%; 10.9% of the population were hesitant, and 24.4% did not want to vaccinate. Thinking that it was important to get vaccinated (AOR=0.274; CI=0.118-0.638) or that getting vaccinated will help protect loved ones from the virus (AOR=0.399; CI=0.205-0.775) increased the intention to vaccinate. Having a high level of education (AOR=1.988; CI=1.134-3.484), thinking that the vaccine could put one's health at risk (AOR=2.259; CI=1.114-4.578), and hearing something negative about the vaccine (AOR=1.765; CI=1.059-2.941) reduced intention to vaccinate. In addition, believing that the creators of the vaccine had ensured its safety (AOR=0.209; CI=0.101-0.430), and believing that it was unlikely to be infected after vaccination (AOR=0.359; CI=0.183-0.703) decreased hesitancy in favour of the intention to vaccinate. Conclusion In April 2021, vaccine intention was high, but maintaining this high rate requires building confidence in the vaccine and combating misinformation about the vaccine. Keywords BeninCOVID-19IntentionVaccine

  • Meyer J. B., Benguerna M., Pellegrini C., Alazali M. et Benbouzid K. (2022) « Higher education in North Africa: comparative evolution of Algeria and Morocco », The Journal of North African Studies (janvier 18), p. 1-18. DOI : 10.1080/13629387.2022.2028259.
    Résumé : The Maghreb countries share a similar demographic profile: around 40% of the population is under twenty-five years of age. The recent upsurge in the birth rate also implies, in the medium term, a large and lasting proportion of young people being in post-school phase and at the point of entry into working life. Considering these structural similarities, is the evolution of higher education going the same path among countries of North Africa? This article explores this question by examining detailed statistics for Algeria and Morocco. They reveal that the two countries have made different university policy choices, but that they are both affected by comparable transformations: the massification and feminisation of their enrolments; a relative emergence of the private sector, occurring recently but at different times; and substantial investments to generalise access for young people to university education, which is considered essential for development. These observations lead to a regional perspective with a prospective vision. A projection of recent trends over the coming decades, linked to demographic forecasts, is proposed. This exercise proves to be highly instructive in assessing the challenges that the situation poses to policymakers.

  • Meyer Jean-Baptiste (2022) « Université et durabilité : survol de la littérature récente » (août 3), p. 116-119.

  • Mignot Léo et Schultz Émilien (2022) « Les innovations d’intelligence artificielle en radiologie à l’épreuve des régulations du système de santé », Réseaux : communication, technologie, société, 232-233, p. 65. DOI : 10.3917/res.232.0065.
    Résumé : La radiologie est l’un des premiers secteurs médicaux à être concerné concrètement par l’arrivée de dispositifs labellisés « intelligence artificielle » pour le traitement des images. Cette évolution, largement invisible dans la mesure où elle concerne des outils à destination des professionnels, pose la question des conditions de régulation de ces innovations, à la fois par rapport aux règles existantes du système de santé et les adaptations nécessaires pour ces nouvelles technologies. À partir d’une enquête menée à la fois auprès des radiologues, des industriels et des représentants des autorités de santé, cet article montre que cette régulation est largement déléguée aux acteurs du domaine. La régulation actuelle est alors le produit du travail normatif des radiologues, utilisateurs des dispositifs médicaux défendant les conditions de leur activité, et des industriels du secteur, qui les développent et doivent compter sur la collaboration des médecins. Le débat public et politique sur l’encadrement de l’IA dans le domaine de la santé reste en retrait des considérations pratiques rencontrées par les acteurs du secteur, qui se construisent autour des délimitations du groupe professionnel des radiologues et de la compétition entre les constructeurs historiques de dispositifs d’imagerie et les nouveaux entrants de l’innovation numérique.
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